Which wrestler will rule 2018?

Kenny Omega and John Cena. Will one of these men rule 2018?

2017 is drawing to a close, and it has been one wild year for WWE. We've seen unexpected championship reigns, the elevation of new talent, and signs that older talent might not be done just yet.

With a pro wrestler--The Rock--being the undisputed champion of the box office these days, the niche of top wrestler in the world is worthy of great gravity. Who will take the crown? Here are ten heirs apparent to the throne.

#10 John Cena

John Cena's career may be winding down, but does he have one more go at being the top guy left in the tank?
John Cena's career may be winding down, but does he have one more go at being the top guy left in the tank?

John Cena has truly dominated the 2000s, just as Ric Flair dominated the 1970s and 1980s. Being the face of the WWE has put John Cena always in the world title picture. Being the flagship of the biggest promotion in the world comes with plenty of prestige.

Chances of ruling 2018:

We'd say not so good. Cena's new, married life and film schedule for Total Divas/Bellas will keep him distracted from wrestling. Of late, he's been mired in the mid-card and doesn't seem dissatisfied with this role. Cena is a veteran whose legacy is in no danger of depreciating, so we don't see him being the man to rule 2018.

#9 Jinder Mahal

What's next for Jinder Mahal?

The Modern-Day Maharajah had a stellar 2017, capturing the Smackdown championship and gaining wins over legends like Randy Orton.

With that kind of experience under his belt, there may be no stopping him in 2018.

Chances of ruling 2018:

Pretty darn good. Most likely, his title reign was ended so there could be a babyface to fight Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series. He seems to be starting a feud with AJ over the belt he lost. Jinder might be the face of Smackdown's half of Wrestlemania this year.

#8 Adam Cole

Is gold in Adam Cole's future?
Is gold in Adam Cole's future?

The undersized Ring of Honor import has looked quite strong in NXT. He and the Undisputed Era won the first Wargames in nearly twenty years.

A stable of technical wrestlers has never been tried before, at least not as heels. Adam Cole is clearly the lead star in the Undisputed Era. Will he dominate the wrestling scene in the coming year?

Chances of dominating 2018:

Not so good. Though Adam Cole has been successful in NXT, he is likely to be on that brand for most if not all of 2018. If you're not on one of the main brands, you're not in a position to dominate as wrestler of the year. That isn't to say Adam Cole can't pull it off; It just doesn't seem to be in the cards for him. Oh well, there's always 2019!

#7 Dean Ambrose

Can Ambrose climb back to the top?

Dean Ambrose didn't have a terrible 2017, but it wasn't spectacular either. He spent most of the year mired in the mid-card, and even a reunion with Seth Rollins, his former Shield-brother, doesn't seem to have gotten him out of mid-card hell.

But a new year means new opportunities. Can Dean Ambrose escape the shadow cast by his Shield mates to once again be the top guy?

Chances of ruling 2018:

Slim to none. Dean and Seth have been booked as a tag team recently, and the addition of Roman Reigns to the mix means the pecking order has changed. While Ambrose will still be on your TV screen and may even be wearing gold while he does it, we don't see him being the king of 2018.

#6 Kazuchika "The Rainmaker" Okada

Can Okada make it rain in 2018?
Can Okada make it rain in 2018?

Kazuchika Odada draws many parallels to Shinsuke Nakamura. Both are celebrated wrestlers from the land of the rising sun whose persona and charisma have carried them just as far as their top tier in-ring abilities.

Okada has youth on his side, however, and is just a bit more powerfully built than Nakamura. As the leader of the Chaos faction, he had what many are calling the best match of the modern era against Kenny Omega. 2017 was very, very good for Okada. Can he be on top of the heap in the coming year?

Chances of ruling 2018:

Very high. Okada is known not just in Japan, but all over the world. His involvement with Ring of Honor also ensures that the American fans know his name, and covet his trademark 'Okada Dollars.'

Okada will likely have a dominant 2018, and may even claim the crown of wrestler of the year. Rumor has it that once his New Japan contract is up, he wants to head to the WWE. Expect New Japan to book him strongly to encourage him to stick around for a new contract, but never say never.

#5 Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens
Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens had a sketchy 2017. On one hand, he had multiple title reigns and one awe-inspiring moment when he headbutted Vince McMahon on live television. On the other, he really hasn't been able to escape the midcard, and now that he's been paired with comedy character Sammi Zayne he might have lost all steam. Still, the new year could be a turn around for Owens.

