5 Superstars that seem to be gaining momentum in WWE

Like it or not, Baron Corbin could be WWE's next big thing!
Like it or not, Baron Corbin could be WWE's next big thing!


It's a make or break factor for every single Superstar in the WWE and while some may have lost momentum as the new year approaches, there are a lot of Superstars that have surprisingly gained it. In fact, if the end of 2019 is an indicator, we could be looking at a completely different WWE when 2020 rolls around.

While that might sound a little too over-dramatic and naïve to say, the Superstars that WWE is currently choosing to push seem to reflect this idea perfectly. They even seem to be going out of their way to build up new Superstars or the ones who were big in the past, which is going to be interesting to see.

With that being said and 2019 finally almost in the books, here are five Superstars that seem to be gaining momentum. As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below and be sure to tell us who you think is gaining momentum.

#5 Elias

WWE wants to walk with Elias!
WWE wants to walk with Elias!

Elias may not have competed in an actual match since returning from an ankle injury, but his stinging one-liners and creative backstage segments have generated a lot of renewed focus. WWE even has the audience firmly behind Elias at this point in time, which will make his next set of actions a must-see.

If nothing else, Elias is that rare type of Superstar who can thrive in any situation that WWE puts him in. Interestingly enough, WWE has chosen to make him a midcard babyface for the time being and while some might see that as a mistake, the reaction he is getting seems to prove otherwise.

In the end, this is going to help Elias gain a lot of momentum, work his way to the top of the midcard, and maybe even compete for a championship. Maybe WWE can even team him up with someone and create a sort of an odd pairing going forward. The possibilities are truly endless here!

#4 Lacey Evans

Looks like WWE has big plans for Lacey Evans going forward.
Looks like WWE has big plans for Lacey Evans going forward.

Who thought Lacey Evans could be a babyface?

Seriously though, between her sassy one-liners and the way she laid out Becky Lynch on RAW night after WrestleMania 35, how could anyone see her as a babyface? Beyond that, how could the WWE see her as a babyface after what she and Baron Corbin did to Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch later that year?

If nothing else, there was a lot that Evans had to redeem herself for and it seems like the company is doing just that! Not only is that evident by the fact that she is now working as a babyface against Bayley and Sasha Banks on SmackDown, but also by how they are incorporating her family into it as well.

With that being said, WWE is going all out to make fans sympathize with Evans and while it hasn't resulted in a straight-up win yet, it feels like it's coming sooner or later. Maybe WWE could even decide to have her beat Bayley for the SmackDown Women's title, thus establishing a new Superstar on the Blue brand.

It's safe to say that Lacey Evans is gaining a lot of momentum right now and it feels like an intentional way to build-up to a match between her and Bayley at Royal Rumble. It might even be what sets her on a course to heading into WrestleMania 36 with the SmackDown Women's title.

#3 The AOP

Seth Rollins and The Authors of pain together is a deadly combination.
Seth Rollins and The Authors of pain together is a deadly combination.

The Authors of Pain haven't even competed in an actual match since returning to television and they are still the biggest thing in the tag team division right now! Not only is that evident by the fact that Akam and Razar are now aligned with former Universal Champion, Seth Rollins, but also by their new sinister look.

In all honesty, the suits they wear and the fact that they rarely speak English just screams mob bosses. Furthermore, they look better than their previous runs in WWE, which has really helped in showing the WWE Universe just how menacing these two men are.

Then WWE went a step further by having The AOP run up a victim count that includes, Rey Mysterio, Kevin Owens, and a hellacious beatdown on Samoa Joe. Of course, some are going to wait until they are put up against top talent in an actual match, but these beatdowns are still foretelling WWE's intentions here.

If nothing else, WWE is allowing AOP to run rampant on Monday Night Raw and they will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. At least that way, WWE can continue to build up the white-hot momentum they have going for the tag team already and maybe even parlay that into a match with The Viking Raiders.

#2 Asuka

Is WWE going back to The Asuka of old?
Is WWE going back to The Asuka of old?

No one is ready for Asuka!

Believe it or not, there was actually a time when that statement was true and she completely mowed over anyone that stood in her way. Of course, this lasted for about a year before WWE pulled the plug on her undefeated streak at WrestleMania 34, which left The Empress of Tomorrow struggling to find an identity.

WWE even went so far as to put her up against Carmella and James Ellsworth and had her lose twice to them! Now this move was great for The Queen of Staten Island, who was just getting started on the run of her career, but it was a huge step down for Asuka compared to where she was a year ago.

With that being said, WWE seemed to rectify this by having her win The SmackDown Women's title from Becky Lynch but then canceled it out by having Charlotte Flair beat her for it a month later. Asuka then continued to struggle in the mid-card before finally teaming up with Kairi Saine and winning the women's tag team titles.

Not only was this the start of a momentous winning streak for the team, but also it resulted in an uptick in their brutality. In fact, Asuka has now attained quite the winning streak for the second time in her career and is being billed as the one Superstar that Becky Lynch has never beaten.

If nothing else, this is big for Asuka and a sign that they want to do something with her at the start of the new year. Maybe that happens at the Royal Rumble or maybe even sooner than that, but the company obviously has something big planned!

#1 Baron Corbin

Two wins over Roman Reigns has given Baron Corbin a lot of momentum!
Two wins over Roman Reigns has given Baron Corbin a lot of momentum!

Baron Corbin has succeeded in taking out Roman Reigns on two separate occasions and while both his wins came from less than legitimate means, it still moved up Corbin in the pecking order of WWE. It might even be what catapults him into the title picture in 2020 and maybe even a title run of his own.

Whether that happens or not remains to be seen, but retiring Kurt Angle at WrestleMania, winning the 2019 King of the ring, and defeating Roman Reigns on two separate occasions definitely makes him worthy of being put in a title picture. Beyond all that, it moves him into the conversation as one of the best heels of the entire decade.

Think about it! No matter what this man does, he gets hated for it and he plays it up perfectly with every chance he gets. In fact, from his droning voice to his lame one-liners, the man oozes heat and now has the record to back it up. Where it goes is anyone's guess and will depend on what the company does next, but the momentum and opportunities are there.

In the end, two wins over Roman Reigns mean something in today's WWE and it is should act as a firm indicator that the company has some pretty big plans going forward for King Corbin.

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