Top 5 No Holds Barred Matches in WWE History

Ambrose could be Lesnar’s toughest task till date and it’s all due to the match stipulationWe’re about a couple of weeks away from witnessing Ambrose and Lesnar battle at Wrestlemania 32 in a hellacious No Holds Barred Match. In a No Holds Barred match, standard hardcore rules apply, but pinfalls and submissions must take place inside the ring.The epic clash promises to be a bloodfest and a brawl of the highest order. Lesnar’s Suplex City would be countered with Ambrose’s weapons carnival and it would be a treat to watch.While you wait for that match, you may want to catch these top 5 No Holds Barred matches in WWE history.

#5 Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon vs Shawn Michaels and God


Yes, you read that right, and no I’m not on aany substance. Well, the thing is HBK is a devout Christian and Vince wanted to show that he could beat God. So what did he do? He put himself and his son in a match against the Heart Break Kid and God.

Vince did all he could to mock “God” and HBK. He asked the ref to check if “God” has anything up his sleeve and at one point, “God walks out of the match.”

Shane and Vince took the fight to Shawn Michaels and gave him a sound beat down. Shawn fought back and landed a sweet chin music each on the patriarch and the prodigal son, but he couldn't pin them.

He instead set up two tables and a ladder inside the ring. Out come the minions of Mr. McMahon – The Spirit Squad. HBK greets them by launching himself on all of them, but they gang up on him and put him through a table, setting up an easy victory for the McMahons.

#4 Chistian v Randy Orton - Summerslam 2011


When stars like Christian and Randy Orton step into the ring, you can be sure that you’re in a for a treat. These two have produced some brilliant matches in their respective careers, and this match is one of them. They both are amazing technical wrestlers and it shined through.

They showed that not all No Holds Barred Matches are about mindless violence and brutality. We saw some textbook technical wrestling with awesome maneuvers and counters. There was even a super plex through a table.

This match too, saw it’s fair share of the use of the kendo stick, and a brutal usage of other weapons. The match ended after Christian was RKO’d by The Viper though the steel steps.

Christian showed why he deserved to be a high carder and is still, unfortunatley, one of the most underrated wrestlers ever.

#3 Randy Orton vs Mick Foley- Backlash 2004


This match lived up all the hype. It had all you would expect in a Mick Foley match – complete insanity, barbed wire wrapped table, barbed wire wrapped kendo stick, and more stuff with barbed wire wrapped around it, and yeah a lot of blood. This has to be one of the most brutal matches in WWE history.

The two superstars clobbered each other with everything they could lay their hands on and at one point, Foley even lit his kendo stick on fire only to see Eric Bischoff coming out to stop him.

This match also saw Foley throwing Orton off the ramp and proceeding to disfigure his face. He then performed a Double Arm DDT on him and pinned him, but Orton kicked out. Orton opened a bag and removed some thumbtacks and tried RKOing Foley on them.

It didn’t go as planned as he missed and, in turn, fell on them. Ouch. This match also saw Foley kicking out of an RKO, but he finally lost after being RKO’d onto a baseball bat.

#2 HHH vs Vince McMahon- Armageddon 1999


When the chairman of the Company decides to take matters into his own hands, rest assured, things will not be pretty. The stipulations were simple – if HHH had lost, his marriage to his on-screen wife Stephanie would be annulled, and if he won, he would get a shot at the WWF Championship.

Things couldn’t be more exciting. Stephanie came out to sit on the front row. At the start of the match, Mick Foley entered, pushing a cart full of weapons for the chairman to use.

Vince, with the aid of Foley, dominated most of the match, yet fell 30 feet into a military Humvee. The match moved on to the parking lot where Triple H and Vince used the cars to full advantage.

Towards the end of the match, Vince tried to hit HHH with the latter's favourite weapon – the sledgehammer – but was stopped by his daughter, who tried to hit HHH with it, but stopped.

HHH then snatched it from her and struck Vince with it and won the match. While Stephanie was near Vince’s bruised body, taking a look at him, HHH tried to hit her with his sledgehammer, and just as we thought he’d do it, HHH dropped and the two hugged, showing that this was all just a charade to take over the WWE.

#1 HHH v Undertaker - Wrestlemania 27


This match had to make the top of this list. HHH and Undertaker showed why they’re among the greatest names in the business. With a great promo to back it up, this match was a class apart, even at Wrestlemania. This was an absolute treat to watch, with both veterans using every trick in the book to win.

I don’t have to say much about this match, it had everything, from brilliant maneuvers to prudent use of weapons. There were moments where HHH and Undertaker took nasty bumps, but they weren’t going to stay down.

They produced an absolute spectacle with some awesome selling. The Game did whatever he could to win and even executed the Tombstone Piledriver on The Phenom, who managed to kick out of it to the applause of the fans in attendance.

Then there were chair shots to the Undertaker, who refused to stay down in spite of HHH screaming at him to do so. The match ended after The Phenom trapped The Game in his Hells Gate submission hold and forced him to tap out.

Randy Orton picks the next Randy Orton HERE.