The 5 best hands in the WWE

Jericho agreed to be the stepping stone for AJ Styles

Whenever a new star debuts, he needs to prove his caliber in the ring and has to build his credibility. Any new wrestler’s credibility is built when he defeats or competes against one of the company’s top dogs.

It is the first feud that makes or breaks a wrestler’s career sometimes. But, in an industry where people with puffed up egos are a dime a dozen, it is a gargantuan task for any new Superstar to leave a mark in his first feud.

However, there are a few established superstars who realize the importance of putting over talent, not necessarily taking a clean pin fall for them, but, helping the rookies deliver solid matches. Let’s have a look at the superstars who have consistently put over talent:

5. The Undertaker

Jeff Hardy became a serious singles competitor after his ladder match with The Deadman

The Undertaker is a living legend. His legacy is not only limited to WrestleMania, but he will always be remembered as someone who is willing to work with rookies or the talented guys from the lower or mid-card.

Taker famously feuded with Maven (he eliminated The Undertaker from the Royal Rumble once) and even dropped his Hardcore Championship to him in a bid to put him over. His classic ladder match with Jeff Hardy was the stepping stone of Hardy’s singles career.

Even during the 90’s Taker helped upcoming Superstars such as Shawn Michaels and Diesel to get over and cement their place on the roster. However, his most notable effort in putting over a star has to be for his half-brother Kane. Had it not been for his initial storyline with Taker, Kane may not have managed to achieve the same success.

His feud with Bray Wyatt is a prime example of Taker’s keenness to promote fresh talents even in the twilight years of his career. If Taker decides to stay a few more years in the WWE then we can witness some mouth watering feuds with Ambrose, Owens or Rollins which will put these stars on course to being legends.

4. The Rock

The Hurricane defeated The Rock for the brightest moment in his career

The Rock with his millions and millions of fans around the world is a star who has witnessed stardom likes no one ever has in the sports entertainment industry. Still, “The Brahma Bull” is one of those superstars who puts aside his ego and lends a helping hand to a rookie’s budding career.

If we compile the list of stars that The Rock has put over, we can have a whole bunch of future Hall Of Famers; Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, Chris Jericho will all be a part of that list. The way The Rock and Mick Foley put over one another can be used as “How to put over another wrestler 101” for the future generation of superstars.

“The Great One” even lost to The Hurricane once, giving The Hurricane the most notable moment of career. When he should have squashed The Hurricane and established his dominance, The Rock put him over. A major star like him putting over rookies is what makes The Rock a class act.

3. Kane

Kane played a huge role in getting Bryan over

Kane as a character has lost his relevance lately due to his frequent character changes and bad booking decisions. But, he is one of the stars from the bygone era who is eager to work storylines with younger stars and help them establish themselves.

Kane’s build and his monstrous character has made him just the right adversary for any rookie. Kane was involved in Umaga’s first legitimate feud which established Umaga as a monster heel. Even Khali and Gene Snitsky (the guy who caused Lita’s kayfabe miscarriage) were put over by Kane, though it did not help these stars due to their own limitations.

If you look at “Team Hell No”, it was Kane who played a perfect foil for Daniel Bryan and helped him in getting over. Though Kane has been off air for some time now, fans are anxiously awaiting “The Big Red Monster” to return to the ring and breathe fire again before his last hurrah.

2. Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler has been consistently putting young stars over

Ziggler is one of the most underutilized talents on the current roster. The guy has been around for more than a ten years in the WWE and still has been confined to the realms of the mid-card.

Ziggler has become a sentinel of sorts, of the main roster. Any promising superstar who has to cross over from NXT to the main roster has to go through Ziggler these days.

Currently feuding with Baron Corbin, Dolph has helped rookies like Tyler Breeze and Big-E make a name for themselves at his expense. Not only in the ring, but Ziggler puts over people in promos as well. Moreover, his best trait is his wrestling style that gels well with any wrestler you pit him against, resulting in some solid matches.

Had it not been for Ziggler on the current roster, getting over would have been a laborious task for the NXT graduates taking their initial steps in the WWE.

1. Chris Jericho

Jericho provided AJ Styles the perfect launchpad in the WWE

For a superstar of Jericho’s stature, the absence of egotism and proclivity to nurture the future stars are praise worthy. Despite being a part-timer, he does not have a craving for championships and is never averse to put over fresh faces.

He takes clean losses from the young Superstars and makes them look strong by effectively selling their moves. Jericho has played a major role in putting over stars like Fandango (WWE dropped the ball with him though), Dolph Ziggler, and AJ Styles.

An early indication of Jericho’s selflessness was when he feuded with Chyna for the Intercontinental Championship when most of the major superstars had refused to put her over.

Maybe we can see him feud with the guys from the “New Era” like Big Cass or Apollo Crews who can gain from Jericho’s enormous experience. It does not matter if Jericho stays for weeks, months or years in the WWE, his feud opponents will always achieve stardom from his Midas touch.

With no dearth of experienced superstars, WWE has a fabulous opportunity to use the expertise of these stars and use them to build a roster full of credible superstars for the future. Only if some of the superstars accept to share their spotlight or even step out of it, WWE can rest assured of the coming glory with the talent pool that they have.

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