Impact Wrestling Results (June 7th, 2019): The Rascalz shock LAX, a huge return turns the Knockouts division upside down

The Rascalz planned on scoring a huge upset and their first championship win in the main event
The Rascalz planned on scoring a huge upset and their first championship win in the main event

Tonight, after weeks of hard work and conditioning, The Rascalz would finally get a shot at LAX and the Impact World Tag Team Championship. Des and Wentz would have the chance to knock off arguably the greatest tag team on the planet.

Sami Callihan and the rest of oVe continued to disgust the Impact fans as they attempted to put an end to Scarlett Bordeaux's escapades. We also saw the return of a legendary knockout, which changed the landscape of the Knockouts Division, even catching the Knockouts Champion, Taya Valkyrie, off guard.

Ace Austin vs Cousin Jake

The Ace of Impact took on newcomer Cousin Jake in the opening contest
The Ace of Impact took on newcomer Cousin Jake in the opening contest

Ace Austin was picked up like a child by the muscle of the Deaners, Cousin Jake, and placed into the corner. Austin tried to roll away and take out his legs with a drop toe hold, but Jake managed to stay on his feet. A kick to the back of the leg and a running dropkick nearly brought him down.

Jake finally went down with a Hurricanrana, though as Austin followed up with a clothesline in the corner, Jake caught him and turned it into a spin out back suplex. Austin slipped outside, and Jake chased him in and out of the ring.

Austin avoided two attacks on the apron and stunned Jake with a running punt to the jaw. Though he was staggered, he managed to catch Austin as he dove, and was slammed on the apron. Jake followed up with a leaping running dropkick to the gut. Back in the ring, Austin kicked out at two.

Austin wrapped himself up in the turnbuckle to avoid a running splash. However, Jake recovered and batted him out of the sky with a double ax handle. Austin tossed a card at Cody Deaner, forcing him up on the apron where the ref tried to keep him out of the ring. With that, Austin took out another card and cut the inside of Jake's fingers.

A springboard leg drop across a bent over Jake almost gave him the win. Austin began targeting the right arm, stomping on it and locking him in a hammerlock. After a few minutes, Jake overpowered Austin and tossed him overhead to escape. Austin rocked him with a spinning back kick and the double leg facebuster. The fold was countered with a stiff clothesline, though, giving Jake some time to catch his breath.

Cody Deaner cheered on his cousin as Austin struggled to make it to his feet. Austin avoided two strikes and a clothesline, but Jake held onto his arm, bringing him in for an elbow strike. A Michinoku Driver spiked Austin in the middle of the mat, but he kicked out. Jake launched him into the corner and moved in for a leaping shoulder thrust. Austin crumbled to the floor while Cody Deaner was attacked by the Desi Hit Squad.

The distraction allowed Austin to catch Jake with a low blow, finishing up with the Fold.

Results: Ace Austin defeated Cousin Jake via pinfall.

While Wera Loca's title wasn't on the line, she had a huge challenge tonight against the former Knockouts Champion
While Wera Loca's title wasn't on the line, she had a huge challenge tonight against the former Knockouts Champion

Taya Valkyrie was interviewed backstage by Melissa Santos. The Knockouts Champion was extremely confident ahead of her non-title match against Rosemary, claiming that the Demon Assassin was obsessed with her.

Taya Valkyrie vs Rosemary w/Su Yung

Taya rushed Rosemary as she was taunting Su Yung, bringing her down with a double leg takedown. The champ brought her opponent into the corner where she connected with several elbows and kicks, following up with a running hip attack and a running double knee strike.

Valkyrie lost her hold on the match when she taunted the crowd, allowing Rosemary to recover and lock in the Upside Down. After three seconds, she broke the hold and went up top for a dropkick. Valkyrie dodged her and continued to pelt Rosemary with elbow strikes. A slingblade from Rosemary, though, brought her back in the match again. A reverse DDT gave her a near fall.

Rosemary ran through the champion with a spear, but she broke out just in time. Before she could apply a submission hold, Jessicka Havok, accompanied by James Mitchell rushed the ring. Rosemary was stunned with a headbutt and laid out with a clothesline.

Results: No Contest.

A leaping tombstone piledriver left Rosemary out cold while Taya Valkyrie was nearly driven through the ground with a chokeslam. Mitchell unchained Su Yung from her collar and laughed as his two monsters roamed free.

Madman Fulton continues his terrifying rampage through Impact
Madman Fulton continues his terrifying rampage through Impact

At the Rascalz' tree house, the #1 contenders were getting ready for their title match tonight. Trey said he felt left out because he wasn't competing tonight, but quickly recovered when he downed a glass Ortiz's moonshine.

