20th January, 2014 - Monday Night RAW results

batista returns

This week’s Monday Night RAW opened with a tribute to Martin Luther King and his speech ‘Keep The Dream Alive.’

Triple H and Stephanie McMahon make their way out to the ring. Triple H says the Road to WrestleMania begins this Sunday. He hypes the Royal Rumble pay-per-view and how the winner gets a shot at WrestleMania XXX. Triple H says it’s honor to welcome back one of those 30 men.

Randy Orton‘s music interrupts Triple H, and out comes the WWE World HeavyWeight Champion, much to the chagrin of Triple H.

Stephanie isn’t happy about what happened on last week’s Monday Night RAW – Orton attacking John Cena‘s dad, losing to Kofi Kingston. She says his actions were unbecoming of the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. If Randy Orton failed to obey The Authority, he would lose his WWE World title and even his spot on the main roster. WWE COO Triple H reminded Randy Orton why The Authority chose him as the new face of WWE.

Just then, Batista’s music hits and out comes the Animal. He makes his way to the ring with fans chanting his name. He hugs Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. Orton gets booed when he extends his hand, but Batista says hello to him.

Batista tells Orton that he’s back he wants the WWE World Heavyweight Title. Batista says he doesn’t care if it’s Orton, Cena or someone else. He says he’s back to win the Royal Rumble and be WWE World Heavyweight Champion and go on to headline WrestleMania. Batista drops the mic and tells Orton to deal with it as his music starts up again. Batista heads up the ramp as Orton fumes.

Match One: The Shield vs. Big E Langston, Cody Rhodes and Goldust

Big E Langston and Dean Ambrose start the match. Big E starts with a shoulder block, but Rollins is tagged in and is manhandled by Big E. Goldust is tagged in and hits a kick to the head for a two count.

Cody gets tagged in, but Roman Reigns takes control of him. Rhodes tries to make some offense, but Reigns cuts him off. Ambrose and Rollins both do quick tags for some triple teaming. Rollins works over Cody in the corner now but misses a huge splash and goes down. Reigns tags in and knocks Goldust off the apron. Cody counters and nails a Disaster Kick on Reigns.

Big E finally gets tagged back in and sends Reigns over the top rope.

Big E goes for the Big Ending, but Rollins stops him. Chaos ensues and Reigns hits a superman punch on Cody and a Spear on Goldust. Reigns is taken out, and Rollins is tagged in. Rollins shoves Big E’s face in the mat with his foot and gets the 3 count.

Winners: The Shield

A recap of last week’s RAW is shown where Bryan turned on the Wyatt Family.

Daniel Bryan makes his way to the ring with YES chants going on and says that in order to defeat Bray Wyatt, he needs to defeat him mentally.

Bryan says he had to do a lot of things he wasn’t proud of, but it was worth it for that one moment. Bryan than says he exposed Bray Wyatt for who he was, and that he was informed that Harper and Rowan are in the Rumble match, which means he can have Bray Wyatt in singles competition. Bray cuts him off on the titantron.

Bray Wyatt cuts off Daniel Bryan

Bray Wyatt cuts off Daniel Bryan

Bray says that he wasn’t exposed, but it was Bryan who was exposed. He says the only reason they cheer for him is because they have knelt like sheep. He then says for Bryan to go home and tell his mom he loves her and he is sorry because everything that will happen to him from now on is his fault.

Match Two: Fandango vs. Xavier Woods

Really quick match. Woods started off with a hurricanrana and took Fandango down with a dropkick. Fandango dodges another dropkick and gives Woods a suplex. He hits the leg drop for the 3 count.

Winner: Fandango

Kane apologizes to CM Punk

Kane apologizes to CM Punk

Backstage, Stephanie isn’t happy with Kane (boy, she’s not happy with a lot of people today!) for chokeslamming CM Punk on SmackDown and asks him to apologize to the latter.

Kane comes out into the ring and calls out to CM Punk. He says he overstepped his boundaries and let his anger get the better of him. He apologizes for chokeslamming CM Punk on SmackDown. A “one more time” chant starts going around the arena as Punk decks Kane with the microphone and pushes him into the ropes.

Punk knocks Kane out of the ring. Kane takes off his coat and goes towards the ring but Brad Maddox comes out and tells him to stop. Maddox announces Punk vs. either Road Dogg or Billy Gunn, who both come out to the stage. The New Age Outlaws head to the ring as Maddox calls for a referee.

Match Three: CM Punk vs. Billy Gunn

Billy tries to get started off, but Punk beats him down and whips him hard across the ring, causing him to roll out on to the floor.

Punk follows and slams Gunn into the apron. Gunn takes control of CM Punk and goes for the sleeper. Punk goes down and Gunn goes for a pin attempt but Punk kicks out. Punk beats up Road Dogg and hits a heel kick on Gunn.

Gunn takes back control and goes for a splash in the corner but misses. Punk goes for the elbow drop but Road Dogg pulls Gunn out of the ring. Punk then hits a suicide dive onto Road Dogg but then gets in the ring. Punk dodges a Fame-Asser and hits the GTS for the win.

Winner: CM Punk

After the match, Maddox congratulates CM Punk on his victory, but Kane cuts him off. Kane talks about the Royal Rumble match and says CM Punk will be the number ONE entrant!

