5 things Pokemon GO did wrong with April 2024 avatar update

5 things Pokemon GO did wrong with April 2024 avatar update
Things that Pokemon GO went wrong with in April 2024 avatar update (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Since its release in July 2016, Pokemon GO has captivated millions with its innovative blend of Pokemon nostalgia and augmented reality technology. The game's April 2024 avatar update introduced significant changes to the Style Shop, notably removing gender restrictions to allow more personalized avatar customization. This step towards inclusivity is commendable; however, the update also includes less favorable changes that have led to player dissatisfaction.

These issues include reduced avatar detail, limited skin tone options, unnatural avatar proportions, monetization of key features, and technical glitches with clothing items. Despite its strides towards greater inclusivity, these challenges highlight the difficulty in balancing innovation with maintaining user satisfaction. This article will explore both the positive aspects and the shortcomings of the new customizations in the April 2024 Pokemon GO update.

Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.

5 key features that went wrong in the latest Pokemon GO's April 2024 avatar update

1) Reduced avatar detail

Side-by-side comparison of Pokemon GO avatars before and after the update (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Side-by-side comparison of Pokemon GO avatars before and after the update (Image via The Pokemon Company)

One of the standout features of Pokemon GO has been the ability to create an avatar that represents the individuality of each player. The April 2024 update, however, brought a reduction in the detail of avatar models.

Players have noticed that the new models are less detailed, giving them a more generic appearance. This lack of uniqueness undermines one of the joys of personalizing virtual presence in the game.

2) Absence of middle skin tones

Skin tone customization available currently in Pokemon GO (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Skin tone customization available currently in Pokemon GO (Image via The Pokemon Company)

In a world that increasingly values diversity and representation, the decision to remove many middle skin tones from the avatar customization options is a step backward.

This change has not only limited the ability for players to create avatars that resemble themselves, but also sparked disappointment across the community. The lack of representation affects the inclusivity of the game, alienating players who feel unrepresented.

3) Bizarre neck proportions

Pokemon go Avater customizations (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Pokemon go Avater customizations (Image via The Pokemon Company)

A peculiar change in this update is the alteration of avatar neck proportions. Some now feature unnaturally shortened necks, leading to an odd and somewhat distracting appearance.

Players have expressed confusion and dissatisfaction with this design choice, questioning the necessity of such a drastic and visually unappealing change.

4) Monetary restrictions

The Pokemon GO in-game store (Image via The Pokemon Company)
The Pokemon GO in-game store (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Another major criticism of the latest update is the introduction of monetary restrictions on some of the most desirable avatar customization options. While it's understandable from a business perspective to offer premium items, locking significant customization behind paywalls can alienate the player base.

This approach particularly frustrates those who are unwilling or unable to spend additional money on what is essentially a free-to-play game.

5) Clothing bugs and clipping issues

Body adjustments currently available in the game (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Body adjustments currently available in the game (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Finally, the update introduced new clothing options, which, while exciting, have been plagued with bugs and clipping issues. These problems occur when clothing items do not interact correctly with the avatar models, causing them to clip through each other and disrupt the game's aesthetics.

Such issues detract from the overall immersive experience and polish that players expect from such a well-established title.

While updates are essential for keeping games like Pokemon GO fresh and engaging, the April 2024 avatar update seems to have missed the mark in several key areas.

By reducing avatar detail, limiting diversity, introducing bizarre physical proportions, monetizing essential customization options, and allowing bugs in new clothing items, this update has unfortunately not lived up to many players' expectations.

Moving forward, the developers will need to address these missteps and perhaps reconsider some of their design and monetization strategies to better align with the desires of their community.

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