Predicting the result of every match at All Elite Wrestling: Fyter Fest 

 Fyter Fest
Fyter Fest

We are just days away from the second event in the history of All Elite Wrestling, and while it's just a pitstop on the way to All Out in August, they've managed to put together yet another fantastic card.

While none of these matches will impact the future of All Elite Wrestling too much, it's going to be a fun card that will further flesh out the incredibly talented roster that the company boasts.

So without further ado, sit back and read along as we look to June 29th in Dayton Beach, Florida, and attempt to predict the result of every All Elite Wrestling match on the night, as the company presents it's second ever show: AEW x CEO presents Fyter Fest.

#8 SCU (Sky & Kazarian) vs. Best Friends vs. Private Party (Winner advances to All Out for the chance to get a First Round Bye in the AEW World Tag Team Championship Tournament)

Fyter Fest
Fyter Fest

On his recent appearance on the Stone Cold podcast, CEO Tony Khan announced a tournament to crown the first AEW Tag Team Champions, and right now, we've begun the build-up towards it.

The tournament will begin when their weekly TV show takes place in October, but June 29th is where the implications will begin, as three of the best teams in AEW battle for a first-round bye.

We've not yet got more details about the tournament, except the fact that there will be a first-round bye, so that shows how important this match will be going forward. Both SCU and the Best Friends came out victorious at Double or Nothing, so they are the obvious favorites, but Private Party could certainly be stars on the rise following Fyter Fest.

Prediction: Chuckie T and Trent find a way to get on All Out to battle for a First Round Bye.

#7 Adam Page vs. Jimmy Havoc vs. MJF vs. Jungle Boy

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Through a faulty phone connection, instead of a one-on-one contest, Hangman finds himself up against 3 of AEW's brightest young stars, and we have absolutely no idea what's about to happen. MJF has solidified himself as the best young heel in the game, Page is the future of AEW and the other two are unknown commodities in All Elite Wrestling, so this is key for all 4 men.

This one was quickly built up at Double or Nothing, and given the featured spot on this card, it's clear all 4 men are vital to the future of AEW, but it might be the most unpredictable bout on the card. Page and MJF are clear main event talents, but the other two are just unknown, although we just can't see Page's AEW momentum-halting right now.

Prediction: Hangman Page continues to build to his Chris Jericho match.

#6 Riho vs. Nyla Rose vs. Yuka Sakazaki

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When Brandi Rhodes told us there would be women wrestling at Fyter Fest, no one could have predicted this match, but given the personalities of all 3 women, it could be quite fun. No one in Vegas knew much about Sakazaki or Riho, but they were stars by the end of their match, and given how much time has been invested in Nyla Rose, it's clear all 3 have bright futures.

There may be another match coming before the show takes place, but if this is the only one AEW present on June 29th, you can expect all 3 women to go all out to make their mark on AEW. Tony Khan has told us there will be a women's tournament in the future (similar to the announced Tag Team Tournament), but right now, all AEW's women are building momentum, and Rose is the obvious winner here.

Prediction: The Native Beast gets her first pin-fall win in an AEW ring.

#5 Jon Moxley vs. Joey Janela

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When Jon Moxley turned up at the conclusion of Double or Nothing, plenty of dream matches became guarantees in the future, but the company has quickly gone and booked one of the most exciting possible. It was quite a quick and easy build to make this bout, but through a promo from each side, this is quickly becoming the most exciting match on the card, and absolutely anything could happen.

Moxley is motivated and ready to prove why he was misused by his recent employer, and with a maniac like The Bad Boy opposing him, this will certainly live up to the hype. It's not yet a hardcore match, and if that were to happen in the future, it could headline any show that AEW run, but for now, let's all get excited for the craziness we are about to see.

Prediction: Moxley comes out on top in his All Elite Wrestling debut.

#4 Christopher Daniels vs. Cima

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At Double or Nothing, the show was opened with Strong Hearts vs. SCU, and it was fantastic from start to finish, and now we've got a singles match from that, with SCU's Daniels up against the 20-year veteran CIMA. Both men have been in the wrestling business for over 2 decades, and their friendship goes back quite some time, so the chemistry between the two should be fantastic.

Sure, it's not going to be the fast-paced action that other matches on the show will be, but the character work will be great, and it would be a fantastic way to open Fyter Fest. We don't know much about OWE's involvement with AEW, but CIMA is a fantastic representative of that company, and hopefully, he's well on his way to bringing some of those performers with him to All Elite Wrestling.

Prediction: Daniels picks up the win following a great encounter with an old friend.

#3 Cody vs. Darby Allin

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Cody had an emotional, physical war with his brother Dustin at Double or Nothing, but that doesn't mean he can take Darby Allin lightly, because he's got absolutely nothing to lose. AEW took a deeper look at the former Evolve star on a recent episode of 'Road to Fyter Fest', and in just 2 minutes, they've made him one of the most intriguing wrestlers on the roster.

Cody has had to focus plenty on the backstage part of his role with AEW lately, but Allin is riding high on the best run of his career, and it could end up stealing the showdown in Dayton Beach. When the match was announced, people thought it was an odd one for Cody, but given the build they've given Allin already, he'll be one to watch going forward.

Prediction: Cody comes out on top, despite a valiant effort from Allin

#2 The Elite (The Young Bucks & Kenny Omega) vs. Lucha Bros (Penta & Fenix) and Laredo Kid

Image result for aew fyter fest the elite vs lucha bros

When this event was first announced, it was PAC that would be teaming with the Lucha Bros, and even though that has since fallen apart, Laredo Kid is a more than serviceable replacement. All of these men are looking to make their mark on AEW, with Omega, The Bucks and Lucha Bros all having clear motivations to compete going forward, and given the talent of all these men, it will be great fast-paced action.

We've seen combinations of these 6 men wrestle before, and it's always been great, and while the outcome of these may not be vital itself, it will be big for them to build momentum towards All Out in August. Ultimately, it's just hard to see The Elite going down, especially given the history and experience of all 3 men as a team together, but regardless, it will be an absolute classic.

Prediction: The Elite pick up momentum before All Out.

#1 Alex Jebailey vs. Michael Nakazawa

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Fyter Fest is being presented in conjunction with CEO at the Fighting Game Championship, and for the second year in a row, Michael Nakazawa will be battling Alex Jebailey. The latter is heavily involved with the Fighting Championship, and when Nakazawa offered an open challenge a year ago, it was Alex Jebailey who answered in a wheelchair after suffering an Achilles injury.

It's going to be an odd match for those not familiar with both men, but given Nakazawa's popularity at Double or Nothing, they'll be invested either way, as he's a fantastic character worker. Michael is one of the funniest comedy workers in the industry today, and while we don't know what his future in AEW holds, this is a perfect way to showcase all of his abilities.

Prediction: Michael Nakazawa cements his spot as the best comedy worker in All Elite Wrestling.

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