Chances of him ruling 2018:

Right now, it doesn't look good. Recently, he and Sammi Zayne were sent home from a WWE tour of Europe for botching a match's ending, possibly on purpose. The fact that he's gone from deadly serious to being the straight man in a comedy act doesn't help matters much.

But Owens is a phenomenal wrestler, possessed of a deep moveset and a near perfect blend of power and agility. So, he could be the dark horse of this list, and totally own 2018 before the year is up.

#4 Roman Reigns

Roman Reigns
Roman Reigns

The man who retired Undertaker and the current IC champ, Roman has had a rock solid 2017. While he was not always in the main event, he was always near the top of the card. The fact that Vince McMahon has said Roman is the 'next John Cena' certainly didn't hurt.

But he lost some momentum when he was forced to take a leave of absence due to illness. Now holding the lesser belt on Raw, he may have to claw his way back up to the top.

Chances of him ruling 2018:

Pretty good, even with recent setbacks. Roman is a polarizing figure, generating at least as many boos as cheers, but that never stopped WWE from pushing Cena to the moon. Expect him to rise to the top of the Shield as their main singles star.

Rumors abound that he will replace Finn Balor in the Wrestlemania main event to challenge Brock Lesnar for the Universal title once again. As long as he's Vince's favourite, you'll be seeing a lot of Roman Reigns.

#3 Dalton Castle

Dalton Castle and the Boys
Dalton Castle and the Boys

The instant sensation, the Party Peacock, the ROH world champion? Dalton Castle burst onto the scene two years ago and has been one of ROH's top attractions. Flamboyant, powerful, and technically gifted, Dalton also brings outrageous antics and an over the top persona based on Liberace and Rip Taylor.

Simply put, you can't take your eyes off of him. Despite a reign with the Boys as ROH six-man champions, Dalton had a sketchy 2017, partially due to injury. Can he become the king of 2018?

Chances of him ruling 2018:

Fair. While he works for the number two promotion in the United States, Dalton his also recognized internationally. His matches with the fifty-year-old Jushin Thunder Liger have revitalized the latter and made him love wrestling again.

That's high praise indeed. Most likely, you will see Dalton with the ROH title around his waist before year's end, but unless ROH ups its game and makes for a serious contender to the WWE, he may not be able to rule 2018.

#2 Kenny Omega

Kenny Omega
Kenny Omega

Let's get one thing straight; The Cleaner is under contract with New Japan for all of 2018, so you WON'T be seeing him at the Royal Rumble or Wrestlemania. That being said, Kenny can make a claim as the wrestler of the year for 2017.

Not only did he put on what's being called the best match of modern pro wrestling, he set the wrestling world abuzz with rumours about joining the WWE.

Just how good is Kenny Omega? Well, John Cena is a fan, for one. And Chris Jericho was willing to give up a WWE contract for the chance to wrestle Omega. Respect among peers and fans is not an easy commodity to come by. But who wouldn't want to see the Cleaner face Cena at a big WWE event?

Chances of him ruling 2018:

Very high. Kenny Omega was the most talked about wrestler in the world last year. If he can continue that momentum into 2018, he might end up being at the top of the heap again. His upcoming bout with Chris Jericho has already set the wrestling world on fire, and they have yet to even lock up. Whatever happens, Kenny Omega will be one of the top performers of 2018.

#1 AJ Styles

AJ Styles
AJ Styles

Arguably the best in-ring performer in the world today, AJ Styles had a stellar 2017. Whether reigning as Smackdown or US champion, AJ has rarely been without gold to keep his waist warm.

AJ is the go-to guy in a pinch; When Bray Wyatt was ill, AJ stepped up and put on a five-star match with Finn Balor at the drop of a hat. The Phenomenal one is enjoying the spotlight as Smackdown's top babyface, and it shows in his performances. This is the most dedicated, energized, and enthusiastic AJ we've seen in years.

Chances of him ruling 2018:

Almost a sure bet. AJ had the goods in the ring and has enough charisma to make him a no questions asked main eventer. Now that WWE seems to believe in AJ, his stock should continue to rise. Expect AJ to be involved in the best matches--and the title picture--throughout 2018.

There you have it; ten wrestlers who might make 2018 their own!

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