Top football hooligan films

Below we look at the top football hooligan films. According to Wikipedia, Football hooliganism refers to unruly, violent, and destructive behaviour by overzealous supporters of football clubs, including brawling, vandalism and intimidation. This is exactly what each of these movies are about. Eat Football, Drink Football, Sleep Football. That is their motto.

#5 Rise of the Footsoldier


This is a gangster movie based on a true story of the Rettendon murders and the autobiography of Carlton Leach, a former hooligan of the infamous Inter City Firm. This is the story about how he came to be one of the most powerful names in the English Underworld.

#4 Cass


An orphaned Jamaican baby is adopted by an elderly white couple and was brought up in Slade Green, an all white area of London. This is the true story of the life of Cass Pennant, adapted from his book. As he finds through violence the respect he never had, Cass climbs the ranks of the ICF to become the leader in the early 1980s

#3 Green Street Hooligans


Green street hooligans is an independent drama about football hooliganism. Starring Elijah Wood, this movie traces the story of an Americal college student who falls in with a violent West Ham football firm which is run by his brother-in-law. Throughout the movie, we see the Green Street Elite, loosely based on West Ham's Inter City Firm, fight other "firms" such as Tottenham Hotspur's Yid Army, Birmingham City's Zulus, Manchester United's Red Army and Millwall's Bushwackers.

#2 The Football Factory


Loosely based on the novel of the same name, Football Factory is the story of Tommy Johnson, a member of a violent Chelsea hooligan firm. The movie follows his life as a hooligan and how he and his friends go about their life and the moral choices they make.This i s the first foray into film making by video game producers Rockstar Games who is credited as executive producers.

#1 I.D


When you go undercover, remember one thing... Who you are.

This is the tagline of this hooligan classic. It features John, an ambitious police officer who goes undercover to hardcore football gangs to infiltrate the shadowy generals who are responsible for the violence. The people in the background making all the moves.The movie traces his life and the changes it goes through as he tries to find answers.

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