Eddie Edwards met Sandman backstage, where he said he couldn't accept the kendo stick the ECW legend gave him the week before, as it wasn't Kenny. Sandman figured out the problem, and drew a smiley face on the weapon, dubbing it "Kenny 2.0." With that, Edwards was finally able to accept the new Kenny.

Michael Elgin cut a promo backstage on Impact World Champion Brian Cage. Elgin said that he's been on a rampage, sending everyone that steps in his way to the hospital. Next week, he'll be taking on Willie Mack, and everything he does to Mack will be just a small taste of what awaits Cage at Slammiversary.

Madman Fulton w/Sami Callihan vs Local Competitors

Fulton leveled his two opponents with a pair of clotheslines and spiked one of the men with a one-handed spinebuster. As he was attacking him, the other man charged in, where he was superkicked by Fulton who was laying on the ground.

Fulton choked out both men, launching then into each other in the corner several times. oVe's resident monster then bit his opponent and leveled them with a big boot/DDT combo. Both men were driven into the mat with two chokeslams a piece, nearly leaving a crater in the ring. Callihan slapped Fulton across the face several times before giving him the order to "kill them."

The match ended after a swinging inverted facebuster.

Results: Madman Fulton won via pinfall.

Callihan took to the mic where he called out Fallah Bahh and "Scarlet the Harlot." Jake & Dave Crist vs Bahh and Bordeaux was up next.

oVe vowed to put an end to Scarlett Bordeaux's recent antics
oVe vowed to put an end to Scarlett Bordeaux's recent antics

Fallah Bahh & Scarlett Bordeaux vs oVe (Jake & Dave Crist)

Jake Crist attempted to sneak up on Bahh but was caught by the big man, being dropped with a clothesline and a belly to belly suplex. Callihan tried to trip up Bahh, but was caught by the referee, who then tossed out both he and Madman Fulton. The distraction allowed Jake to rock Bahh with a boot.

Dave tagged in, but was immediately planted with a body slam and a spinning elbow drop. A high-speed body splash in the corner left Dave stunned. Jake pulled him out of the turnbuckle as Bahh came in for a second attempt. Tagging in, Jake brought down the big man with a cutter.

Now off his feet, the Crists were able to implement their plan, digging at the eyes of Bahh and catching him with cheap shots across the chin as the referee was distracted. Bahh fought back up with a few chops only to be taken back down to the mat with a dropkick by Dave. Jake tagged in and used the ropes to choke out Bahh.

Dave came back in and struck Bahh with several chops, slaps, and punches. Bahh was pulled into oVe's corner, keeping him isolated and away from Bordeaux. Jake tried to keep Bahh down but was rolled over with a running crossbody. Dave was able to tag in just in time to prevent the tag to Bordeaux, dragging Bahh back into his corner.

Bahh struggled to make it to his feet, but was able to counter a running attack from Jake with a kick to the jaw. Bordeaux was nearly tagged in, but Dave yanked her off the apron. Jake set up for the piledriver, only to be crushed under Bahh's weight. Bordeaux finally tagged in, sending Dave into the corner with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors and a running hip attack to follow.

Jake was also met with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors before Bordeaux dropped both of the Crists with a top rope crossbody. They rolled to the outside, where Bordeaux directed traffic, holding the ropes open for a suicide dive from Bahh.

Bordeaux followed up with a rolling senton, dropping both Crists again. As she went back inside, Dave held her leg, allowing jake to recover and slam her in the middle of the ring. The Crists set up for the Doomsday Device. Thankfully, Bahh stopped Dave, allowing Jake to be spiked with a reverse hurricanrana. Bordeaux and Bahh instead dropped Dave with the Doomsday Device.

Dave Crist kicked out and was dragged into the corner. Bahh climbed up top with Bordeaux on her back. A Banz was evaded by Dave, and Jake handed him a roll of quarters, allowing him to strike Bahh across the jaw for the win.

Results: oVe defeated Fallah Bahh & Scarlett Bordeaux via pinfall.

Bordeaux was held by the Crists for a beatdown, but Tessa Blanchard broke it up. Blanchard avoided a superkick from Jake, which landed on Dave's jaw instead. A low blow to Jake set up for the top rope Codebreaker.

Willie Mack and Rich Swann were interviewed backstage, where Mack said that he's going to put Elgin's rampage to an end. Johnny Impact interrupted them, and the Mayor of Slamtown told Swann that by the time Slammiversary is over, he'll be walking out as the new X-Division Champion.

Another friendship implodes for Kiera Hogan
Another friendship implodes for Kiera Hogan

Kiera Hogan and Jordynne Grace have been on the outs for a while now. Tired of being abandoned and betrayed by her friends, Hogan opted to make that move first this time around, turning her back on Grace. Tonight, Grace would attempt to get her revenge and teach her former ally a message.

