WWE Monday Night Raw: 25 August 2014 - Superstar Ratings

Many stories mightve jumped up from this weeks Raw but it was Cena who stole the show with his transformation.In order to tackle the Emmys, WWE had legends like Shawn Michaels, Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair on their roster for thenight, however, the regular fans wouldve gone home happy with all the in ring action that went down.Some new stories were plotted and some old ones were brushed up by the company as they were able to give a show that was well above the average line. As we moved another step closer towards Night of Champions, here is a look at the Superstar Ratings for the latest edition of Monday Night Raw.

#15 Paige 6

After taking two loses against Natalya, Paige took sweet revenge. There isn’t a good direction for her feud with AJ and is making the feud look less important. The Divas Champion got a win nevertheless and showed that she is capable of working better matches with Natalya provided they get the right amount of time.

#14 Bo Dallas 6

There are rumors making the round which say the WWE has given up on the inspirational superstar. He is having the luxury of a potential angle with Swagger at this moment which is in contradiction to the speculation. The win against Kofi wasn’t anything special but does only good for the former NXT champion.

#13 Rob Van Dam 6

Mr. Monday night is used to put over the other midcarders in the company right now and he is doing that job to perfection. He might’ve lost out on the chance to challenge Sheamus but the loss won’t hurt Rob Van Dam who still gives solid performances.

#12 Los Matadores 6

Los Matadores were back together after Fernando recovered from his injury. The team also came out with a rare win against Slator Gator. However, it was Heath Slater and Titus O’Neil that stole the show making the result look less important for everyone involved.

#11 Rusev 6.5

WWE resumed the angle between Rusev and Swagger this week and it was the Bulgarian Brute that came out on top. It was a good win for him after losing some momentum last week. Also, Rusev shows great chemistry with Swagger meaning that they could have some more segments.

#10 Cesaro 6.5

The Swiss Superman is apparently back in relevance and got himself a shot at the United States Championship. It was an expected booking decision from the creative team and the question now would be the place and time of the title match.

#9 Dolph Ziggler 6.5

The Intercontinental championship was supposed to bring in some good luck for the Showoff but the expectations haven’t been met yet. Though it was a fun match that he had with Sandow, this is not the type of opponent that he would need to fight to progress.

#8 Wyatt Family 6.5

Bray Wyatt is usually projected as a monster who feeds on his opponents. And this week, he was just a prey for Cena. The loss, along with Cena’s domination took a toll on Bray’s momentum and losing the match didn’t do any favors for the creepy guys as well.

#7 Stardust and Goldust 7

Finally it happened. The WWE now has a good storyline in their Tag team division as the brothers turned heel. Usos were running around without no challengers till now, but all of a sudden, Night of Champions is looking verybright for the tag team wrestling fans.

#6 Big Show and Mark Henry 7

The team of Henry and Show has a lot of potential and it was encouraging to see them involved in a main event scene. A tag team title chase by the team would’ve been more impressive but the chemistry that they have with the Wyatts masked all the negatives.

#5 Kane 7

A big question mark still lingers around why WWE let Kane drop his mask. If they wanted to keep him in the ring regularly, they could’ve stuck with the intriguing mask. The cinder block angle is pretty good but WWE should plug the idea before it gets stale.

#4 Seth Rollins 7

Though the absence of Ambrose would’ve worked against Rollins, the Architect steered right around it. Ambrose was the first one to make Rollins pay for his betrayal and now Reigns has taken that spot in the storyline opening new prospects for Mr. Money in the Bank.

#3 Brock Lesnar 8

WWE was intelligent to use the aura that Lesnar has even if he couldn’t be there on Raw physically. Lesnar seemed like he legitimately had some problems with Cena, for which he deserves appreciation. As weeks pass by, the rematch is becoming bigger and bigger and would sell out NOC for sure.

#2 Roman Reigns 8

Reigns continued his ascent to the top with yet another strong performance. The handicap match packed a lot of good moments for Reigns and WWE is being too protective of the Samoan superstar at times. This might backfire on the company as the same is happening with Cena.

#1 John Cena 8.5

We are used to seeing a Cena who comes into the ring just to make fun of his opponents. Well, there wasn’t anything funny about the beating he got at SummerSlam. Cena is a transformed person as Michaels pointed out and his performance raised the stakes for his rematch with the beast.

Ex WWE writer blasts Liv Morgan HERE

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