5 Ways in which CM Punk is a value addition to the UFC

CM Punk’s huge fanbase all over the world will surely be keeping tabs on his UFC journey

After waiting for a year or so, it is expected that CM Punk's UFC debut will happen in 2016Thus far the expectations surrounding CM Punk's UFC debut that was announced over a year ago have been rather bleak to say the least, with a cloud of dismissive skepticism serving as the predominant forecast for how he would fare inside of the Octagon.And despite the outcry from the purists that believe that the UFC, the foremost promoter of MMA in the world today, is selling itself short by signing on non-tested talent, merely evaluating this acquisition in terms of CM Punk's skill level alone could be a skewed approach. Being the world famous personality that he is, Phil 'CM Punk' Brooks could be valuable to the company in other ways as well, apart from the obvious mainstream brand value that his name carries thanks to his hugely successful stint in the WWE. On that note, here are 5 ways in which incorporating a former pro-wrestler into the MMA fold could yet play out as a mutually beneficial situation for the UFC, CM Punk, and indeed for the scores fans that will tune in to watch, some rather begrudgingly, when he does end up fighting.

#5 Mainstream Attraction

CM Punk’s huge fanbase all over the world will surely be keeping tabs on his UFC journey

Say what you want against his inclusion in the UFC roster, but CM Punk is a bonafide celebrity who is known to millions of fans around the world; a dynamic that would have appealed greatly to the keen business sense of the company.

Going by that notion, CM Punk is an astute inclusion simply because he will help accentuate the wave of momentum that the UFC, and MMA in general, has been riding upon on the back of a stellar and record-breaking 2015.

Especially since many of the casual fans that associate him with the WWE or pro-wrestling would likely have their interest piqued, watching CM Punk compete in an MMA setup would be a spectacle that few would be willing to miss out on.

Whether the fans are supportive of having an 0-0 record fighter in the UFC or not, it is almost a no-brainer that millions of people around the world would most certainly be tuning in to watch him compete against Mickey Gall either way.

#4 The pro wrestling - MMA connection

A mutually interested pro-wrestling and MMA fanbase might not be a bad thing for the UFC

While the name Brock Lesnar crops up almost instantaneously when someone mentions both pro-wrestling and MMA in the same breath, we also have to take into account that the unprecedented cross-over success he met with in the UFC was down to his extensive collegiate wrestling background.

And although other ex-WWE Superstars like Bobby Lashley and Batista have also traversed the spectrum to try their hand at MMA, CM Punk is perhaps the highest profile pro-wrestler since Lesnar to do so, and like him, to do it in the ultimate proving ground that is the UFC.

Whatever happens now, whether he predictably falls in the face of a marked difference in intensity between the squared circle and the Octagon, or somehow manages to pull off an unlikely victory, the fans of both industries would be mightily invested in the outcome nonetheless.

A CM Punk victory could serve to shoot down a widely held concept in MMA circles that pro-wrestling is “fake”, or conversely serve to cement it beyond a doubt as far as MMA purists are concerned; either way, we can concur, it is a highly palatable spectacle that both sets of fans would be eager to tune in to.

#3 Opportunities for more fighters

Sage Northcutt may be the first of many stars to be uncovered by the ‘Looking for a Fight’ series

The “Looking for a Fight” reality series involving UFC Supremo Dana White, Matt Serra and Nick The Tooth has been a well-received reality concept thus far, with the first episode even catapulting teenage sensation Sage Northcutt into superstardom right off the bat.

Apart from merely unearthing talent from around the country though, the series which also features the three friends exploring the finer culinary and cultural aspects of each state, was primarily started so that Dana White could scout feasible opponents for CM Punk.

With Randy Brown and Mickey Gall – slated to be CM Punk’s first opponent – quickly following Sage Northcutt’s entry into the UFC, the series itself has opened itself up as a marketing vehicle through which other smaller promotions and fighters can revel in the UFC spotlight.

Admittedly, while all the fighters that gain entry through Looking For a Fight may not thrive near the upper tiers of the ranking system, it does provide a backdoor entry for many fighters into the UFC that would not have otherwise been possible, had it not been for the catalytic presence of CM Punk.

#2 A compelling narrative

CM Punk has been training hard in order to make the most of his opportunity in the UFC

After paying the unforgiving toll of pro-wrestling for 20 years – something that would bring most men to their knees – that CM Punk has immersed himself into a challenge generally requiring a lifetime of dedication and intensive practice is an admirable move.

Having trained at Roufusport MMA Academy for almost a year and a half now, the breeding ground for renowned fighters like Anthony Pettis and Ben Askren, the million dollar question in everybody’s mind is whether the preparation would be sufficient or not.

If CM Punk wins against Mickey Gall, someone who has proven his worth as a legitimate MMA fighter in the least, it would go a fair way towards bridging the perceived gulf in complexity and skill that currently exists between pro-wrestling and MMA.

And if he loses, he can still walk with his head held high, as training for and attempting to cross-over into the most elite promotion in MMA, especially toward the fag end of a pro-wrestling career, is a move that not many men would even dare to attempt.

#1 Mainstream consolidation

Like the Reebok deal, CM Punk signing on with the UFC only further embellishes the mainstream presence of the UFC

On the back of a hugely successful and record breaking 2015, dominated by Conor McGregor's meteoric rise and Ronda Rousey's unexpected downfall, the UFC's presence has never been larger as far as global appeal and mainstream attention has been concerned.

To cap it all off, their sponsorship deal with Reebok has further legitimized a sport that was not too long ago referred to, in the folly of an untrained eye shrouded by social stigma, as "human cockfighting" for want of a better term.
The UFC, and by virtue of that, MMA in general, has come a long way since then, now finding itself on the cusp of taking over the mantle that boxing is desperately trying to retain control of, as the prime combat sport in the world today.
With the gigantic strides it has made in popularity, CM Punk's inclusion in the UFC - though ironically disputed in some hardcore MMA quarters - can be viewed in the same consolidatory light; as a shot in the arm to the already burgeoning mainstream appeal of the sport.

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