10 Reasons why NXT is better than WWE

“I’d rather see the developmental territory” was the most popular reaction from the fans who witnessed TLC. It was not because of TLC being a big mess up; it was because NXT is that good.Thanks to a lot of positive things going around and some sheer hard work, NXT has managed to project its own aura. The territory clearly has a better product than what the company is feeding us with their main roster and though it’s still considered to be inferior to WWE by many, the truth is different.The action in NXT is among the best you would see and here are the reasons why it’s far ahead when in comparison with the WWE’s main roster product. ‘

#10 Prince Devitt, Kenta, Sami Zayn, Adrian Neville, Kevin Steen, need any more reasons?

It’s not that the WWE main roster is bad, it just that NXT roster is better when we see from a wrestling point of view.

There are some experienced names in the main roster who are big draws all across the world but when it comes to actual wrestling there are only a few names like Dolph Ziggler, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose who could stand out and say that they deliver their best inside that ring each and every time.

That isn’t the case with NXT. They’ve always managed to pack the roster by recruiting talented independent stars and whenever we look down on the developmental system, the NXT roster will have actual complete wrestlers compared to WWE’s ‘superstars’.

#9 No three hour drag

Spending three hours on a weekly basis for a particular show can be painful, especially when that show is boring to the core. WWE’s Monday night Raw has been no different.

The creative team has always struggled to put up a good show for the three hours but often ends up just having a lot of fillers that doesn’t make any sense. Comedy segments and random matches are a mainstay there but NXT has a perfect time slot.

A one hour wrestling show might sound like a bad idea but it’s the ideal time to tell some good old stories. All the angles could be highlighted equally and there is also no need of unwanted filler matches every now and then.

#8 Commentators talk about the match, not about the sponsors

Firing Jim Ross was clearly a big mistake from WWE as his absence in the commentary team is a big void that cannot be filled.

The company’s idea of making Michael Cole the lead commentator is not going anywhere due to a lot of reasons while the only thing good about main roster commentary is JBL’s honest shots at the company. They rarely talk about what is going in between the ropes as they are busy promoting mountain dew or some other thing.

NXT on the other hand calls it down the middle. There is also a rotation policy on the microphone which keep things fresh making it a different experience.

#7 The Hunger

It’s the hunger to become the best that drives everyone forward. Professional Wrestling is no different. Despite being a superior brand, NXT is still only a stepping stone according to most of the superstars who work there.

Their ultimate aim would be to make it into the main roster and they will be coming in with all guns blazing to reach there.

This hunger is what makes NXT stand out. Everyone in the roster wants to make their mark in the business. We are not going to see this hunger from Brock Lesnar or John Cena when they headline a pay-per-view and that is a big problem. It’s a paradox to be frank, but it’s one of the reasons why NXT is better.

#6 ECW Crowd 2.0

If asked about ‘the best ‘wrestling fans in the world, the synonymous answer would arguably be ‘ECW fans’. The rabid fans of the original ECW were so good that they were the actual show inside that bingo hall.

There hasn’t been any other promotion in the wrestling world that has cultivated such a fan base, but NXT is getting close. They always come up with some of the most innovative chants and cheers while never dropping the intensity.

The main roster crowds that we see these days often get switched off when we enter the second hour and they might not be in the seat for a majority of the time as well. Getting the crowd going is something that NXT has been successful in and in the future, they might establish themselves as the reincarnation of the ECW fan base.

#5 Its women not divas

Anyone who follows the main roster would conclude that women don’t know how to wrestle a good match, but the NXT fans would love to argue otherwise. Names like Natalya, Emma, Paige, Charlotte and even Summer Rae, who have been wasted in the main roster, always saw a gear change in NXT.

In NXT, the women are seen equally deserving as the men and get the opportunity that they deserve. This procedure of providing the stage always found positive reactions and the matches even gave the men a run for their money.

On the other side, the main roster divas are getting wasted big time with them being relegated to filler matches that barely last two minutes or see more than two moves.

#4 Taking away the PG feel

Sitting through a kids show would be much better than sitting through a full episode of Monday Night Raw. The WWE often tries to make the show childish with a lot of unwanted jokes and segments which make it lose the entire purpose.

Everyone watching a main roster show would know that they are watching a PG show while the crowd at NXT would be watching the same PG rated show but with a different feel to it.

Some smart booking and filtering takes away the PG feel from the NXT shows and that’s what WWE needs to replicate on a big scale if they want to stop the fans going on complaining about how the Attitude Era was great.

#3 Triple H runs it

No, it’s not Vince McMahon (who only wants to put over John Cena), its Triple H who runs NXT. Though Vince is considered to be a great promoter in the business, it is clear as a day that his good days are over.

There is nothing new that could come out of Vince as he sees WWE as a business rather than as a wrestling promotion. The lack of a credible competition has made him complacent as well while Hunter has an entirely different concept.

He took up wrestlers from all over the world, moulded them and gave them the opportunity without the regular tantrums that happens in the main roster. Hunter’s personal project has been a big success so far and the only thing we need now is Hunter taking over Vince.

#2 They care about Wrestling

Fans who want to see a soap opera with some bathroom jokes worse than the one we see in Adam Sandler movies and drama that is forgettable the next minute, will have no problem tuning into shows like Raw and SmackDown.

However, if you want to see two superstars tell a story in between the ropes, then NXT is the place to be. WWE are fond of giving out matches with botched endings or no proper time to tell a story in order to make room for segments that doesn’t make any sense.

NXT meanwhile lets the wrestling take Centre stage while everything else gets a pushback. It’s not about the production values or the fame, it’s all about the wrestling and that’s why NXT is considered to be one of the best ‘wrestling’ shows in the world.

#1 Simplicity in storylines

Two men have a series of matches for a championship. The challenger fails every single time and in the final match he puts his career on the line and ends up winning it.

There is a superstar who saw all his friends make it big in the WWE while he was always ignored so when he finally got the chance, he wanted to take out his frustration on his best friend.

Two superstars who squash their opponent in a matter of seconds have a stare down almost every week but nothing happens. Are they going to have a feud or are they going to form a team?

These are just a sample of the NXT storylines. They are simple yet effective while the in ring action adds to it. WWE doesn’t even have two proper storylines to show for itself and this simplicity and time spent on storylines is arguably the biggest reason why NXT is better.

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