“Every damn year”: Pokemon GO player hilariously describes Masterwork Research complaints 

“Every damn year”: Pokemon GO player hilariously describes Masterwork Research complaints
Community discusses Masterwork Research's difficulty in Pokemon GO (image via The Pokemon Company)

In the vibrant world of Pokemon GO, a new challenge has the community buzzing with enthusiasm, exasperation, and humor. Known as Masterwork Research, this daunting quest line pushes the boundaries of what players are accustomed to in their daily Pokemon GO adventures.

As previous rewards for this rigorous endeavor involve rare Pokemon like Mew, Lugia, Jirachi, and Shaymin, the stakes are high, and so are the expectations. Yet, as the community dives into these tasks, a familiar chorus arises:

"Every damn year."

Reddit players have mostly felt positive about Masterwork Research in Pokemon GO

At the heart of this recurring spectacle is the Masterwork Research itself. Designed as a form of Special Research that can only be completed once per path, it requires players to embark on a lengthy and arduous journey to claim their final reward.

Unlike its less demanding counterparts, Masterwork Research is notorious for its difficulty and time-consuming nature, a fact that Pokemon GO developers Niantic have made clear from the outset.

Despite the warnings, the advent of a new Masterwork Research story inevitably sparks a flurry of complaints within the community, with players voicing their frustrations over the extended and challenging nature of the quests. This phenomenon has become so predictable that it has become a running joke among the player base, encapsulated by the Redditer that started the discussion.

The Reddit discussion surrounding Masterwork Research sheds light on the diverse perspectives within the community. Some players relish the challenge, seeing it as an opportunity to engage with the game on a deeper level and maintain their daily play habits.

Comment byu/iNezumi from discussion inpokemongo
Comment byu/iNezumi from discussion inpokemongo

Others, however, critique the design of certain tasks within the Masterwork Research, drawing a line between challenge and what they perceive as "artificial difficulty" or lazy game design.

For instance, a task requiring players to collect an extensive number of specific Pokemon in an environment where those Pokemon are scarce can feel more frustrating than rewarding.

Comment byu/iNezumi from discussion inpokemongo
Comment byu/iNezumi from discussion inpokemongo

Interestingly, the conversation also touches on the psychological aspects of game design, with some players criticizing time-gated tasks as a mechanism more suited to habit formation than to providing genuine enjoyment.

Players specifically critiqued the use of time gates as a means to keep players coming back without necessarily enriching their gameplay experience.

Comment byu/iNezumi from discussion inpokemongo

Yet, amid the critiques and challenges, a sense of camaraderie and humor prevails. Newcomers to the Masterwork Research experience often find it easier and more enjoyable than anticipated, perhaps benefiting from adjusted expectations and the shared wisdom of more seasoned players.

And for every player who groans at the prospect of another year of daunting tasks, there's another who dives in with gusto, eager to conquer whatever Niantic throws their way.

Comment byu/iNezumi from discussion inpokemongo

As Pokemon GO continues to evolve, the Masterwork Research complaints have become a quirky and endearing part of the game's culture - a testament to the passionate and diverse community that has grown around this augmented reality adventure.

Whether players love them, hate them, or love to hate them, the Masterwork Research challenges remain a cornerstone of the Pokemon GO experience, prompting laughter, groans, and, above all, a shared journey through the world of Pokemon.

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