Kiera Hogan vs Jordynne Grace

Hogan tore at the hair of Grace and caught her running in what a boot and back elbow. Grace leveled her with a clothesline but was stunned by a dropkick, leaving her in the corner. She lifted her feet up, driving Hogan into the mat and dropped onto her with a second rope senton splash.

A stalling Jackhammer gave Grace a two-count. Hogan crawled back into the corner and begged Grace to stop the onslaught. She then kicked the knee of Grace, sending her into the bottom turnbuckle, following up with a ring circling running single leg dropkick. Grace kicked out of a pinfall but was hit with an array of kicks from Hogan.

Grace was tied up in the ropes by Hogan, choking her out in the process. Grace kicked out twice and slammed Hogan with a snap suplex. Hogan countered another clothesline, dropping Grace with a rolling knee facebuster. Grace came back with a Double-A rolling spinebuster and drove Hogan shoulder first into the ring post.

A double running knee strike to the back and a cannonball senton set Hogan up for the slingshot splash. Hogan kicked out at two and was placed up top, where she tried to bring Grace down with a sunset bomb. Grace held on, but Hogan kicked the back of her knee, allowing her to drop Thick Mama Pump with a second rope neckbreaker.

Grace countered a tilt-a-whirl headscissors with a torture rack/spin out spinebuster. Hogan kicked out and fought out of two Grace Drivers. A third attempt sealed the deal, giving Grace another massive win in her Impact run.

Results: Jordynne Grace defeated Kiera Hogan via pinfall.

Konnan was seen backstage trying to fire up LAX, who were stuffing their faces and having a few drinks. Santana and Ortiz ran down the impressive list of tag teams that they've defeated over the years, but Konnan said that resting on their laurels would cost them their titles.

Moose cut a promo on Rob Van Dam, revealing that he was a huge fan of his back when he was a kid. However, that was twenty years ago, and it's time for the legend of RVD to rest. At Slammiversary, he'll be putting the whole f'n show down for good.

Impact World Tag Team Championship Match: The Rascalz (Dez & Wentz w/Trey) vs LAX

Ortiz took Wentz down with a single leg. He then avoided an attack in the corner, tossing him overhead with an arm drag. Wentz broke out of a pin, backing into his corner. Wentz escaped a wrist lock and took out Ortiz with a springboard corkscrew splash. An elbow in the corner allowed Dez to tag in. Dez rocked Ortiz with a kick and tagged Wentz back in, who came in with a Bronco Buster.

Santana ran in and was sent out with a series of kicks from the Rascals. Wentz used Des as a platform, leaping over the ropes for a massive dive onto the champions. Des followed up with a space tiger drop. Back inside, Wentz dropped across Ortiz with a Senton Bomb, followed up by a corkscrew splash from Des. Santana broke up the pin.

Back from commercial, Wentz was held in LAX's corner, getting spiked by a DDT from Ortiz and a German suplex from Santana. Des broke up the pinfall. A backbreaker left Wentz screaming as we saw Trey stealing Ortiz's alcohol.

Santana tagged in Ortiz, who spiked Wentz with a Ura-nage slam and connected with a moonsault, senton, and finally a running body splash. Wentz tried to get to Des, but was tossed back into LAX's corner where he seemed to injure his wrist. He escaped a slam from Santana, though, and took him down with a handspring knee. Ortiz and Des tagged in, with the Rascal rocking Ortiz with a superkick and a back elbow.

Two elbow strikes and a dropkick to the spine sent Ortiz outside. Santana came back in where he was dropped with a cutter. Des rushed outside with a suicide dive. Ortiz rolled inside, and avoided a handspring wheel kick from Des. Santana took the shot instead.

A series of roll-ups was finally broken up by Des, leaving all four men out on the mat. Trey was cheering on Des as he made it back to his feet on the outside. Wentz was struggling to move towards the ropes as Ortiz and Santana woke up. Ortiz tagged Santana in, but Des broke up their tandem maneuver with a pair of superkicks. Des and Wentz nearly put Santana away with the knee strike/standing moonsault combo.

Ortiz interrupted the pin and went outside, where he noticed Trey was holding his moonshine. As he took a shot, Des punched him in the gut, where the drink was spit in the eyes of the ref. Wentz spiked Santana with the springboard cutter, and Trey leaped onto him with a Meteora. A second ref ran in to count the pinfall. However, since Trey wasn't a part of the match, they lost by DQ.

Results: LAX win via disqualification.

LAX and Konnan left with the titles, though not with the victory they were looking for. We may see a follow-up match at Slammiversary, hopefully with a sober Trey.

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