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Tobirama Senju in Naruto

Tobirama Senju was a member of the distinguished Senju Clan. The first Shinobi village, Konohagakure, was established by Tobirama together with his brother Hashirama and the Uchiha Clan.

He devoted his entire life to establishing political stability and putting in place the institutions necessary to make the village system function, assuring Konoha’s prosperity. After his brother’s death, he acquired the title of Second Hokage.

All about Tobirama

NameTobirama Senju
AliasSecond Hokage
First Appearance in AnimeNaruto episode 69
Japanese Voice ActorKen’yū Horiuchi

Kengo Kawanishi (Child)
English Voice ActorPeter Lurie

Jamieson Price

Steven Blum

Benjamin Diskin
BirthdateFebruary 19

Allied Shinobi Forces
TeamTeam Tobirama

Escort Unit


Tobirama, the second of Butsuma Senju’s four sons, was born during the Warring States period. He and his siblings were raised in a continual state of conflict with their opposing clans, particularly the Uchiha. Tobirama and his older brother Hashirama concluded a new Shinobi system would need to be put in place to prevent the cycle of child deaths; a system that would necessitate a pact between the warring clans after the deaths of their brothers Kawarama and subsequently Itama.

Tobirama accepted his father’s assignment to follow Hashirama and discovered what he was doing after it became evident at some point that Hashirama had developed the habit of going into the forest for protracted periods of time. Tobirama found out that Hashirama was meeting with a boy named Madara, a young Uchiha. Butsuma persuaded Hashirama to take Madara into an ambush when Tobirama informed their father about the situation. However, when they sprang the trap, they were greeted by Madara’s family, who had similar intentions.

While their fathers clashed, Tobirama engaged in combat with Madara’s younger brother Izuna Uchiha. After successfully negotiating a brief ceasefire, Hashirama and Madara were able to escape together without any casualties. Their families would continue to fight in the years that followed, Hashirama against Madara and Tobirama against Izuna. Tobirama eventually fatally wounded Izuna on one occasion. Hashirama, who was by this time the Senju Leader, attempted to use Izuna’s fate to propose a truce between the two clans but Madara refused the request. More Uchihas began to support the Senju and his denial came to represent the minority position.

After Izuna succumbed to his wounds, Madara, distraught, launched one last defense against the Senju but was soundly crushed. To conclude the fighting, Tobirama tried to kill Madara, but Hashirama stopped him as knew it would only lead to a resumption of hostilities between the Senju and Uchiha. Madara offered to surrender if Hashirama killed Tobirama or himself. Despite Tobirama’s objections, Hashirama instructed him not to seek revenge as he prepared to kill himself. In the end, Madara retracted his demand and consented to peace.

Tobirama During The Foundation of Konoha

In order to create Konoha, a hamlet of peace where kids wouldn’t have to lose their lives in battle, the Senju, the Uchiha, and all of their allied clans gathered together. Hashirama was optimistic about the village’s future, but Tobirama remained realistic about how the future would be, realizing that it wouldn’t be enough to simply unite these tribes. He believed that the Uchiha, particularly Madara, posed a threat to that future. When Tobirama opposed Hashirama’s plan to pick Madara for the position of Hokage, he compelled him to hold a democratic election in its place. This resulted in Hashirama acquiring the position of First Hokage. Throughout Hashirama’s reign, Tobirama served as the voice of reason. At the first Kage Summit, Tobirama urged that the newly-formed villages pay for the Tailed Beasts they received, despite Hashirama’s desire to give Konoha’s tailed beasts to the other newly-formed villages for free.

The new Ninja village system saw temporary tranquility under Hashirama’s leadership. At some point, Tobirama began coaching his own trio of students consisting of Hiruzen Sarutobi, Homura Mitokado, and Koharu Utatane. He outlawed his own inventions because their use was no longer necessary, including the Shadow Clone Technique and Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation (Reanimation Jutsu or Edo Tensei). But ultimately, Madara challenged Hashirama’s authority and the two battled at what would become known as the Valley of the End. Wars would start to break out in other parts of the world, and Hashirama would die during one of them. Before his death, he passed on the Title of Hokage to Tobirama and left him instructions to not mistreat the Uchiha.

