Why Strength Training is Important for Athletes? 5 Effective Exercises to Try

Try these exercises for increased strength and performance! (Image via unsplash/Braden Collum)
Exercises for increased strength and performance (Image via Unsplash/Braden Collum)

Strength-training exercises are an important part of any athlete's training programme. They help improve performance and reduce the risk of injury, as well as make athletes stronger and more physically fit.

The exercises mentioned below are some of the best strength-training workouts for athletes, so let's have a look.

What is Strength Training?

Strength training is an exercise programme that uses free weights, resistance bands, and bodyweight to build muscle and increase strength. These exercises are designed to help improve overall performance on the playing field by increasing the ability to generate power and speed.

Why Strength-training is Important to Athletes?

It's important for athletes to strength train, as it can improve performance, help prevent injury, and increase bone density. Strength training also increases muscle strength and size.

Best Strength Training Exercises for Athletes

Here's a look at five such exercises:

1) Squat

A squat is the best exercise to develop strength in the lower body, especially the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and hips. The muscles in the legs that control balance and stability can benefit from squats as well. Squats are also great for improving speed, jumping ability, and overall coordination.

Here's how they're done:

  • The basic squat can be done with your own bodyweight or an additional load placed across your shoulders, such as a barbell or weighted vest.
  • Keep your legs shoulder-width apart, and lower down till your glutes are parallel to the ground.
  • This movement can be performed with either an upright torso position or with a more forward lean. That tends to emphasize the quads, as it places more emphasis on working out both sides of the body simultaneously during one rep sequence instead of solely using one side, like back squats.


2) Deadlift

The deadlift is a compound exercise that involves lifting a weighted barbell from the floor to a standing position. It’s one of the most effective ways to tone the lower body, build muscle mass, and increase strength.

It's also easy to perform and requires only minimal equipment (a barbell and weights). That makes it ideal for people who are new to strength training or those who don't have access to a gym membership.

Here's how it's done:

  • Grab hold of a loaded barbell, and hinge down with your hips.
  • Drill your feet into the ground, and pull the bar up till the back straightens out.
  • Make sure you keep your back arched throughout the movement.


3) Bench Press

The bench press is one of the most fundamental exercises you can do in your strength training routine. It’s called a compound exercise, as it works multiple muscle groups at once, including the chest and triceps.

It's done as follows:

  • Lie on a flat bench, with your feet planted firmly on the floor for stability.
  • With arms bent at 90 degrees and palms facing forward, hold a barbell above your chest with elbows slightly bent. This is the starting position.
  • Press the barbell straight up till the arms are fully extended overhead, which is known as 'lockout'.
  • Lower back down under control till the elbows reach 90 degrees, and repeat for the desired reps or sets.


4) Chin-Up

Chin-ups are great for developing upper body strength. They can be done with or without a partner and require no equipment, which makes them perfect for athletes on the go.

Chin-ups can also be done from a variety of positions and ways, making them one of the most versatile exercises. By incorporating chin-ups into your routine, you can strengthen your arms, back, and shoulders in one move.

They're done as follows:

  • Grab a horizontal pull-up bar with an underhand grip and arms at shoulder-width.
  • Pull yourself up till your chin crosses the bar, and lower down.
  • Try not to jerk, swing, or use any kind of momentum to pull yourself up. Rely solely on your back strength, and use your arms as hooks to perform the movement.


5) The Military Press

The military press is a lift that targets the deltoids, triceps, and traps. It's done as follows:

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart, with the knees bent at about 90 degrees.
  • Hold onto a barbell with an overhand grip, with a thumb around the bar. Keep your back straight and chin up throughout the exercise.
  • Press up till the arms are fully extended above your head.
  • Lower the weight back down to the starting position again by flexing the arm muscles slowly to avoid injury, like pulling tendons from their attachment points to bone or tearing ligaments in the wrist joint area.



Strength training is an important part of any athlete's training programme. We hope this article has given you some ideas on how to start incorporating strength training in your workout routine.

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