5 times CM Punk stole the spotlight in WWE

CM Punk has stolen the spotlight many times.
CM Punk has stolen the spotlight many times.

People did not expect CM Punk to succeed in WWE. He didn't fit the mold of a WWE Superstar. Punk even found himself on the chopping block while in developmental, but Paul Heyman gave him a chance at ECW.

Life on the main roster wasn't easy for Punk either. Despite converting average storylines into something special, the Straight Edge Superstar was left frustrated by WWE's booking.

However, Punk eventually broke through and established himself as one of the biggest stars in professional wrestling. He ended up being a trailblazer, opening up pathways for wrestlers from the independent circuit to WWE.


With that being said, here are five times CM Punk stole the spotlight in WWE

#5 CM Punk was a part of Team DX at WWE Survivor Series 2006

In his first-ever WWE pay-per-view, CM Punk was part of Team DX in a 5-on-5 tag team elimination match. Even though big names including Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton, and Edge were involved, Punk was the most over wrestler with the Philadelphia crowd.

He later stated that the audience reaction might have backfired on him during an interview with the Philadelphia Enquirer:

"That kind of backfired on me at that point in Philly because that wasn’t the case. That’s not what happened. People were mad because ‘We don’t understand. Why’s this kid over?’ Then they’ll use the crutch of ‘Oh, it’s just internet fans.’ Yeah, OK, 18,000 people packed the place and they’re all just internet fans but whatever. It means something to me now because it was validation," CM Punk said.

Team DX eventually scored a decisive victory over Team Rated-RKO without a single participant being eliminated. This was yet another example of CM Punk connecting with the audience despite not being put under the spotlight.

#4 CM Punk wins the crowd at Madison Square Garden (WWE Survivor Series 2011)


CM Punk was arguably WWE's best performer in 2011, and Survivor Series also witnessed his prowess. While the event was centered around The Rock teaming up with John Cena, the lasting memory was Punk winning the WWE Championship from Alberto Del Rio before embarking on a 434-day reign.

The Madison Square Garden crowd was in love with Punk, introduced by legendary Howard Finkel. Even though Del Rio wasn't over as a heel, the two stars had an excellent match.

The crowd was invested in seeing the title change hands. Punk won via submission and celebrated with the fans.

#3 CM Punk and Jeff Hardy main event SummerSlam 2009


After years of toiling in the mid-card, CM Punk and Jeff Hardy broke into the main event scene in 2009 and were determined to make the opportunity count. The Straight Edge Superstar also proved to be the perfect foil for Hardy, who had issues with substance abuse.

The program consisted of an incredible series of matches and even won the Wrestling Observer Newsletter's "Feud of the Year" award. Their rivalry was so intense that the match was given the main event spot at SummerSlam over John Cena and Randy Orton -- WWE's biggest stars at the time.

The decision turned out to be very profitable as Punk defeated Hardy to win the World Heavyweight Championship. The duo delivered one of the best matches of the year.

#2 CM Punk put on a stellar show against Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam 2013


CM Punk started a feud with Paul Heyman after the former ECW boss cost him the Money in the Bank Ladder match. The rivalry led to a dream match between Punk and Heyman's client Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam 2013.

Lesnar battered Punk during the opening exchanges, but the Chicago native used his savvy to gain the upper hand. Just as Punk put himself in the position to seal a massive victory, Heyman interfered and turned the tide. Lesnar managed to win after hitting Punk with the F5 onto a steel chair.

Even though there was an elaborate main event angle that resulted in the formation of the Authority, this show is still remembered for Punk and Lesnar's classic bout.

#1 CM Punk and The Undertaker stole the show at WrestleMania 29


One of CM Punk's biggest frustrations during his time in WWE was that he never got to headline WrestleMania. Despite being the most entertaining performer in professional wrestling for two consecutive years, he was overlooked in favor of The Rock and John Cena.

The Voice of the Voiceless felt that his stellar performances could have been rewarded with a triple-threat main event. However, a WrestleMania match against The Undertaker wasn't a bad consolation prize. Determined to prove himself, Punk carried a compromised Undertaker to another great match.

While Punk failed to break the streak, he and The Undertaker overshadowed all the other big names on the card.

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