5 more Superstars that the WWE should release

A couple of months back, WWE pushed the Internet into a chaotic phase when they released nearly 15 superstars from their roster. Just when we thought that the budget cuts were over, the company let go of The Great Khali and Brad Maddox. While it was sensible from the WWE to off load the Great Khali, the release of Maddox surely raised some eyebrows among the WWE Universe. He was a good authority figure and wasnt given enough time to showcase his wresting ability. The release of the duo has forced the rumor mill to buzz once again about the potential firings and here is a look at some of the names that should be released next.

#1 Curtis Axel

Being a second generation superstar is never easy and when you are the son of Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig, the amount of pressure reaches an entirely new level.

Axel came into the WWE scene with ring name, Michael McGillicutty and the WWE soon realized that he was going nowhere with a name like that, they made him a Paul Heyman guy.

Heyman brought a lot of changes to the character but even that couldn’t save Axel from sinking. His tag team run with Ryback didn’t get any reaction as well and now that Ryback is getting a big push, Axel seems lost.

He would struggle to stay relevant even if a new character direction is taken, and the best thing WWE could do is put him out of the misery.

#2 Adam Rose

Adam Rose is a veteran when it comes wrestling experience. He has been wrestling since the age of 16 but it took him 14 long years from there to reach the doors of WWE.

Breaking into the WWE roster in mid 30s was not an easy task especially when the company is looking for younger blood. He came into NXT as Leo Kruger and when that didn’t work out, he turned into the party animal, Adam Rose.

It was a one way ticker to the main roster for him but even after he made it, Rose struggled to get a good reaction.

He is in the verge of a heel turn right now but that too isn’t looking promising. With age catching up with him, there is nothing Rose could do than hoping to get some better booking in the Indy scene.

#3 David Otunga

One of the most puzzling questions that WWE fans have about the current roster is David Otunga’s presence. The last time he appeared for a show was at WrestleMania where he competed in the Andre the Giant Battle Royal.

Though he is not injured, Otunga hasn’t been used since. He is pretty average on the mic and in the ring which means that there isn’t much that Otunga could bring into the table apart from his looks.

If the company is keeping him in the roster because of his real life relationship with Academy Award winning actress, Jennifer Hudson, then that should be categorized as a big mistake from Vince McMahon’s side.

He will most likely be the next one to get the axe and WWE has all the right to do so.

#4 Justin Gabriel

Gabriel had a dream debut in WWE as part of the Nexus faction. Everything was going good for the pack until the creative team decided to mess things up.

After Nexus broke up, Gabriel was struggling to stay relevant and though he had a tag team championship run, nothing really worked for the South African.

The only reason why he is still on the roster is because of his nationality just like WWE stuck on with The Great Khali. There are clearly no plans in motion for him and the running around in NXT and live events is not going to save him for the longer run.

He could actually get a better outing in the independent scene and a release would be the right move for both parties.

#5 Rey Mysterio

The saga between Rey Mysterio and WWE seems to be never ending. The company wants him back in between the ropes and asked their creative team to come up with storyline for the former World Champion.

Rey however, wants nothing to do with a return. He is not happy in the way WWE is treating him and how well others are being carried around in Mexico.

Alberto Del Rio and the real Sin Cara left WWE and is making more money than what Rey is making. Also, there is a lot of interest for Rey from Lucha Underground and other promotion.

He wouldn’t have trouble finding another job and WWE should consider offloading someone who clearly doesn’t want to work.

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