What is Christmas Tree Syndrome and how can it Trigger your Asthma?

Christmas tree Syndrome (Photo by Jeswin Thomas on Pexels)
Christmas tree Syndrome (Photo by Jeswin Thomas on Pexels)

With December arriving the countdown for Christmas has started. In the ongoing preparation for Christmas one must not forget about Christmas tree syndrome which can affect your festive vibe.

Christmas tree syndrome can trigger sneezing, watery eyes, and can trigger your asthma as well. So before you consider putting a Christmas tree in your living room make sure you get the right Christmas tree to avoid the chances of triggering your asthma.

In this article, we will discuss more about Christmas tree syndrome and how it can trigger sneezing, coughing, itchy eyes and asthma. Further, we will discuss about the preventive techniques so that this syndrome does not affect your festive spirit so that you can celebrate Christmas with your loved ones.

Understanding Christmas Tree Syndrome and how it is Related to Asthma

Understanding about Christmas Trees (Photo by Toni Cuenca on Pexels)
Understanding about Christmas Trees (Photo by Toni Cuenca on Pexels)

Irrespective of the type of Christmas tree you get, be it real or artificial, there are chances that it may contain various forms of mold which may trigger sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, and asthma attacks in us if we come into contact with it.

Though real Christmas trees, which are generally obtained from pine trees, may not be directly responsible for the tree syndrome, it can play a significant role indirectly.

Pine trees may contain pine nuts or pollen which, when inhaled, can make you sneeze, cough, and cause a runny nose. Moreover, the scent of pine trees contains terpene which when inhaled can also cause asthma.

Thus, if you are planning to get a real tree make sure you clean it thoroughly. Washing before taking it home, changing clothes after decorating, and taking a freshly cut tree can avoid the chances of getting Christmas tree syndrome.

Artificial Trees or fake trees do not have the risk of pollens or pine nuts but they can have mold in them when stored for a long amount of time. If the storage conditions are not clean enough then the tree may become a hotspot for dust, mold, and the infestation of insects.

Thus, proper inspection of the tree before buying it is essential so as to avoid the Christmas tree syndrome. Properly cleaning it after buying it and wearing masks during decoration can further safeguard you from dust if you have asthma.

Christmas Tree and Asthma

How can a Christmas tree trigger asthma and how to prevent it? (Photo by Tom Swinnen on Pexels)
How can a Christmas tree trigger asthma and how to prevent it? (Photo by Tom Swinnen on Pexels)

If you have asthma it is better to take preventive measures and make sure you do not get in contact with the mold or the pollen from the Christmas tree. Both real and artificial Christmas tree poses a risk to asthma.

Worldwide experts have been warning about the possible impacts of putting up Christmas trees. Further, it is also advised that if you have asthma you should be aware of the triggers and manage them appropriately.

To avoid asthma attacks during the festive season make sure you have an action plan ready with proper medications as per the guidance of the doctor. Keeping an action plan ready can prevent any situation from getting worse in case of an asthma attack.

Christmas tree syndrome can be easily prevented if proper precautions are taken. If you are diagnosed with asthma, you need to be a little more careful and take extra care of your health in the festive season. Staying up to date with the medications, cleaning the tree beforehand and the use of air purifiers can help you avoid the troubles caused due to asthma.

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