Match Four: Rey Mysterio vs Alberto Del Rio


Alberto Del Rio starts off with a headlock take down, but Mysterio fights his way out and kicks Del Rio twice on his chest. Del Rio goes for a kick but Mysterio dodges it and brings Del Rio to the outside. Mysterio then hits a springboard moonsault to the outside and brings Del Rio back in the ring. Mysterio then hits 10 punches in the corner, but Del Rio gets Mysterio caught in the ropes and stomps him to the ground.

Lots of back and forth goes on, and Del Rio manages to thrown Mysterio into the steel steps. He tries to take off Rey’s mask but he escapes outside.

Del Rio brings him back inside and pushes him into a corner. He tries to attack Mysterio in the corner but Mysterio moves and Del Rio runs into the post. Mysterio then hits a diving senton on Del Rio and both men are down.

Rey goes to the top, nails the senton and goes for the pin, but Del Rio kicks out at 2.

Del Rio then hits his kick to the head, but Mysterio kicks out at two. Mysterio then reverses the arm breaker into the 619 and hits it! Mysterio hits the splash but only gets the two count as Del Rio grabs the rope. Del Rio then slams Mysterio into the mat and Del Rio locks in the arm breaker for the win.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

Del Rio is celebrating his victory when Batista comes out and hits a spinebuster on Del Rio and follows it with a Batista Bomb.


Big Show comes out and challenges Brock Lesnar to come out. Paul Heyman comes out at first and then follows Brock Lesnar. They come halfway to the ring, stop, turn around and go back. Big Show calls out to Lesnar asking him to come out one more time. Brock comes back out and makes his way to the ring. Big Show and Lesnar begin to brawl where Big Show throws him around, and all the way to the outside! Brock begins to destroy the announce table with the chair and throws it in the ring where Big Show grabs it. Brock looks on as he slowly retreats to the back with Big Show standing tall.

Match Five: AJ Lee and Tamina Snuka vs Naomi and Cameron

Again, a rather short match. AJ Lee is pretty upset that no one attended her party and Tamina is pissed because AJ smashed her cake on Tamina’s face!

Cameron and Tamina start off with the latter dishing out a scoop slam and tagging in AJ Lee. AJ hits the neckbreaker and goes for the pin, but Cameron kicks out at 2. Tamina gets tagged back in

and hits a knee to gut of Cameron. Cameron hits Tamina with a knee to the head and tags in Naomi. Naomi begins to take out Tamina until she is kicked in the head. AJ is tagged in and skips around Naomi, but is then rolled up for the 3 count.

Winners: Cameron and Naomi

Match Six: The Uso’s vs Eric Rowan and Luke Harper

Luke Harper and Jimmy Uso start off as Bray Wyatt watches the match sitting on a chair outside the ring.

Harper beats Jimmy down and tags in Rowan who continues the beat down with stomps to the head. Jimmy manages to tag in Jey who begins exchanging blows with Harper. Jimmy is tagged back in and hits a cross body on Harper. Rowan comes in and takes out Jey. throwing him to the outside. Harper hits Jimmy with a kick to the head and tags in Rowan.

Rowan clears both Usos out and Harper gets a big boot on Jimmy and a 2 count. The Wyatts are still in control as Bray starts talking about Daniel Bryan and the Royal Rumble. He says “hell awaits Bryan” and starts laughing.

In the meantime, the Usos turn the match around and Jimmy hits a corkscrew senton. Jey gets tagged in and begins the comeback on Harper. Jimmy takes out Rowan and Harper takes control of Jey. Daniel Bryan comes out and assaults Bray Wyatt! Jey rolls up Harper in the ring for the 3 count!

Winners: The Usos

Match Seven: Kofi Kingston vs Randy Orton

Randy Orton gets his rematch against upset minded Kofi Kingston. Orton takes control of Kofi but keeps looking at the entrance to see if Cena has arrived. Kofi gets back at Orton and throws him into the fan barrier and back into the ring. Kofi charges but Orton hits a knee to the gut. Orton takes control and slams Orton into the announcers table. Orton rolls Kofi in at the 6 count and covers for 2.

Orton throws Kofi into the middle turnbuckle and tries to mount offense on Kofi. Orton hits a suplex in the middle of the ring and looks at the ramp waiting for Cena. Orton goes back to Kofi and gets rolled up for a 2 count. Orton hits a clothesline and goes for the cover but also gets a 2 count.

Orton mocks Kofi with the “you can’t see me” gesture. He continues beating down Kofi and backstage, Cena has made his entry into the building.

Cena rushes down to the ring and Kofi doesn’t let Orton retreat. Cena begins to beat down Orton.

Winner (By DQ) : Randy Orton


Cena whips Orton over the fan barrier and continues beating him as Orton tries to walk up the stairs. Cena goes for an Attitude Adjustment on the stairs but Orton fights out and they keep hitting cheap shots at each other. Orton enters into a private suite fight out into the concessions area.

Orton randomly disappears and we see him getting into probably a fan’s car and driving off. Cena is left fuming in the cold and heads back to the ring. Fans chant his name and his music plays.

Vince Russo answers who killed WCW HERE

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