Conor McGregor has a heartwarming message for formerly-conjoined Irish twins

Benhaffaf twins (Left), Conor McGregor (Right) [Image credits: @liam8656 and @thenotoriousmma via Instagram]
Benhaffaf twins (Left), Conor McGregor (Right) [Image credits: @liam8656 and @thenotoriousmma via Instagram]

Ever since Conor McGregor renovated, rebranded and relaunched Dublin's Black Forge Inn gastropub, it has been a hot favorite haunt of fellow Crumlin residents. Other than enjoying the extensive food and liquor menu of the haunt, fans are also allowed to pose with McGregor's UFC belt.

Irish twins Hassan and Hussein Benhaffaf were among the recent guests at the Black Forge Inn, who got to savor the opportunity. Conor McGregor was quick to react under the Instagram post.

The Irishman wrote:

"Love it lads! Hope you are enjoying the pub. ❤️"
Conor McGregor's comment under the post
Conor McGregor's comment under the post

Check out the full post below:

Hassan and Hussein Benhaffaf became household names in Ireland even before they were born. News of them being conjoined spread quickly after their mother, Angie Benhaffaf, underwent a scheduled 20-week scan. Reports showed that the two were joined from chest to pelvis with one leg each.

Their mother told the Irish Examiner that she spent the night with the twins, too scared to sleep, as she and her family were scared they would never see the boys again. However, things turned out well after a team of surgeons at a London hospital spent 14 hours successfully separating the twins when they were four months old.

In 2020, the brothers celebrated their 10-year separation anniversary. RTÉ News did an insightful documentary on their journey.


Trouble-causing peacock compared to Conor McGregor by local resident

While 'The Notorious' can be generous and wholesome in some of his interactions, he is quite obviously known for his more aggressive persona.

According to a recent Mirror report, a peacock wreaking havoc in an East Yorkshire village named Seaton has been compared to McGregor by one of the local citizens. The male bird named Pete has reportedly been on a violent streak for six years, head-butting cars, breaking into homes and defecating everywhere.

Andi Ramsden, a dad-of-three, has compared the peacock's actions to that of the Irishman, per the report:

"It's been in the village for six years harassing people. It sees its reflection and starts head-butting itself, it jumps at its reflection with its feet, it wakes my kids up, it's constantly squawking at midnight, it's just an absolute menace... It's like Conor McGregor. It cries out at all times of the day, waking people. I go to work at 4.30am and its doing it then."

After it was suspected that Pete was in heat and desperate for a mate, he was moved to a nearby farm and paired up with peahen Philomena. However, Pete's attacks on the properties of the unsuspecting residents of Seaton continued.

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