Tobirama as the Second Hokage

Tobirama’s responsibility as the Hokage was to assist Konoha’s Shinobis to transition from prioritizing their clan to appreciating the village and everyone who lived there. He established the Academy, the Anbu and the Chūnin exams in order to achieve this. The methods were largely successful to an extent that the other villages adopted the same organizations, which made Uchiha resist the loss of their autonomy. Tobirama established the Konoha Military Police Force for the Uchiha to command, officially as a symbol of trust but mostly for the Uchiha to channel their energies into something advantageous. This was implemented because of Tobirama’s suspicion of the Uchiha, considering the history with Madara. However, some people would come to view this as a means of eradicating the clan.

Tobirama’s death

Like Hashirama, Tobirama made an export to improve the relations with other villages. He envisioned an alliance between Konoha and Kumogakure but the Gold and Silver Brothers assaulted him and the Second Raikage at a formal ceremony, leaving both of them in critical condition. Team Tobirama, together with Danzo Shimura, Torifu Akimichi and Kagami Uchiha, were encircled by Kumogakure’s Kinkaku Force during the First Shinobi World War. As there was no way for any of them to escape, Tobirama offered to take Hiruzen’s place as a decoy. As he departed, he handed over Hiruzen the responsibility of Konoha, leaving him with the title of Hokage, before being killed by Kinkaku.

Tobirama During The Konoha Crush

Orochimaru invades Konoha in order to assassinate his master Hiruzen Sarutobi. As he wanted Hiruzen to experience the thrill of fighting, Orochimaru reincarnates Hashirama and Tobirama. Hashirama realizes how long he has been dead after observing how old Hiruzen has grown. Meanwhile, Tobirama realizes that he was forced to battle against Hiruzen as they were reincarnated through the Impure World Reincarnation. Orochimaru suppresses their personalities and also makes them attack.

Due to Hashirama and Tobirama’s coordination and responsiveness, Hiruzen finds it difficult to counter their attacks. The few blows he manages to strike are simply renewed by their reborn bodies. Hiruzen implies his last remaining option as killing Orochimaru wouldn’t stop the Reanimation Jutsu. He summons two shadow clones and has them capture each of the Reanimated Hokage and apply the Dead Demon Consuming Seal (Reaper Death Seal) on them. Hashirama and Tobirama apologize for bothering Hiruzen as their personalities are restored, to which Hiruzen apologizes for the punishment he meted out to them. He extracts the souls from their previous lives and feeds them to the Shinigami.

Tobirama In The Fourth Shinobi World War

While the Allied Shinobi Forces battled against Ten Tails, Obito and Madara, Orochimaru summoned the souls of the previous Hokage from the stomach of the Shinigami and then reincarnated them. Hashirama and Tobirama are excited to meet Minato, the Fourth, and see him as a sign of Konoha’s continuing prosperity after taking in their surroundings. When Tobirama chastises Orochimaru for using the Impure World Reincarnation repeatedly, Orochimaru accuses Tobirama of having invented the technique in the first place. He also holds Tobirama accountable for several of his other decisions made while serving as Hokage, notably for Konoha Police Military Force’s role in fostering Uchiha dissent. Tobirama receives a rebuke from Hashirama for disobeying his orders to treat the Uchiha fairly. Tobirama prepares to assault Sasuke when he threatens to destroy Konoha as he believes his treatment of the Uchiha has been unjustified, but Hashirama immediately stops him.

