5 best swerves in professional wrestling

Akash C

We all know that professional wrestling is scripted. That's what makes it so entertaining for us to try and guess what direction the WWE -- or any other wrestling promotion for that matter -- will take with its storylines. And, for the most part, fans are able to guess a large number of outcomes.

But, not always. Once in a while, the creative team does something so outrageous that no one sees it coming and the entire professional wrestling community is left in shock.

It's these moments that really define professional wrestling -- or sports entertainment if you prefer Vince McMahon's lingo -- and it's these moments that keep getting fans to come back for more. But, do they always work out for the best? No.

We all remember the infamous Stone Cold Steve Austin turning heel swerve that didn't really work out for the WWE. And, who can forget the disaster which was the Invasion angle? An angle with so much potential. No, these didn't work out at all. But, there are some swerves that were done to absolute perfection and were an all-around success.

So, without any further ado, let's get into our list of the five best swerves in professional wrestling:

#5 The Rock is the Corporate Champion

The Corporate Champion
The Corporate Champion

During the height of The Attitude Era, when factions ruled the day, Vince McMahon's The Corporation were looking to take over and they seemed to have pinned their hopes on Mick Foley becoming the new WWE Champion.

In a hugely unexpected twist, they turned on Foley and instead helped his opponent, The Rock, win the belt completing one of the most unexpected heel turns of the era. Gone was the benevolent People's Champion and in came the new, cocky and cocksure Corporate Champion.

As far as unexpected endings to title matches go, it was extremely well worked and "The Great One" drew some nuclear heat, while "Mrs Foley's Baby Boy" was cemented as the lovable underdog babyface.

#4 The Mark Henry retirement speech


When in the midst of his Hall of Pain gimmick, Mark Henry came out to the ring dressed in a garish peach suit and started talking about retirement, people really got behind him. He spoke from the heart and invoked a great sense of passion from the WWE Universe. He was saying goodbye.

Even John Cena -- who was at ringside -- was moved by the speech that "The World's Strongest Man" delivered. Big Match John proceeded to hug the big man but then, it happened. In one of the best swerves of all-time, Henry proceeded to deliver The World's Strongest Slam.

He played everyone like puppets on a string and instantly created a moment that will be forever remembered in the world of professional wrestling.

#3 Goldberg squashes Brock Lesnar


When the WWE announced that Fantasy Warfare was Becoming Real at WWE Survivor Series 2016, people were apprehensive. Bringing back Goldberg only to have him be demolished by Brock Lesnar? No, we don't really want any of that. But, the plans went ahead anyway.

When the big night came and the two men got into the ring, the most unexpected of shocks occurred as Goldberg proceeded to do the demolishing, squashing Lesnar in just over a minute.

The shock and awe that reverberated across the professional wrestling universe was unlike anything seen in years. What followed were some of the best months of recent years for the WWE with ratings going through the roof and fans tuning in eagerly to see what happens next.

#2 Seth Rollins cashes in Money in the Bank

Edge's original, inaugural cash in of the Money in the Bank contract almost made it onto this list but it was beaten out by the one Seth Rollins pulled off at Wrestlemania 31. With the main event WWE World Heavyweight Championship match between Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar resting on a knife edge, "The Architect" stunned the world to strike.

He pulled off 'The Heist of the Century' -- as Michael Cole put it -- to pin Roman and walk away from Wrestlemania as the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion. It was an outcome that no one saw at the start of the night -- including the WWE creative team.

Instead, it was decided during the pay-per-view that Rollins would be cashing in and the WWE managed to pull off the swerve of the century in the process.

#1 Hulk Hogan joins the nWo


I'm sorry, WWE, but the best swerve in professional wrestling history doesn't belong to you, but to your arch rivals from the 1990's Monday Night Wars, WCW. And, what a swerve it was. It nearly caused the collapse of the WWE, after all.

With Scott Hall and Kevin Nash jumping ship from WWE to WCW, they debuted as The Outsiders, attacking everyone and saying they were going to take over. And, that's exactly what they did for weeks while teasing the debut of a third member.

When Hulk Hogan appeared at Bash at the Beach 1996, everyone thought he was there to help his old ally, The Macho Man, Randy Savage. Instead, he stunned the entire planet into disbelief by revealing himself as the third man.

Turning heel, he dropped his patented Leg Drop on Savage and allied with The Outsiders to form the New World Order. The nWo would go on to become one of the greatest factions in professional wrestling history and it was all down to this one epic swerve.

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