5 times Shane McMahon did things no MMA fighter could do

Shane loves to entertain the crowd

Shane McMahon has a wire loose in his head and that much is common knowledge. The boss' son always seems to feel the need to one-up himself whenever he steps inside a WWE ring to compete. Some may say it's brave and others will call it stupid, but no matter what camp you fall into, there's no denying the fact that Shane-o-Mac knows how to make headlines.

In fact, Shane is such a unique entity that we'll go so far as to say that no mixed martial artists could accomplish the feats that he achieved. Now that's not to say we don't appreciate MMA fighters because they are phenomenal athletes, but having the grapefruits to pull off what Shane has in the past is an entirely different thing altogether.

After all, Shane didn't need to do any of this. He could've sat back and enjoyed being Vince McMahon's son for the majority of his life. Instead, he took matters into his own hands and made a name for himself as one of the biggest daredevils in WWE history. It may not have always been the smartest idea, but isn't that the whole fun of it?

With that in mind, let's take a look at five times Shane McMahon did things no MMA fighter could do.

#5 Coast to Coast

Everyone loves a good Coast to Coast

Fighters are not built to fly all the way across a wrestling ring and in truth, neither is Shane McMahon - but that doesn't stop him from doing it. The phenomenal move that we always see Shane pull out of the bag is equally as spectacular every time he does it, which is a testament to his ability.

Some may not find it that remarkable, but considering his lack of wrestling training it's a pretty solid feat.

Mixed martial artists wouldn't even know where to begin with this move, mainly because they've likely never attempted anything like it in the past. Pro wrestlers like Shane are able to re-invent themselves and try things of this nature, but we predict that the likes of Conor McGregor would get half way across the ring before giving up and admitting defeat.

Onto his most recent highlight reel moment.

#4 HIAC jump


Shane McMahon climbed to the top of the Hell in a Cell structure, looked around at 100,000 people cheering him on and decided to drop mercilessly down to the announcers' table, crashing through it in an attempt to elbow drop The Undertaker. He's only the second man in the history of WWE to do something of that nature whilst atop the HIAC, and he may well be the last.

What fighter in the UFC, Bellator or anywhere in the world is going to try that? The answer is nobody because they wouldn't want to risk themselves in that manner. Shane is all about throwing caution to the wind and that daredevil attitude was on full display here.

‘Taker looked stunned, the crowd looked stunned and we would be more than stunned if anyone in the MMA world tried this. We move over a decade back into the past for this next entry.

#3 KOTR incident

How did Shane not injure himself?

When Kurt Angle faced off against Shane McMahon at King of the Ring, nobody could have imagined that it would be quite so brutal. Angle attempted to fling Shane through the glass panel, however, it didn't break and Shane instead fell head first onto the concrete.

Despite this, he insisted upon Kurt trying again and on the second attempt, he successfully crashed through to the other side.

Like, what? Why did he even do that? Shane had nothing to prove and yet he felt the need to once again put his long-term health on the line, and whilst MMA fighters do that every time they step into the Octagon they'd never pull off anything like this.

If you drop any one of them on a concrete floor by accident in this kind of environment, they likely wouldn't even think about trying it again.

Onto one of Shane's most daring stunts to date.

#2 Backlash jump

Shane’s Backlash jump took things to a whole new level

Shane McMahon jumped in excess of 40-50 feet from the air down to the ground, crashing down into the body of The Big Show in the process. It was during a drama-filled bout back at Backlash 2001, with Shane coming off the back of his triumphant victory over father Vince at WrestleMania 17.

He clearly wanted to keep his run going, and this was quite the way in which to do that.

Alot of fighters would probably suffer vertigo if they went that high up and if they were up there, the last thing they'd want to do is drop down to the floor with no guarantee of a safe landing. Anything could've happened that night to Shane but he didn't care about that, because the fans were the ones chanting his name by the time the match was over.

We conclude with something on the opposite end of the extreme spectrum.

#1 Character diversity

Shane’s McMahon roots are there for all to see

One week Shane could go out there and be the babyface hero of the masses, then the next he could be the cocky heel who plays the role of the boss' horrible son. You don't find that kind of diversity within MMA fighters because when they're trying to sell a fight, they're either a heel or a babyface and there's no in between.

Hell, most of the time they don't even know they're doing it.

But Shane is one of the best in the business when it comes to mastering his alignments because he knows that fans can easily boo him if the situation requires it. Obviously, he was a triumphant babyface upon his return, but give it a year or two and we may well see Shane turning to the dark side once again.

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