After learning about Madara Uchiha’s revival, Tobirama attempts to head towards the battlefield, only to be stopped by Orochimaru as he can manipulate those under his control of the Impure World Reincarnation. Tobirama is thus forced to standby and listen while Hashirama shares his personal encounters with Madara and the Uchiha. After Hashirama’s story concludes, Tobirama shares some of his own encounters. Sasuke decides to oppose Madara’s current plan of destroying Konoha after listening to the four Hokage. Afterwards, Orochimaru releases the four Hokage from his control so that they can aid the Shinobi battling against Madara. They arrive at the location where war was waging between the Allied Shinobi Forces and the Ten-Tails.

Shortly after Minato, Tobirama enters the fray and praises his quickness. Once all the Hokage gather, they work together to build a wall around the Ten-Tails to contain it. Tobirama observes as Sasuke and the Allies battle against the Ten-Tails since he must remain with the barrier to keep it operational. Tobirama makes two shadow clones to pursue Madara when Obito Uchiha shows up on the battlefield and begins to revive Madara. Once more, Minato gets there first and strikes Obito before Madara can be revived.

In addition to the fact that Minato’s attack came too late, Madara’s revival was not Obito’s plan. Obito locks the Ten-Tails within himself, becoming its Jinchūriki. Obito destroys the barrier using his new power, letting the Hokage to finally enter the battle. Obito slashes through Tobirama and one of Hashirama’s wood clones. As he mulls over his next move, Tobirama orders everyone to evacuate the area while he uses the Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags as the clone holds Obito captive.

While Tobirama regenerates, Hiruzen and Minato engage Obito after the attack is ineffective. After being revived, he sends a Shadow Clone to brand Obito with a Flying Thunder God Seal and then redirect the Truth-Seeking Ball that has been linked to Minato back to Obito. The Flying Thunder God Mutually Instantaneous Revolving Technique is used in a coordinated attack by Tobirama, Minato, Sasuke and Naruto, but Obito escapes without sustaining any injuries. After observing that Minato has not regenerated an arm lost to Obito, Tobirama theorizes that Obito’s Truth-Seeking Balls can nullify the advantages of the Impure World Reincarnation and other ninjutsu as well.

Gamakichi uses the Starch Syrup Gun to attempt an improvised attack on Obito, which appears to have some success. Separately, Tobirama and Naruto come to the conclusion that Obito is vulnerable to Senjutsu (Sage Jutsu). Tobirama teleports Naruto above Obito as he activates his Sage Mode in order to attack him. Obito discovering a weakness, traps the Shinobi Alliance inside a barrier to wipe them out using Tailed Beast Bombs. Tobirama and Minato concluded that they couldn’t teleport away all the bombs, but Naruto comes up with a plan of Teleporting the entire Alliance outside the barrier. As a result of their combined efforts, Tobirama helps them by teleporting them to Obito to launch another attack on him. Obito blocks it and strikes back by transforming the Ten-Tails into a tree. After stopping some of the roots from tearing through the Allies, Tobirama teleports Naruto, Sasuke, Minato and Hiruzen together to devise a new strategy. With Hashirama’s encouragement, Naruto and Sasuke direct the Alliance’s assault while Tobirama teleports Shinobi to safety when they need it.

After Obito is vanquished and the Ten-Tails is extracted from his body, Madara is successfully brought back to life. Tobirama undertakes a vain attempt to halt Madara as he prepares to become the Ten-Tails’ next Jinchūriki. Madara pins him down using many black receivers while they exchange expressions of dislike for one another.

As Sasuke tackles Madara to distract him, Tobirama attacks him with the little mobility he has left. Madara, blocking the attack, severely wounds Sasuke as Tobirama pleads him to stop. Tobirama is left to witness Sasuke’s waning life as Madara departs. Later, Kabuto Yakushi shows up after a short period of time to save Sasuke. After Tobirama is recovered, Sasuke takes the black receivers out of his body and has him teleport to Naruto’s location to confront Madara.

