5 Reasons to be excited for a Finn Balor and Bray Wyatt confrontation

Will technical veteran dominate the intense brawler?

Finn Balor and Bray Wyatt are considered part of the new class of talent that will lead Raw in 2017 and beyond. Of course, Wyatt has been a part of the main roster for some time now, and Balor has years of experience competing in Japan, not to mention leading NXT, behind him.

Now, these men are poised to face one another in the upcoming weeks and months. Both men have a very distinct quality to them, whether it is their attire, their in-ring style or their move sets, and thus Wyatt and Balor have caught the attention of the administration.

They appeal to fans as well, which hasn't gone unnoticed. There are certain things that make the prospect of these two facing each other quite intriguing. As said at the beginning, these two very special athletes are primed to lead the Raw brand forward.

What exactly are these things that stand out and make them such notable characters, making the prospect of them finally going head-to-head so enticing? Here are five reasons to be excited about a Finn Balor and Bray Wyatt confrontation.

#5 The Demon vs a ‘God'

We could see both men’s special characteristics come to the forefront.

The proverbial elephant in the room is that the confrontation will see two men who seek to impose fear face one another. As many are aware, Wyatt has feuded with The Undertaker and suggested that he has taken his power, and during that program caused lightning to strike down, leading others to believe that he was a much greater being.

We can't deny the fact that his unique reverse crab walk is meant to intimidate and frighten his opponents, catching them in awe and leaving them open to the Sister Abigail finisher. Balor seeks to intimidate and frighten his opponents in a different way.

His arrival to the ring is reminiscent of The Undertaker in that it is intended to set a tone right away with his opponents, make them feel threatened before the match even begins, as ‘the demon' walks and crawls to the ring. The elaborate face and body paint will certainly be a sight, and perhaps we will see Wyatt crab walk towards a prone demon.

#4 It would be a contrast in styles

Will technical veteran dominate the intense brawler?

It will be rather interesting to see how they match up because they are as different aesthetically as they are in the ring. Balor's ring style is much more refined and technical, whereas Wyatt is able to use his size and strength to his advantage.

Samoa Joe possesses size and strength, but in addition, his technical prowess led to quality matchups with Balor. In this instance, Balor will use all of the technical skill and attempt to finish off Wyatt with the coup de grace.

In comparison, Wyatt will use many high impact moves to beat down Balor. The story these two will tell in the ring is so important; it will go beyond simple execution of moves, and really is an important feud for both men.

For Balor, it is his first feud of significance since his return from injury. Wyatt is coming off quite a successful and compelling story with Randy Orton, where he lost the WWE championship, but ultimately ended the war with a win.

How will both men fare in an instance where there will be a long-term ramification for their role in the main event? We will see.

#3 The complexity of their professional backstories

Where they came from is just as important as where they are now.

Wrestlers today are often judged by their experience. It's about how long you have completed, where you competed, and who you knew that helped you along the way. In the case of both Wyatt and Balor, the story of these men is quite different.

If we peeled back the layers and were to break kayfabe (though this more than likely won't happen,) we could delve into how Wyatt is a third-generation wrestler, his father, and maternal grandfather had been notable wrestlers, not to mention his grandfather Blackjack Mulligan passing away within the past year.

While that may remain hidden, we could see the story told of Finn Balor, and how his career came to be. Whether it was a discussion about his matches in Japan and around the world, or as the founding member of ‘The Bullet Club,' they could easily focus on the travels of his career along with the challenges he has had to endure to even be in WWE.

While that was something they touched upon while Balor was in NXT, there is a much bigger audience here, and the notion that the less experienced Wyatt could take away all that Balor has worked for could create an interesting scenario.

#2 It could lead to a new ‘club,' or an old one reuniting

Friends are always within reach

When Balor was elevated to the main roster, the immediate thought was to have him once again align with two men he was teamed with while he was in Japan. Karl Anderson and Gallows haven't hidden their past relationship with Balor, and this was reaffirmed on the WWE Network special Ride Along when Gallows and Anderson had cut-outs of AJ Styles and Finn Balor in the back seat of their car.

During the program, Balor called Gallows and Anderson while they were on the road, another reminder of this friendship. At last year's SummerSlam, there was a moment when Styles, Anderson and Gallows were all backstage, and through a door came Finn, and the three men made the ‘too sweet' motion.

In any event, perhaps there could ultimately be a double turn, and Wyatt and Balor could swap sides, leading to Balor aligning with his former Bullet Clube stablemates. An alternative to this scenario could see a temporary alliance between Wyatt, Anderson, and Gallows, as though they were under the guidance of Wyatt.

#1 This may be a prelude to a future WWE Universal Championship match

Their confrontation could lead to a feud over the WWE Universal Championship.

With any big confrontation, or when lines are drawn between competitors, it becomes important to highlight each character and why this has all the makings of something big. A Balor/Wyatt confrontation could lead fans to believe that something greater could be awaiting them, in the event that their confrontation with each other is in a few months from now.

As it stands right now, Brock Lesnar is the WWE Universal champion, and as the primary champion is considered the flag-bearer for Raw. Those that challenge him will usually be smaller in size, but great workers that will give each punch, kick, suplex and F5 a convincing sell.

In the event that Balor or Wyatt defeats Brock, we could be looking at a future Universal championship match up, potentially at WrestleMania 35. Both men have earned the confidence of management, and have all the tools to be the focal point of the brand. A match that has huge implications could be exactly what is on the horizon for them.

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