Vibration plate exercises: 5 exercises to do on this interesting equipment 

Vibration plate exercises offer a low-impact workout. (Photo via Instagram/lifeprousa)
Vibration plate exercises offer a low-impact workout. (Photo via Instagram/lifeprousa)

Have you tried vibration plate exercises in your gym? If not, now is the time to give this equipment a try.

A vibrating exercise machine is a piece of equipment that offers an unstable exercise surface, which forces the user to engage their core muscles and enhance their muscle tone and strength. Sure, it might feel intimidating initially, but over time, you are going to love working out on it.

Do vibration plates work?

Not only is the vibrating exercise machine interesting and fun, but it works on the body and offers plenty of benefits.

Vibration plate exercises offer a low-impact workout and help improve overall fitness. This exercise machine provides a full body workout, keeps the body toned and also builds strength.

A regular exercise session on a vibration plate may also help improve bone strength and help with back pain, too. In fact, studies suggest that a workout session on a vibration plate takes much less time compared to any traditional weight-bearing workout.

Vibration machine for weight loss: Does it work?

Vibration plate exercises improve bone strength. (Photo via Instagram/bluefinfitness)
Vibration plate exercises improve bone strength. (Photo via Instagram/bluefinfitness)

Although research is limited, there's evidence suggesting that using a vibrating exercise machine regularly may lead to weight loss.

Experts reckon using this machine for as little as 15 minutes a day at least thrice a week can help you burn fat and lose weight, but diet also plays a major factor.

Vibration plate exercises: Ways to exercise with vibrating plate

While you can perform a variety of strength training exercises on a vibration plate, we advise you to start with five of the easy ones as discussed below:

#1 Abdominal crunch

Abdominal crunches are amazing vibration plate exercises that target the legs and abdomen. In this exercise, you have to do a traditional leg crunch while keeping the butts on the vibrating plate.

How to do it?

Sit straight in the center of the machine, and keep your back straight. Place your hands behind your body, and lift the legs a few inches off the floor. Keep the elbows bent, and lean back a bit for balance. Pull your legs in towards your stomach, and extend them back to their starting position. Complete a few reps.

#2 Plank

Planks can be done on a vibrating plate. (Photo via Instagram/lifeprousa)
Planks can be done on a vibrating plate. (Photo via Instagram/lifeprousa)

Planks are among the most effective vibration plate exercises you can do to strengthen your core and abs. Doing this exercise works on the back legs and arms as well.

How to do it?

Place an exercise mat, and lie on your stomach. Place your arms on the vibration plate, and extend your legs straight behind.

Ensure that your back is straight and knees are on the mat. If you're confident enough, lift your knees off the floor, and try to get into a standard plank position. Hold the position for a few seconds, and release.

#3 Squat

Squats are an effective full body exercise, and doing it on an unstable surface makes it even more beneficial, especially for the legs.

How to do it?

Stand straight on a vibration plate, and keep your feet at hip-width distance for better balance.

Place your hands in the front, and start to lower your body into a standard squat position. Press your weight into your heels, and make sure to keep your back straight and chest up. Hold the bottom position for five seconds, and slowly get back up to the starting position. Repeat the exercise.

#4 Push-up

Another great exercise to try on a vibration plate is push-ups. This exercise solely targets the upper body muscles, including the chest, biceps, triceps and shoulders, and help build muscle mass.

If you're a novice, though, start with your knees on the floor and hands on the vibration plate, and progress to performing it the opposite way.

How to do it?

Place your hands on the vibrating exercise machine, and balance your body with your knees on the floor. Lower into a push-up, and return to the starting position. As you progress, consider doing the push-up with your knees off the floor or feet on a vibration plate.

#5 Lunge

Lunges are a great vibration plate exercise. (Photo via Instagram/bluefitness)
Lunges are a great vibration plate exercise. (Photo via Instagram/bluefitness)

Lunges are among the easiest vibration plate exercises you can do to strengthen the core and lower body muscles.

How to do it?

Stand on the vibration plate with your feet together, and take a large step forward with your right leg. Bend your knees, and lower your body till both knees get at a 90-degree angle.

Slowly stand back up to the starting position, and repeat the exercise with your opposite leg. You can place your hands on the waist or clasp them together in front of you.Start slowly and gradually increase the intensity

To achieve the best results, always start the aforementioned vibration plate exercises slowly, and gradually increase the intensity. If you're new to this equipment, make sure to work with a certified trainer to avoid injuries and muscle strain.

It's also important to note that vibration plate exercises are not suitable for everyone, especially for people with mobility problems or any medical condition. So, it's best to consult a doctor before attempting these exercises if you have difficulty maintaining balance, are on medication, or are pregnant.

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