6 shocking moments from Raw (October 30, 2017)

They pulled out all the stops in Baltimore

Raw really brought a great show for a Halloween edition of the show this week. There was a nice theme of suspense and amusement around every corner.

The WWE Universe was treated to a street fight they won't be able to forget for a while, they had a few surprises for us, and there was a monster lurking around the corner. It was a great formula and they actually did a great job pulling it off considering all the things.

So let's take a look at six moments that shocked, awed, and possibly appalled.

#1 Raw starts with a big surprise for Kurt Angle

The Billion Dollar Princess Is Back

Kurt Angle started off the show alone in the ring with the Raw locker room lined up on the entrance ramp. He started to hype Survivor Series but didn't get very far before Stephani McMahon's music hit. The "Billion Dollar Princess" came down and she didn't look happy at all.

Stephanie McMahon got in the ring and told Kurt Angle off. She accused him of letting Shane McMahon get the better of him when he took Raw "under siege" last week.

Then, McMahon dropped a bombshell on the "Olympic Gold Medalist" when she made him the captain of Team Raw at Survivor Series. If Angle isn't able to claim the victory for Raw at Survivor Series then it looks like he's out of a job.

Before she left she asserted that she meant everything she said. She also said that if Angle doubted her seriousness, he should simply ask Mick Foley.

#2 That's not Alicia Fox!

This was a not-so-nice surprise for Bayley

Fans thought we were going to get the treat of watching Alica Fox and Bayley lock horns once again on Raw. But after "The Hugger" made her trademark entrance she received quite an interesting surprise as well.

Fox came out in a captain hat and announced Bayley had a different opponent because she has to take her duties as captain very seriously. Since she didn't have time to have a match against Bayley she found a suitable replacement.

Then Nia Jax strolled out to face Bayley. While Jax looked better than ever, Bayley had quite a look of worry on her face seeing how she was about to face the women who caused the shoulder injury which took her out of SummerSlam.

Nia Jax wasn't easy on Bayley at all but The Hugger still brought the fight. Bayley showed a lot more resilience than she usually has against Nia Jax. But "The Girl Who's Not Like Most Girls" soon finished things with a leg drop for the clean win.

After the match, Alicia Fox announced Jax was her first pick for Team Raw as long as Nia Jax was cool with it.

#3 The night of returns continues

Look who else is back!

Right after Alicia Fox announced she had chosen Nia Jax as the first member of Team Raw Samoa Joe's music hit and he walked out with a purpose on his face.

Joe got on the microphone and said "some of you have missed me" and the place popped very loud while chants of "Joe" rang out in the arena. Joe said he found it amusing because he hasn't missed any of them.

Then Joe berated the crowd for not reaching out to him while he was injured. He said nobody did, henceforth he doesn't care about any of the fans.

Apollo Crews came out to face Samoa Joe as Michael Cole attempted to explain his logic. The Titus Worldwide representative got a fair amount of offence in but it didn't take long before Samoa Joe took control with a beautiful snap suplex.

Joe hit a kick in the corner and threw his chewing gum at Titus O'Neil. Crews caught a couple kicks on Joe but then he took a uranage and was soon caught in a Coquina Clutch. At that point, Crews had no choice but to tap out.

After the match, Titus O'Neil approached Samoa Joe because he felt disrespected for having chewing gum tossed at him. Joe wasn't sorry though unless you consider choking someone out with a Coquina Clutch saying "I'm sorry." Becuase that's exactly what happened. Samoa Joe left the ring after laying waste to two members of Titus Worldwide.

#4 Daniel Bryan: The Peacemaker

Fuck yo
Two GOATS in the same room

Kurt Angle was on edge all night in fear of another invasion from the SmackDown Roster. But then he turned around and saw Daniel Bryan standing there and the threat was gone.

Bryan said he didn't agree with taking Raw under siege. Angle didn't believe him and told Daniel Bryan he would send him out of his office but the Raw locker room would "chew him alive" so he made Bryan stay in his office.

Apparently, Angle locked the door on Daniel Bryan because he was on his cell phone, later on, talking to someone when the lights went off and he couldn't get out. For some reason, WWE likes having people talk on their cell phones because it is an easy way to tell a story.

Daniel Bryan would soon wind up with a hand across his throat and Kane chokeslammed him into the darkness. Bryan was shown being loaded onto a stretcher later which makes me wonder what The Bearded GOAT'S next move will be.

#5 Braun Strowman returns!

He's ba
He's baaaaack!

It's not every day that someone survives being crushed by a garbage truck but that's exactly what happened to Braun Strowman. It didn't take long for him to recover and get back to action but that's the magic of pro wrestling.

The Miz and Miztourage were scrambling over each other all night to avoid the clutches of The Monster Among Men and really wanted to leave the building early. But it was to no avail because Kurt Angle made them stay until the end of the night. This would be their downfall.

Becuase when they were trying to leave the building after the final match of the night their limo was blocked by a garbage truck. A punch of trash was piled on top of their limo including Braun Strowman.

As he rose from the garbage like a phoenix rising from the ashes it was evident that the Monster Among Men was back. The beatdown he gave The Miztourage afterwards while the chaos spilt into the arena was a bigger sign that Braun Strowman was back and ready to seek revenge.

#6 The Trick-or-Street Fight

 Tex Ferguson and Chad 2 Badd
Tex Ferguson and Chad 2 Badd

If you got a chance to see Southpaw Regional Wrestling then you know how amazing The Club are with the likes of Tex Ferguson and Chad 2 Badd. These two Bullet Club alumni had an amazing time portraying their Southpaw Regional Wrestling characters on Raw during a "Trick-or-Street Fight."

It really was a sight to behold complete with bobbing for apples, jack-o-lanterns, and seasonal desserts. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson took on Heath Slater and Rhyno, two other guys who know how to have a great time.

This match might not have been a Dave Meltzer 5-star classic but it certainly checked more than a few boxes in my book. The conclusion included a nice table spot where Karl Anderson took a bump with a pumpkin on his head.

It was both hilarious and intense which is a rare mixture to get just right.

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