WATCH: How many beers does it take to fill the Stanley Cup?

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How many beers does it take to fill the Stanley Cup?

The Stanley Cup is not just a prestigious trophy, it is also a symbol of tradition and celebration. As the ultimate prize in the NHL, the Stanley Cup has its fair share of unique customs, including the long-standing tradition of drinking beer from the Cup itself.

One question that you might wanna ask is, "How many beers does it take to fill the trophy?" The answer may surprise you—approximately 17 cans of beer!

The tradition of drinking beer from the Stanley Cup

Drinking beer from the Stanley Cup is a time-honored tradition among hockey players and their fans. It has become a symbolic way to celebrate the team's victory and the culmination of a grueling season. As soon as the championship is secured, the winning team takes possession of the Cup, and the festivities begin.

The Cup is often filled with champagne, but beer holds a special place in this tradition. Players, coaches, staff and sometimes even fans have the opportunity to drink their favorite brew from the iconic trophy. It has become an iconic image of celebration, captured in countless photographs over the years.

More on the long-standing tradition of drinking beer from the Stanley Cup

The Stanley Cup has a unique shape that makes estimating its beer-holding capacity a bit challenging. With a bowl-shaped upper cup and several bands of names engraved on the lower portion, it can be difficult to measure the exact volume. However, based on approximations around 17 cans of beer can fill the Cup to the brim.

The beer-filling ritual often takes place during victory parties, where players take turns pouring beer into the cup and passing it around for everyone to enjoy. Each player gets a moment to drink from the cup, creating memories that last a lifetime.

The significance of beer in hockey culture

Beer holds a special place in hockey culture, representing camaraderie, celebration and shared love for the game. It has become a symbol of unity among players and fans alike. When beer is poured into the cup, it not only signifies victory but also embodies the bond between teammates and the shared joy of achieving the ultimate goal.

This tradition also represents the unity that hockey brings, as players come together to celebrate their team's victory. So, next time you raise a glass to honor the cup, remember the significance of this time-honored tradition and the memories it creates.

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