5 Shocks WWE could pull at Money in the Bank

The Main Event of the show.... Or will it be?
The Main Event of the show or will it be?

Outside of the Big Four Events, Money in the Bank is easily the biggest pay per view in WWE calendar year. For the past decade, it has been home to some of the best matches that the hardcore fans expect from WWE wrestlers.

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When WWE visits Chicago for this year's annual extravaganza, it will have a lot of pressure on its shoulders to present a brilliant show after underwhelming outings at Greatest Royal Rumble and Backlash.

The Last Man Standing Grudge Match and the Two MITB Ladder matches have the potential to steal the show if carried out properly.

However, WWE, being WWE, has a history of screwing up right when it matters the most. Giving away shocking results just to swerve the fans is, in fact, Vince McMahon's favourite past time, and we can surely expect some shocks on 17th June as well.

Here are 5 shocks that WWE could pull at Money in the Bank 2018.

#5 Ronda Rousey loses

Will The Baddest Women fall to the Irresistible force?
Will The Baddest Women fall to the Irresistible force?

A lot of fans were shocked when WWE announced that Ronda Rousey will appear and challenge Nia Jax for Raw Women's Champion 2018.

After all, she is a special attraction like Brock Lesnar who was expected to appear only at Big Four events.

However, now that the match is official, it is pretty clear that WWE is planning to put title on Rousey and have her feud with Natalya, her new BFF, over the Red Brand's Women's Title through Summerslam.

What if, what if WWE decides to take the road less traveled, and have Jax defeat Rousey in her first ever singles match?

This might seem like a long shot, but you can never trust WWE in such circumstances. Nia is just into the third month of her reign, and having her defeat Rousey, albeit not in a fair way, will not only provide attention to her reign but will also create more buzz for a future Rematch between the two at Summerslam.


#4 Elias wins Intercontinental Title

This match can steal the show.
This match can steal the show

Seth Rollins has been on a roll so far in 2018. His matches with the likes of The Miz, Finn Balor and Roman Reigns have been among the best matches on WWE programming in this year, and all this has elevated Rollins to the position of the top babyface on the Red Brand.

His feud with Elias, one of the biggest heels on the roster, was the best thing that could have happened to Seth Rollins and his Intercontinental Title reign.

Or does it? There have been a lot of rumors about Rollins facing Brock Lesnar for Universal Title at Summerslam 2018, with some talks even suggesting that it might actually be a title v title match.

However, WWE could pull a shock by having Elias defeat The Kingslayer to take the title off him, which in turn will allow Elias to enter a program with some other deserving opponent and free Rollins for his feud with Lesnar.


#3 Anyone, but The Miz, wins Money in the Bank

The Miz is ready for a run with WWE Title.
The Miz is ready for a run with WWE Title.

No superstar has made more in-ring progress in the last 18 months than The Miz. The A-Lister is easily one of the best things on WWE programming and is capable of turning any segment that involves him into pure gold with his talent.

And this is where The Money in the Bank Contract comes into play. This year's contract has The Miz written all over it, and it would be a shame, and a genuine shock if anyone else were to end up winning it.

Yes, there is Braun Strowman in the match. Yes, Samoa Joe is on a roll in the promotion right now. Yes, Rusev is more popular than any other guy on the roster. But none of them deserves the briefcase more than The Miz.

Not only will it give him a much deserved run with a World Title in the post-Summerslam season, it will also initiate his long due feud with Daniel Bryan. A win for any other superstar will be a huge surprise for everyone.


#2 Styles defeats Nakamura, again

It's time to give Nak the title for his impressive work.
It's time to give Nakamura the title for his impressive work.

Heel Nakamura is just Phenomenal. Anyone who doubts his profess as a top-notch heel can watch his performance during the awkward contract signing between him and WWE Champion AJ Styles.

Even though the feud between these two heated rivals has gone hot and cold in the past three months, it has given birth to one of the best heel personas in a company right now and it is the time that Nakamura finally gets his hand on WWE Title.

Ever since the Last Man Standing stipulation was announced for their clash at Money in the Bank, it became evidently clear that Nakamura's time at the top has finally arrived.

But what if this is all a hoax by WWE, and they never had any plans to put the title on Nakamura.

WWE swerved the fans at WrestleMania 34 when they gave two shocking results during that dream contest. Don't be shocked if WWE gives one more swerve and lets Styles walk out with the title still on his shoulders.


#1 Roman-Jinder closes the show

Such a decision will cause a revolt in a hardcore town like Chicago.
This decision will cause riots in a hardcore town like Chicago.

WWE received a lot of Backlash from fans and critics all around the globe for its decision to end Backlash with a non-title match, that also featuring Roman Reigns.

The frustration was clear when the fans started leaving midway of the main event and those remaining in the arena started chanting weird stuff for the remaining part of the contest.

This reaction was nothing but a sign, that no one wants to see Reigns in a pay per view main event anymore.

Even then, you can't trust WWE with the main event of any card right now. For Vince McMahon, no active title is bigger than his Big Dog (Universal Title is a Part-Time Title) and we can still expect Reigns to face Jinder Mahal in the main event of Money in the Bank ahead of Styles and Nakamura again.

Not only will such a decision stun all the fans, there is a very good chance that it will cause a mutiny and riot in a hardcore town like Chicago.


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