WWE: Top 5 tribute shows

When you talk about professional wrestling with those who arent wrestling fans, it usually evokes a negative response. With the stigma professional wrestling has forever been associated with, it isnt completely wrong to say that professional wrestling will never be seen in the same league as football or baseball. Most of the wrestling fans have been subjected to taunts or ridicule, as some people see it as a fake sport. Ever since professional wrestling came out as a scripted sport, some of the fans have distanced themselves from the business. Since the mid 90s, professional wrestling has been looked down upon by the media and the press.It is not easy for someone to look from the outside and understand why such a business has some of the most loyal fans in the world. Through the constant mocking and being told that wrestling is fake, the wrestling fans have always sided with the business. Although weve known that the outcomes are scripted and the matches choreographed, we appreciate the art, and respect the wrestlers who travel 300 days a year. Although this art lies in not hurting each other intentionally, these performers put their bodies on the line every day, and no matter how much they practice, they endure immense pain to do what they love, and that is to perform in front of the wrestling fans.Sometimes, professional wrestling does something magical for the fans those who choose to live through the superstars, the larger than life characters they adore and respect. In the past, weve heard about superstars such as CM Punk going out of their way to meet their fans, and give them a ray of hope when everything else seems to be lost. Recently, Daniel Bryan gave a young fan a reason to hold on at a time when he was battling cancer. WWE went out its way to reach out to the young fan, bringing him to the WWE shows and even to WrestleMania. These are the kind of fairytales that can only be seen in the world of professional wrestling, and these are the moments that make the wrestling fans proud to have backed an industry when it needed them the most.The biggest sports entertainment organization in the world, the WWE has done similar things in the past. WWE is often criticized for its unsafe work environment, or the fact that many professional wrestlers passed away in their prime. To its credit, WWE has always supported its past and present employees, and in this article, I take a look at the 5 best tribute shows that the WWE has put on for the deceased superstars.

#5 Tribute to Paul Bearer


Paul Bearer was not only known as one of the greatest managers in the history of the WWE, but was also partly responsible for The Undertaker’s rise to fame. One can argue that the character of The Undertaker wouldn’t be complete without Paul Bearer beside him, and surely enough, Paul Bearer’s association with The Undertaker led to some incredible storylines and memorable moments in the WWE. Paul Bearer also managed the likes of Kane and Mankind, and played a pivotal role in one of the greatest feuds of all time between the half – brothers Kane and The Undertaker.

Before WrestleMania 29, The Undertaker returned to Monday Night RAW and was challenged by CM Punk, in an attempt to end the coveted undefeated streak at WrestleMania. Sadly, Paul Bearer passed away merely weeks before the biggest show of the year, and WWE paid homage to one of the most beloved personalities in professional wrestling industry, as The Undertaker posed in the ring, bidding adieu to his friend, in a moment which can only be described as tragically beautiful. The segment also highlighted the void Bearer has left in the business. Although the complete show wasn’t dedicated to Paul, WWE superstars and personalities fondly remembered Paul Bearer and his contributions to the WWE.

#4 Tribute to the Ultimate Warrior


Every man's heart one day beats its final beat, his lungs breathe their final breath and if what that man did in his life makes the blood pulse through the body of others and makes them believe deeper in something larger than life, then his essence, his spirit will be immortalized.” – Ultimate Warrior

Very few things make you believe in fate and destiny, giving the notion that everything is somehow meant to be. Perhaps, Warrior was destined to return to the WWE, giving him peace before he could move on. Ultimate Warrior returned to the WWE earlier this year, when WWE inducted him into the Hall of Fame. Warrior returned to Monday Night RAW after nearly two decades, and cut one of the most emotional promos, unaware of the irony of his last words in a WWE ring.

The next day, it was reported that Warrior had passed away. The entire wrestling world was left in shock and disbelief, as the fans weren’t ready to accept what they had just heard. The following week, WWE paid tribute to one of the most popular superstars, after he finally made peace with Vince McMahon. The WWE superstars and the fans showed their appreciation, and Vince was visibly shaken up by the passing of the Ultimate Warrior.

