Understanding the New 'Outbreak' of White Lung Pneumonia 

White lung pneumonia (Image sourced via Pexels / Photo by shvets)
White lung pneumonia (Image sourced via Pexels / Photo by shvets)

White lung pneumonia is a symptom of pneumonia, which is a respiratory infection affecting the lungs. It starts when a virus, fungus or bacterium gets into one of your lungs. It causes the tiny sacs inside to get inflamed and fill with fluid.

If the virus enters the bronchial tubes, it can cause symptoms in the upper respiratory system, such as runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, and cough.

Recent news shows an outbreak of this respiratory illness in northern China and Ohio in the US — the White Lung Syndrome as people are calling it — has sparked speculation online of a new pandemic threat after COVID-19. But it is not a new infection or pathogen as is being mistakenly believed.

What is White Lung Pneumonia?

White lung pneumonia is a sign of pneumonia that shows up as white areas on a lung X-ray, and it might prompt more testing to see if lung inflammation is viral, bacterial, or caused by exposure to pollution or chemicals.

In China, authorities have attributed the respiratory disease to the circulation of various pathogens, viruses and bacteria like mycoplasma pneumoniae.

According to Dr. GC Khilnani, Chairman of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine at PSRI Hospital, New Delhi, 'the “White Lung Syndrome” is nothing new and is a symptomatic manifestation of a viral or bacterial infection.' He said there is nothing alarming about what is being portrayed.

In Ohio, the health authorities are attributing the rising cases of pneumonia among children to familiar pathogens with no connection to pneumonia clusters in China and parts of Europe. Officials in Ohio’s Warren County stated that a total of 145 cases of pneumonia had been reported in children aged between three and 14. These pediatric pneumonia cases have been referred to as the White Lung Syndrome.

White lung pneumonia (Image sourced via Pexels / Photo by subiyanto)
White lung pneumonia (Image sourced via Pexels / Photo by subiyanto)

William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert at the Vanderbilt University in Nashville, has said about the white lung disease:

“Similar things have been seen in Denmark, the Netherlands, and here in the United States. This is not a surprise. This variety of respiratory viruses and mycoplasma bacteria that are circulating are very common. Some of them get deeper into your chest and cause pneumonia.”

Symptoms and Prevention of White Lung Pneumonia

Signs and symptoms of white lung pneumonia can vary based on what caused the illness in the first place. They can be fever, sweating, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, low energy, fatigue, and nausea and vomiting, especially in small children.

When you see the X-ray or CT scans of the lungs, they appear black. This indicates air in the lungs. Whenever there is an inflammation or collection of fluid in the lungs, which restrict the air sacs, the lungs show up white. The white patches could be because of a bacterial or viral infection.

If the virus or bacteria gets into the substance of the lungs, it can cause difficulty breathing or create sputum that you're bringing up that suddenly looks greenish or is streaked with blood.

White lung pneumonia (Image sourced via Pexels / Photo by edward-jenner)
White lung pneumonia (Image sourced via Pexels / Photo by edward-jenner)

The protective measures learned during the pandemic are key to staying safe and avoiding this kind of pneumonia.

These measures include washing your hands, wearing a mask in particularly crowded spaces, staying home when you’re sick, and most importantly, staying up to date on all available vaccines.

Therefore, after COVID-19, every outbreak creates panic, but so far, there is nothing to be alarmed about. 'White lung' pneumonia is not a new infection, but as the outbreak in China shows, it has been widespread at the community level. It is a symptom of a common respiratory disease, and unless the symptoms are severe, it can be cured by proper doses of antibiotics, anti-fungal medication, and rest at home.

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