Bollywood superstar Abishek Bachchan wants to start a professional women’s kabaddi league in India. The star recently extended support for the Jaipur franchise of Pro-Kabaddi, the first professional kabaddi league in the world, and has now emphasized the importance of sports development for women.
The actor, who was an athlete himself in his younger days, said, “As far as women in sports is concerned, it is equally important for them as it is for men. As far as my kabaddi league is concerned, we are having women kabaddi matches with the men, and we have an agenda to start a women’s kabaddi league in future.”
Bachchan is also quite optimistic about the growth of basketball in India. At the launch of the official online store for the NBA, Bachchan said, “Kabaddi is part of what I am doing, but tomorrow if NBA starts doing something with basketball, I would be the first person to volunteer. I think it’s a brilliant sport and a sport in which Indians can excel. I wish we can do some more to promote it.”
With support from eminent personalities like Bachchan, India may well be entering a positive phase as far as sports other than cricket are concerned.