5 Current WWE superstars who could make it big in Hollywood

A perfect retirement plan

Future hollywood superstars?The journey from being a WWE superstar to becoming a Hollywood superstar is a tough one.However, it is easy to become a Hollywood superstar after being a WWE superstar than starting out with nothing in the resume. Why? Because there are some striking similarities between what happens in Hollywood and what happens in the WWE.Both require a truckload of acting skills, charisma, politics, talking skills, ability to manipulate people. The thing that sets apart Hollywood from WWE is the amount of risk, sacrifice, the improvisation, and many other things that the wrestler puts in.Since there are so many similarities between both the fields, there are certain superstars in the current roster that could transition into Hollywood and here is a look at them.

#6 Honorable Mention: John Cena

A perfect retirement plan

John Cena is restricted to an honorable mention because he has already taken up numerous projects from Hollywood. Despite this, Cena has a bright future in the acting business and it would be a great retirement plan for him.

#5 Bray Wyatt

A Great fit for horror films

Bray Wyatt looks like someone who came straight from a horror movie. Bray has exceptional skills when it comes to talking and his acting skills are not far behind as well.

He might not be someone who will come out in skimpy clothes and make the girls sweat (or in a comedy movie he could do just that), but Bray could be a great actor if he gets the roles that fit him.

And what are those roles you may ask? Well, for starters, horror movie roles. He could also play character roles as well. Also, since he has a good creative head, he could come in handy at other aspects of filmmaking.

#4 Lana

The Path is clear and clean

Lana is moving in the right direction when it comes to making a career in Hollywood. She has taken up a string of good gigs in showbiz and at the same time has made a few good friends too.

When it comes to the looks, Lana is right up there. She has a background in modeling and appearing in Music videos which work wonders for her potential Hollywood career.

The talking skills of Lana are something that deserves a mention in the list as well. There aren’t many things that restrict her to the professional wrestling business and we might get to see her fly off to greener pastures of Hollywood in the near future.

#3 The Miz

He even has the Hollywood gimmick

The Miz is more suited to the Hollywood business than the wrestling business.

He is more of an entertainer than a wrestler and this is one of the reasons why he gets plenty of criticism from the WWE Universe. The first break in the career of Miz came when he became the cast member of MTV’s The Real World.

Miz then made it to the Tough Enough Show and became the first runner-up in it. He went on to feature in various TV gigs and also started playing a Hollywood gimmick in the roster. The Hollywood look is there in his face – making him the complete package for playing some good roles in the movies.

#2 Dean Ambrose

The madness that Hollywood needs

The Lunatic Fringe has been showcasing his ability to talk and act throughout his wrestling career.

Ambrose plays his wrestling character so perfectly that he blurs the line between Kayfabe and reality. The intensity with which he talks in the microphone is great and with the recent performance in Lockdown, Ambrose has put forward his name to be an actor.

Ambrose is being compared to Steve Austin and since Austin went on to make a name in the Hollywood business; Ambrose could follow the same path and be even more successful. In short, Hollywood deserves some madness and Ambrose has plenty of that.

#1 Paul Heyman

Heyman for Penguin, anybody?

Paul Heyman might come out as a surprise name in the list, but if you calm down, analyze the situation and then think about it, Paul Heyman is apt for Hollywood.

He has plenty of contacts in his pockets and all he has to do to land a role is to pull some strings. The ability of Heyman to come up with emotions to his dialogues is almost unmatched in the wrestling business.

He has plenty of experience both behind and in front of the camera as well making it much easier for the transition.

If there is a dream role for Heyman, it would be the Batman’s nemesis Penguin. If the guys over in DC ever decide to include Penguin in the upcoming films, they should think about calling over Heyman for the audition. (Strictly a personal opinion by the way).

Did we miss out any superstar who fits into the list? let us know in the comments section.

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