#3 Tribute show for Chris Benoit


Alright, before anyone blasts me for even mentioning it, I grew up idolizing Chris Benoit. Like most of the wrestling fans that followed Benoit’s journey, I was intrigued by the career of Benoit, and the sacrifices he made for the business made me respect him even more. WrestleMania 20 will remain as one of my favorite WrestleManias, and the final moments of the show, with Jim Ross barely finding his voice to summarize what Benoit had just done, will forever be etched in my memory. Benoit the wrestler will arguably be known as the best technical wrestler in the history of the business, and that is where I choose to draw the line.

After news broke out that Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy and his son Daniel were found dead, like the entire wrestling fraternity, I was in shock. WWE then came out with a tribute show – A show which was supposed to further the storyline involving Vince McMahon’s death but was changed when they heard about the tragic news, looking back at Benoit’s life and career. The superstars grieved the passing of one of the most respected wrestlers in the industry, with Edge remembering an instance when Daniel came into the locker room.

When WWE heard about the circumstances surrounding Benoit’s death, they quickly erased him from the history books and made it clear that the name of Chris Benoit will never be heard on – air on WWE TV. Benoit’s passing has hurt the wrestling business beyond repair, but the show WWE put on to celebrate Benoit’s life and career was emotional to say the least.

#2 Tribute show for Owen Hart


You feel the burn when you cry.

It starts to come when someone dies.

The pain you feel as your eyes swell

And the tears will up in the wells.

The burn starts to choke you up.

The words come out slow and shaken.

You close your eyes and wonder why

There is a burn when you cry.

When Owen left it felt like hands across my throat.

I couldn't talk I couldn't see.

The burn overwhelmed me.

My heart is heavy, this is why

You get the burn when you cry.

It digs down deep, you cannot sleep.

You toss and turn in your sheets.

Awaken with sobs and wet pillow cases.

You wander aimlessly looking to the sky.

You feel the burn when you cry.” – Mark Henry

Owen Hart is probably the most underrated superstar in the history of the WWE, and also one of the most beloved superstars. Owen’s peers have nothing but good things to say about the ‘King of Harts’, and his love for pranks and ribbing the other superstars made Owen one of the most colorful characters in the industry. The incident at the Kemper Arena in Kansas city took away laughter from the superstars and those inside the business, for Owen Hart’s passing took away their reason to smile. It is said that Owen Hart used to make everyone laugh when they were upset, and when Owen passed away, it left a huge void in the industry.

The next night on RAW, all the superstars came out to dedicate the night to their fallen friend. As superstars cried like little kids, the fans joined in as they cheered for Owen Hart. ‘RAW is Owen’ will forever be remembered as the night wrestling lost its smile.

#1 Tribute show for Eddie Guerrero


I distinctly remember coming home one evening and turning on the television, only to see the superstars lining up near the entrance area. As Vince McMahon announced the passing of Eddie Guerrero, the wrestling world stood still. An emotional Chris Benoit was shown shedding tears uncontrollably, as the fans chanted Eddie Guerrero’s name. The WWE once again lost one of the greatest wrestlers on the planet, and also one of the best human beings.

Eddie Guerrero epitomized everything good about professional wrestling, and about life in general. Eddie fought his personal demons, and not only did he win, he came out laughing. Eddie Guerrero put a smile of every fan’s face, as he forgot all the bad things once he emerged through the curtains. Eddie lived and breathed professional wrestling, and all the fans knew that. The entire week was dedicated to Eddie, and to this day, the wrestling fans and the industry misses Eddie Guerrero.

On RAW and Smackdown!, the superstars shared their thoughts and memories of Eddie Guerrero, and the visual of Chris Benoit breaking down in front of the camera would leave every wrestling fan in tears, and in the end, it turned out to be the best tribute show put on by the WWE.

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