Sasuke and Naruto fail at attempting to stop Madara from releasing the Infinite Tsukuyomi. The only ones unaffected by the phenomena are Tobirama and other reincarnated Hokage, who gather there but only discover Madara’s lower half. The Sage of the Six Paths intervenes and prevents Tobirama from asking Madara what happened by employing the Impure World Reincarnation.

After Naruto and Sasuke successfully seal Kaguya Otsutsuki, the Sage summons Team 7, Madara and the Tailed Beasts from Kaguya’s dimension by working together with the spirits of the deceased Kage. The Sage sends all the Kage back to the Pure Land after Madara spoke a few final words to Hashirama. Tobirama urges Hashirama to put Sasuke and Naruto in charge of the future as his spirit ascends.


Tobirama was a severe man who rarely spared facts or the current situations of any embellishment. He had a practical outlook on life and thought that various issues in the world could be resolved by following clearly laid out norms and laws. He was generally calm and collected, rarely becoming agitated or reacting emotionally, despite the fact that his statements might frequently come out as impolite or disrespectful. This gave him the ability to serve as a sort of counterbalance to the ambitions of his older brother, Hashirama : when Hashirama would lose control of his brash optimism, it was up to Tobirama to mediate and compel a more practical opinion in order to accomplish those idealistic goals.

Tobirama’s interference frequently left Hashirama disappointed, but he usually agreed without much resistance. But occasionally, Hashirama would push back against Tobirama, usually because Tobirama’s tactics were getting too aggressive. On these instances, Hashirama’s infrequent outbursts of rage were sufficient to convince Tobirama to back down, one such moment occurred during their meeting with Sasuke during the Fourth Shinobi World War when Tobirama gets enraged over Sasuke’s opinion about deciding whether to attack Konoha. Tobirama greatly loved and respected his brother despite how frequently he felt the need to discredit him and his own belief was that Hashirama was somewhat an idiot. He wanted Hashirama to appreciate himself in the same manner he and others did.

Tobirama firmly believed in the Will Of Fire, which maintained that every Konoha villager was a member of a single family. Tobirama’s duty as Hokage was to defend that family, anyone who endangered Konoha would be subjected to his rarely seen but uncontrolled rage. He tried to find a balance between Hashirama’s indulgent nature and Madara’s ruthlessness in order to safeguard the village, modeling his own leadership after both Hashirama and Madara Uchiha.

Tobirama desired that the inhabitants, with their many histories, would stop thinking just about their clan and start considering the community as a whole. He felt that they prioritized their personal desires too often and that Madara was the worst example of this inclination, which is why he had disagreements with them quite often.

Tobirama had sincerely thought that the Konoha Military Police Force would aid the Uchiha in focusing on the village, but he was unsurprised when they interpreted it as an intended snub, which prompted them to plot a coup against Konoha, which ultimately resulted in their near extinction. Despite this apparent animosity toward the Uchiha, Tobirama was willing to work with any of them who could escape the “Curse of Hatred”. He mentioned Kagami Uchiha as such an example, whom he held at high regard for devoting his life to Konoha’s welfare.

During the Fourth Shinobi War, despite Tobirama’s brief acquaintance with Minato, he got along with the latter really well. Their mutual respect for one another seems to be based on their shared characteristic of acting and reasoning rapidly under pressure. Tobirama was amused by Minato’s eccentricities, such as his complicated names for techniques, singularly the “Spiralling Flash Super round Dance Howl Stage Three”, despite the fact that their personalities were very different. Tobirama was more frustrated with Minato’s son, Naruto Uzumaki, than anyone else. He often mentioned Naruto’s goofiness and talked about his personality being somewhat similar to Hashirama’s.


Tobirama was a tall, fair-skinned man with silver, shaggy hair and red colored eyes. He had three red markings on his face, two under his eyes and one on his chin. He wore blue armor with a distinctive white fur collar over a black suit during combat. This armor was assembled using various metal plates, forming into many multiple protective guards along his body. He wore twin shoulder guards on each arm under his shoulder armor. This clothing was accompanied by sandals and happuri in place of the more traditional forehead protector.

