5 WWE Superstars who blocked other wrestlers on Twitter

Goldberg and Alexa Bliss
Goldberg and Alexa Bliss

WWE Superstars are globally-recognized celebrities, thanks to the company's huge social media presence. WWE Superstars themselves have handles on major social media platforms like Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, and Instagram, which helps them connect to their fans and promote feuds and matches.

Being a WWE Superstar isn't all roses, and it's not like they are always one big happy family. Being on the road for the better part of the year does lead to new friendships being formed, but there are instances where Superstars form real-life rivalries with each other. These real-life feuds sometimes reflect on social media, which has an option to block someone you aren't fond of.

In this list, we will take a look at five WWE Superstars who blocked other wrestlers on Twitter.

#5 JBL blocked Matt Jackson on Twitter


Back in 2017, JBL was on the receiving end of allegations of bullying fellow WWE commentator Mauro Ranallo. The issue quickly gained steam as Ranallo reportedly stepped away as the lead announcer on WWE SmackDown due to JBL's actions. Soon after, JBL went on a blocking spree on Twitter, and as per Matt Jackson, he was one of the people JBL blocked on Twitter.

On an episode of Being The Elite on YouTube, Matt Jackson could be seen playfully telling his brother Nick while they brushed their teeth that JBL blocked him.

"You're blocking me, for no reason, just like JBL did."


JBL was a controversial backstage figure during his WWE stint

The allegations against JBL left fans seething in anger, as he had a reputation of being tough on his fellow wrestlers and colleagues. Here's a look at five WWE Superstars who were on the receiving end of JBL's bullying. Fans also might remember the infamous ECW One Night Stand 2005 incident between JBL and Blue Meanie, which saw JBL legit hitting him in the face, leaving the bWo member in a bloody mess.

#4 Kevin Nash blocked Kevin Owens on Twitter

Kevin Nash
Kevin Nash

Back in 2015, Kevin Owens revealed on Twitter that WWE legend and former WWE Champion Kevin Nash had blocked him on the social media website. It all began when the former nWo member tweeted about Owens.

He asked fans whether guys want to be like Owens and if women want to be with him. He then asked his Twitter fans to vote on it. This tweet received a harsh response from popular wrestling journalist Dave Meltzer, who asked Nash if he was still stuck in 1992.

Kevin Nash later went on to praise the WWE Superstar

Later, Kevin Owens found out about the tweet targeting him as well and decided to respond to Nash. Surprisingly, Owens found out that he had been blocked by Nash. He then tweeted that he would have answered Kevin Nash's questions if he hadn't blocked him on Twitter.

Later, Nash posted a tweet again, addressing Kevin Owens. This time around, he praised The Prizefighter, saying he enjoyed Owens' work as a WWE Superstar. Nash also praised the RAW segment that Owens was a part of that night.

#3 Road Dogg blocked The Hurricane on Twitter

The Hurricane
The Hurricane

The COVID-19 outbreak has taken hundreds of thousands of lives so far and has also divided people on the usage of masks to decrease the possibility of contracting the virus. Former WWE Superstars The Hurricane and Road Dogg found themselves on the opposite ends of the stick when it came to this incredibly controversial topic. The duo had a heated Twitter exchange, which began when Road Dogg made it clear that he isn't too thrilled about wearing masks.

The two former WWE Superstars had a heated exchange

The Hurricane fired back at Road Dogg, stating that wearing a seatbelt decreases one's odds of dying, similar to a mask. Road Dogg tweeted back, saying that he agrees to disagree with the former WWE Superstar. The exchange kept going on for a while, with Road Dogg accusing The Hurricane of being 'intolerant'.

Later, The Hurricane stated that Road Dogg had blocked him on Twitter. Road Dogg received tons of flak for his views on masks and later announced that he was quitting Twitter, which he actually did.

#2 Alexa Bliss blocked Sasha Banks on Twitter

Alexa Bliss
Alexa Bliss

The real-life rivalry between WWE Superstars Alexa Bliss and Sasha Banks isn't exactly a secret, as Banks has hinted in the past that she isn't a fan of Bliss. In an interview two years ago, The WWE SmackDown Women's Champion said that she doesn't really want to work with Alexa Bliss. Fans had also noticed on a few occasions that the duo was working stiff with each other in matches.

Following WWE RAW after WrestleMania 35 last year, which saw Alexa Bliss defeat Bayley, Sasha Banks revealed on Twitter that Bliss had blocked her on the site. Banks asked Bliss if she was scared of her while attaching a screenshot that showed that Bliss had blocked her. Bliss responded to Sasha and made it clear that she isn't scared of her and is just tired of her pettiness.

These two WWE Superstars seem to be on good terms now

Recently, Banks revealed that she wants to team up with Bliss now that The Boss isn't with Bayley anymore. This comment led to fans speculating that the real-life heat between the two female WWE Superstars has cooled down.

#1 Goldberg blocked Riddle on Twitter


Back in 2019, WWE Hall of Famer Goldberg returned to take on The Undertaker at WWE Super ShowDown in Saudi Arabia. As the dream match loomed closer, WWE Superstar Riddle took to Twitter to reveal that Goldberg had him blocked on the social media site. Riddle also took a sarcastic shot at Goldberg by stating that he can't wait for his match at Super ShowDown to see how good he is at wrestling.

Goldberg and Riddle had a confrontation at WWE SummerSlam 2019

As fans are well aware, Goldberg and The Undertaker's outing was a scary affair, which led to fans slamming WWE for allowing two veterans to go at it in the ring and risking their health. Riddle slammed Goldberg for his performance in the match. Months later, Riddle and Goldberg finally met in a backstage area at SummerSlam 2019. The two had a tense exchange, but nothing came of it.

Fans speculated that WWE was possibly working on a Riddle-Goldberg feud, but their guesses were squashed when Goldberg returned to take on The Fiend for the Universal title. Goldberg went on to lose the title to Braun Stromwan at WrestleMania and hasn't wrestled ever since.

Vince Russo answers who killed WCW HERE

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