5 WrestleMania matches made possible by The Royal Rumble

The Road to Wrestlemania has a lot of stops to make. 

Traditionally, the Royal Rumble event marks the start of the road to Wrestlemania. Fans will already be deciding for themselves which matches should feature, who will challenge for the titles and who, ultimately the ‘Mania card will benefit.

After seeing the WWE Championship change hands, a new contender to the Universal Title emerge, and a 2017 Royal Rumble winner crowned, here are five matches that the Royal Rumble event has potentially paved the way for.

Each summary will include the rationale behind having the match-ups, as well as thoughts on who should ultimately win. Let us know if you disagree in the comments section below, and be sure to include your own thoughts on who should face whom at the Grandaddy of them all.

#1 Kevin Owens vs. Goldberg

Goldberg could really make the belt seem important.


Unless they’re thinking of moving him to Smackdown in the next few weeks, Randy Orton’s Rumble victory has thrown the Universal title picture wide open. Goldberg is now effectively tied up with Lesnar for Wrestlemania, but one match the company could have gone with, and maybe still can at the last minute, is a Championship showdown with KO.

It would raise the prestige of the title itself having somebody like Goldberg challenge for it and would give Owens a prominent spot on the ‘Mania card. Wherever this match features, KO will benefit from working with such a legend.

Who wins?

Goldberg would have to win this match if they were to go with it. Again, seeing the title around his waist would raise it from a belt still in its infancy, into something that warrants respect. With all due respect to KO and Finn Balor, the title needs a legendary holder sooner or later, otherwise, it will continue to be viewed as a second rate Championship.

#2 The Big Show vs. Braun Strowman – Retirement Match

Passing of the torch?


Despite his involvement in the Universal title picture lately, Strowman has had a few noticeable showdowns with the World’s Largest Athlete. Vince has always liked putting size against size and this feels like a ‘big man’ match that could potentially work. Despite their size, neither are exactly slouches in the ring.

Also, Strowman was the one to eliminate Show at the Royal Rumble, so they could fashion a storyline out of that somehow. To make this match even more compelling, perhaps a retirement angle could be included.

Big Show’s days in the ring are numbered, and fans often show how tired they are of the giant. It would be a shame if his career didn’t end with a worthy send-off, and this match could well be it.

Who wins?

Strowman would have to get the win here. Given that Show’s career would be on the line, the crowd would be expecting him to lose, and more often than not the company will put a career ending match on an important show like ‘Mania because they want to see one of their stars off in a dignified and respectful manner.

Another reason for a Strowman victory here would be to pass the proverbial torch on to him. Braun could then go on to become that ‘Big Show of the New Era’ persona that he seems already on his way towards.

He would be the special attraction, coming out to vanquish a beloved babyface or give a heel his comeuppance, like Big Show has expertly done numerous times.

#3 Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt – WWE Championship Match

Brother Vs. Brother?


Ever since joining the Wyatt family, Orton has headed towards a big showdown with the Eater of Worlds. Now that he holds the privilege of being the number 1 contender for the WWE Championship, they could easily incorporate this into the story line between the Wyatt family members.

Perhaps Bray will demand Orton hands over his title opportunity to show his true loyalty to the family, sparking a rift between the two early on. For this match to work, however, Wyatt would need to win the Championship from Cena at the next Smackdown PPV.

Who wins?

The WWE have been spinning its wheels with Bray for far too long now. It’s time they actually pulled the trigger and sent him up to the main event scene. One way to do this would be to have him enter Wrestlemania as the Champion, and more importantly, leave as the Champion.

Orton is still a big enough star to give Bray the kick start his career needs. Bray’s last three Mania appearances have done next to nothing for him. 2017 could be the year all that changes.

#4 Randy Orton vs. John Cena – WWE Championship Match

The Wrestlemania main event that never was?


Pretty simple booking here. Orton is the Rumble winner, Cena is the title holder. This perhaps makes the most logical sense of the five options presented here. Also, considering these two have been the stalwarts of the WWE during the PG era and having met so many times, it’s incredible how the two have managed to avoid each other at Wrestlemania.

With Cena perhaps taking a more part-time role in the future, this could be a nice time to bring the PG era officially to a close. The WWE writers, bookers, social media promoters and commentators would all have a field day with the presentation to this match as well. The two biggest stars since Rock and Austin one-on-one at Wrestlemania.

Who wins?

Orton should probably get the win here, especially if Cena won’t be around that much going forward. Also, the next time Cena wins a title after this loss would be the record-breaking win. There is already a ready-made story line here for when Cena comes back.

That being said, it wouldn’t exactly hurt either Superstar to lose considering their position in the company.

#5 Roman Reigns vs. The Undertaker

Young buck VS. the owner of the yard


This match doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, but as its own spectacle could really work well. You could base it on the fact that Roman eliminated ‘Taker from the Rumble – effectively costing him a title shot at ‘Mania. Also, it’s a great way to give Roman a signature position on the card without including him in a third title match in as many years.

Some would argue that facing ‘Taker is more prestigious than the championship belts anyway! Their staredown at the Rumble was received quite well, and it’s not a match we’ve seen before – at least not since Roman became a singles star.

Who wins?

You could do so much with this match.

The trick would be not to fall into the trap of having a babyface Roman take on a babyface Taker. The crowd are clearly going to be in the Deadman’s corner for this one, so why not use it as a catalyst for a Reigns heel turn?

Imagine how much more effective Roman would be as an out-and-out heel going against one of the biggest legends the company has. Also, if booking the end to this match is proving difficult, you could even go as far as to have Reigns win by underhand tactics.

Roman avoids a loss at ‘Mania, and Taker retains his dignity. The options are more numerous now that the streak is over, so now is the time to utilise them.

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