The happuri was initially engraved with Senju’s Emblem, later replaced with Konoha’s. In Hokage's portrait, Tobirama was seen wearing the usual white haori with a blue kimono underneath. His informal outfit was a simple short sleeved blue shirt kimono with mesh armor underneath, held closed by a pale yellow sash. This included blue pants and a bracelet of sorts on his left hand.

As a child, he wore a pair of pin-striped pants and a shirt which left his arms exposed. He did not have red markings on his face during the time. He wore fishnet armor around his wrists and shins, and green metal plates that covered his torso, lower back and groin during combat.


Tobirama was widely known as one of the most powerful Shinobi in history. His intelligence and physical prowess were even praised by his rivals. He was able to kill Izuna Uchiha – Madara’s younger brother who was equal in skills and power. Danzo often praised the might of Tobirama’s reign and power, stating his prowess was unmatched during his term as the Hokage. Tobirama was also able to survive a battle against the duo – Ginkaku and Kinkaku, who possessed the Nine-Tails chakra and wielded Four of the Treasured Tools of the Sage of the Six Paths.

Tobirama was methodical in battle, hitting only when he was sure he would win and without any mercy. He had a reputation for surprising opponents who had let their guard down and believed they had won. He pays close attention to every detail of a battle in order to capitalize on every possible advantage, analyzing his opponents’ methods and techniques to determine their goals, workings, and eventually their weakness.

Besides his physical prowess, he was a shinobi with exceptional intelligence who created countless jutsu. He created the Shadow Clone Technique, the Impure World Reincarnation (Reanimation Technique) and his signature jutsu ; Flying Thunder God Technique (Flying Raijin) or the Teleportation Technique. Besides these techniques, he was known to have devised thousands of jutsu.

He was also adept in talents in which he had no formal training, such as being able to identify a toad from Mount Myōboku and their senjutsu or various types of complex natural transformations.

Chakra and Physical Prowess

Tobirama was known as the fastest Shinobi. He was quick enough to sneakily mark a target for his Space-Time Ninjutsu while also covering it with explosive tags. Tobirama has been depicted moving swiftly under water. He possessed the taijutsu proficiency to compete against his old pupil Hiruzen Sarutobi, who is renowned for possessing complete command over all shinobi techniques.

He had enough Chakra stored away to simultaneously transfer two Tailed Beast Mode Users, and when he released it, the surroundings were noticeably altered. He could perform complicated techniques with just one hand seal because of his highly advanced chakra control. He was powerful enough to overcome the nearly-perfected control of the Reanimation Technique.


Tobirama was competent in various ninjutsu techniques including barrier ninjutsu and shurikenjutsu. He was proficient enough to engage with Izuna Uchiha in combat more than once. He even mastered the use of the Sword of the Thunder God, a blade with electrical abilities. He could also release multiple shadow clones in a battle who would take over for him when he was otherwise occupied.

Tobirama had been a skilled sensor since he was a child. He could sense people from other countries, determine a target’s genealogy by their chakra signature and even pinpoint a target’s precise location by simply touching a finger to the ground. Tobirama was also shown to have the ability to cast genjutsu to imprison a target in a constant state of darkness that even Hiruzen Sarutobi was unable to counter. He also had the ability to send his soul to a dying Sasuke and would have done so if he had not been paralyzed by Madara’s black receivers.

Nature Transformation

Tobirama was able to employ Yin and Yang Release in addition to the Five fundamental nature alterations. His proficiency with Water Release allowed him to produce large quantities of the substance without the need for an existing water supply. This allowed him to deploy advanced water Release techniques at any time, which was no small feat. Tobirama was shown to counter Madara’s Fire Style using water release.

He has the ability to generate needle-shaped missiles to catch an opponent off guard while targeting their vital places or blast high-pressured streams from his mouth to slash through targets. He may potentially build defenses or big water dragons to attack his adversary. He could infiltrate a battlefield with water, mold it into tentacles and drag enemies down with him to drown them.

