5 Wrestlers We'd love to see Jon Moxley face at AEW Fight for the Fallen 

Fight for the Fallen
Fight for the Fallen

Ever since the former Dean Ambrose arrived in All Elite Wrestling at Double or Nothing, he's been on fire in the wrestling business, and with AEW's third show on the horizon, they need to have Moxley on the show somehow. With Kenny Omega wrestling CIMA on this night, it's clear that Mox will be there in some capacity, but another singles victory could continue his momentum on the build to All Out in August.

With AEW looking to continue their momentum from Double or Nothing and Fyter Fest, having all of their top stars (Chris Jericho included this time) on hand makes complete sense. While anyone on the roster would be a great opponent for Mox, the following 5 would be the best opponents for the former Dean Ambrose, and we'd love to see him face any of these opponents in Jacksonville.

#5 Sammy Guevara

Sammy Guevara
Sammy Guevara

In terms of wrestlers, there may be no two different performers than Guevara and Moxley, but given these differences, the two could actually put on quite an entertaining bout. Sammy may be a top heel in the company, but he's quite an athletic and high-flying performer, and with Moxley's aggressive and violent side, the two styles would clash quite well.

AEW has a big-time future ahead of them, so we don't need to see dream matches every show, and while this isn't one of those, the more you hear about it, the more fun you know it would be.

Sammy knows how great he is as a performer, but we haven't seen much of it in AEW so far, and stepping up to the companies hottest star is the best way to put himself on the map. It's hard to see Guevara defeating such a big-time star, and that will put him to 0-2 in AEW, but even in a loss, Sammy could no doubt elevate his standing within AEW by putting on a great performance with one of the world's best.

#4 Jungle Boy

Jungle Boy
Jungle Boy

Given his talent, great character and good looks, Jungle Boy with Luchasaurus beside him no doubt has a great future in AEW, and a step up against Moxley would be the biggest test of his career. With that being said, it's no doubt something he's ready for, and even with a loss, simply going toe-to-toe with Moxley would elevate his standing in the eyes of the AEW fans.

Given how small Jungle Boy is, it's unlikely that he'd have much of a chance against Moxley, but the face vs. face dynamic would be quite enjoyable to see. Fight for the Fallen already features 4 great, diverse matches, and whether this one goes the comedy route or the full-on violence and athleticism route, it would be a fantastic bout.

It's likely that the company will look to build Jungle Boy and his partnership with Luchasaurus before putting him in the spotlight like this, but they've already proven they can take chances, and this is one they'll certainly consider.

#3 Pentagon Jr.

Pentagon Jr
Pentagon Jr

In AEW, Pentagon Jr. has been featured solely as a tag team performer alongside Fenix, but he's just as good as a singles performer, and this would be a great opportunity for him to prove it. Back at All In, Pentagon took Kenny Omega to the limit, and given their history, using this as a warm-up for the All Out match in August would be perfect for Jon Moxley.

That's not to say that Pentagon is a stepping stone to All Out, as he has the talent and the violence to match Moxley, and this would add another high-profile singles bout to an already great card. This probably won't happen, as AEW is adamant on pushing The Lucha Bros as a top tag team, but given the teases between Omega and Pentagon from Fyter Fest, Pentagon Jr. as a singles star is clearly something the fans want to see, so we hope it can happen.

#2 Jimmy Havoc

Jimmy Havoc
Jimmy Havoc

Many people expected All Elite Wrestling to save the deathmatch dreams with Moxley for later on in the company, but they wasted absolutely no time getting him in the ring with The Bad Boy. Janela is America's death-match King right now, and the UK's version is Jimmy Havoc, so if AEW wants to continue on with dream death-matches for Moxley, this one makes too much sense to pass on.

The King of the Goths is ultra-violent, and his love for blood and pain is aggressively apparent, and the former Progress Champion has made no secret about his desires to wrestle Moxley. It would be wise of AEW to keep some of these matches for later down the line when they can tell a proper story, but if we were to see back-to-back death-matches from Moxley, this one would be violent, unique and a star-making performance from Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy F*N Havoc.

#1 MJF


MJF is the fastest rising star in all of professional wrestling, and despite his ongoing rivalry with Hangman Page, this is a match he should take at Fight for the Fallen. While it's not the best matchup for The Salt of the Earth, Moxley is a big-time star, and the step up would be good for MJF to prove that he's a main- event talent going forward.

Despite his great look and style, MJF is actually quite an experienced death match performer in CZW, but given how violent Mox got back at Fyter Fest, that's a challenge that MJF should certainly avoid. Ultimately, this is quite unlikely, as MJF has many dream matches going forward that AEW need to be patient with, but if they want yet another high profile singles bout to sell Fight for the Fallen, this is one that fans would definitely tune in to see.

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