10 reasons why WWE is better than UFC

Recent reports suggest that Vince McMahon is going to adapt a UFC type approach in which we will see the “face and heel” idea being wiped off from WWE.

On many dimensions that could well be the worst move that Vince could make in his career because WWE has always been known for the theatrics itself.

Professional Wrestling and Mixed Martial arts are two forms of sport with superlative similarities. WWE has been the monopoly in the former while UFC is the pioneer in the latter. Comparisons between the two started ever since UFC’s inception and still remains as a hottest debate.

Apart from the same old Real vs. fake comparisons there are a lot of factors that distinguish the two and an average wrestling fan would have a plethora of reasons to prove that WWE is way better than the whole UFC thing. So here is a look at the most relevant and best ten reasons why Vince McMahon’s product is better than the UFC.

Honorable Mentions – Props, Costumes, The Undertaker, announcers, Stables, Vince McMahon, WrestleMania and so on.

More eye candy

Raising the mercury

Raising the mercury

The women in UFC surely know how to kick some rear but the Divas in WWE know how to raise the temperature. The old saying of sex and violence always sells was the quote with which Vince McMahon built his company during the golden age.

Though the PG era has toned down the sex sells by a lot but still it’s fun to see Divas dressed up in fantasy clothes and fighting it out in skimpy costumes.

Celebrities in the ring

Always welcomed

Always welcomed

Now I’m not talking about when Hugh Jackman came and knocked the wrestlers out. I’m talking about moments like Floyd Mayweather against Big Show and Mike Tyson being at WrestleMania.

The UFC fans won’t get to see Chuck Norris getting involved in a match nor will they see a celebrity fight it out inside an octagon. The maximum limit a celeb can go in UFC is to sit in the audience. And that you would only serve as a distraction from the actual fight.


Touching the skies

Touching the skies

UFC is real and comes with a lot of risk but the UFC fighters are not going to perform a shooting star press like Evan Bourne or a moonsault like Cody Rhodes.

Most of the time, the UFC fighters will be locked in the mat with not much time off it, there are WWE wrestler who adopt the style but a WWE match never concludes with any of the wrestlers going over the top rope or trying to get up the turnbuckle.

And then there was even Brock Lesnar who used to pull off top rope moves every now and then.



The name Mick Foley strikes some horrifying yet memorable images into the mind of every wrestling fan. The match where he dropped 20 ft. from a hell in a cell still remains as one of the most defining moments in wrestling history.

The UFC fighters are not going to be beaten by kendo sticks or going to be dropped into thumbtacks. The highest risk they will in apart from the fight will be slamming into padded steel cages or the mat. The WWE wrestler put a lot more into the game and actually risk more than the “real” UFC.

Gimmick Matches

One of the many scenarios

One of the many scenarios

The only thing you are going to see in UFC is people fight it out inside an eight sided cage but in WWE there is The Hell in a Cell, Elimination Chamber, I quit match, Last man standing match and technically brilliant Iron man match.

The matches being not scripted means that the UFC fans might be heading home with a 4 minute match rather than an expected 30 minute bout. But a gimmick matches delivers the drama and the time without being disappointing. The scripting adds to such matches and clearly is a high point compared to UFC.




Leave alone the fans in attendance; WWE simply outclasses UFC when it comes to the whole fan base. WWE has some of the most passionate fans in the whole sports industry. They cry like little baby when something happens and laugh like retarded monkey when another happens.

The emotions and the chants are always on a high. The fans don’t hesitate to react as well as moments like filling the ring with trash and chairs still resounds in the history of WWE. This emotional surge is a rarity among UFC fans and the WWE fans clearly stays at the top when it comes to being the more passionate.


War it was

War it was

The UFC practically had no competition to its survival while the WWE survived an all-out war against other promotions to be the top dogs.

Vince took the company and revolutionalised it first by getting the territories out and then went on the Monday night wars with WCW. The company was at the edge of being folded but killed the competition and rose like a phoenix bird. Meanwhile, UFC stood like a monopolistic power from its inception and hasn’t really faced much competition till now.


The tears and the giggles

The tears and the giggles

I’m not saying that there is no drama at UFC but the drama in WWE is too damn high. Actually the business is built around drama. Sometimes it gives more tears than a weekly soap and more laughs than The Big bang theory.

When was the last time you laughed while watching UFC? Never I guess. The film Rocky wouldn’t make you cry if it only showed the match. The drama won the Oscar rather than the fight.

We are not in the film industry but a story really adds a lot of dimensions to the fight.


Bird? Plane ? no it's John Cena

Bird? Plane ? no it’s John Cena

John Cena – WWE’s Superman (like it or not)

The Undertaker –Dead man

CM Punk- The rebel

Daniel Bryan- the Ultimate underdog

Vince McMahon- Evil Boss

You are not going to see such colorful characters in UFC. None of the fans at UFC is going to get a chance to see one evil boss getting stunned by a beer drinking Texas guy.

The WWE fans have this luxury of enjoying some characters that one would see only in films. There are babyface and heels and it’s the great evil vs. good battle at all instances.

The lack of alignment and characters in UFC simply rests the match heat on the charisma of the fighter and if they are not charismatic enough, you’ll end up seeing a boring match that no one cares about.

The Attitude Era

The beer bath

The beer bath

This was the compilation of all the above reason. I mean do I need to write anything about this? The era changed the way people looked into wrestling and no one is going to see all that at UFC but we could still see it in WWE.

DX invading WCW, Stone Cold’s beer bath, the Montreal Screwjob, and the infamous matches all gives Goosebumps to fans who wish that they’d had a time machine.

The UFC will never be able to pull of such drama, emotions or memorable moments. WWE is known for all these. It might not be real but its entertainment. We know films are not real but we watch them it’s the same with WWE.

It nothing less than a well execute entertainer that makes the fans go wild with every twist and turn. And again UFC will never match the excitement that WWE brings into the fans.

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