Teleportation Technique

It is commonly known that Tobirama was skilled in Teleportation Ninjutsu. He had the ability to instantly teleport himself or other targets to any place indicated with his seal by using the Flying Thunder God Technique. Tobirama has demonstrated the capacity to connect his chakra to another Teleportation Technique user’s seal in order to teleport himself or others to designated locations should the necessity arise.

Tobirama can monitor a battlefield and teleport any number of individuals, shielding them from harm, by connecting his chakra with others. He could move quickly through a space and attack at the right time before his opponent could respond by using a marked area or throwing a marked Kunai with exact timing.

During the Fourth Shinobi War, Tobirama engaged in using this technique on multiple occasions to counter enemy attacks and to teleport various Shinobi to safety.


Tobirama was highly proficient in summoning methods. His most notorious move was the Summoning : Impure World Reincarnation, which put the souls of the deceased back into eternal bodies that could regenerate.

He developed the Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags to capitalize on the inherent advantages of revived bodies, engaging them in kamikaze-style attacks to produce nearly unlimited chains of explosives on a target and was believed to utilize them whenever he needed to clear a map. Tobirama classified it as a kinjutsu in the hopes that no one would ever use it again. The fact that he could only control a small number of resurrected bodies at once, whose power was constrained in comparison to themselves while they were alive, suggested that he never fully developed this skill.

Tobirama’s quotes

(To Hashirama and Itama) “Grown-ups are idiots. If they really want to bring an end to this endless fighting, they need to sit down with one another and reach a truce.”

(To Hiruzen) “Saru, you must protect those who have faith in you and who love the village, and train up to those to whom you can entrust the next generation.. From tomorrow, you will be the Hokage..”

(To Sasuke) “My brother believed that the village was something that demolished the boundaries between clans. Well in the end it wasn't that simple…My brother was too soft.. And Madara is too dangerous… My role as Second Hokage was to mediate between them while protecting and reinforcing the village.”

(About Naruto) “That settles it, I have actually found a bigger idiot than my brother.”

Tobirama’s Top Fights

Tobirama vs Izuna


Tobirama vs Hiruzen during Konoha Crush


Tobirama vs Obito


Tobirama in Other Media

Tobirama is a playable character in the following video games:

  1. Naruto Mobile
  2. Naruto Shippūden: Ninja Destiny 2
  3. Naruto Shippūden : Ninja Destiny 3
  4. Naruto Shippūden : Ultimate Ninja 4
  5. Naruto Shippūden : Ultimate Ninja 5
  6. Naruto Shippūden : Ultimate Ninja Blazing
  7. Naruto Shippūden : Ultimate Ninja Storm 3
  8. Naruto Shippūden : Ultimate Ninja Storm 4
  9. Naruto Shippūden : Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations
  10. Naruto Shippūden : Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution
  11. Naruto to Boruto : Shinobi Striker
  12. Naruto x Boruto : Ninja Voltage
  13. Naruto : Shinobi Collection
  14. Naruto : Shinobi Collection Shippū Ranbu
  15. Naruto : Ultimate Ninja 3
  16. Naruto : Ultimate Ninja Online


Q. How strong is Tobirama?

A. When Tobirama succeeded his brother, his power was unsurpassed. He was capable of releasing all five nature transformations and was able to employ Yin and Yang as well. His intelligence was praised by even his rivals. Tobirama was known to have created thousands of jutsu.

Q. Who is faster, Tobirama or Minato?

A. Tobirama is known to have invented the Flying Raijin Technique, a Teleportation jutsu. However, Minato is known to be the fastest user.

Q. Why did Tobirama create Edo Tensei?

A. The Edo Tensei, also known as the Impure World Reincarnation was created by Tobirama in order to gain an exceptional advantage in combat against a huge number of foes.

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