7 Reasons the New Day must split up


Even the most ardent New Day fan would have to admit that the stable has far exceeded anyone's expectations.

When the New Day first debuted their pseudo black gospel gimmick in 2014, a lot of folks were scratching their heads. It seemed as if the stable would offend everyone from Christians to social justice warriors.

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However, the three men involved in the gimmick--Xavier Woods, Kofi Kingston, and Big E Langston--managed to turn the New Day into more than just a one-note joke. They became the merchandise selling, social media champions of the mid-card.

But, all good things must come to an end, and the New Day has run its course. Here are seven reasons the New Day must disband for their own good.

1. The New Day wastes the talent of the men involved.


The fact of the matter is, the wrestlers involved in the New Day are all superb athletes who can put on amazing performances.

It is a waste of these men's talent to have them performing as the comedy trio more interested in selling cereal than winning championship gold. The time has come for them to branch out and move up the card.

2. The tag team division has seen better days


Currently, it seems as if the WWE has no clear plan for their tag team division. Plans for a Money in the Bank Ladder match for tag team contracts never materialized, leaving The Authors of Pain and Sanity in creative limbo.

It's time for the New Day to move out of the tag team ranks and into singles competition. Kofi Kingston has already shown great success as a singles star, and we have a feeling that the sky is the limit for Xavier and Big E as well.

3. The New Day are beloved by fans, but not taken seriously


As much as the fans may love the New Day and their antics, they don't consider them serious competitors.

Take the debate over who could/should be the one to dethrone Brock Lesnar. You might hear names like Seth Rollins, Braun Strowman, or the Bludgeon Brothers mentioned, but no one even thinks of Woods, Kingston, or Big E.

The New Day gimmick hurts their credibility as wrestlers, which means it's time for it to go.

4. They have the potential to be huge stars

Consequences Creed (Xavier Woods) takes down Kurt Angle in TNA.
Consequences Creed (Xavier Woods) takes down Kurt Angle in TNA.

All three members of the trio can be much bigger stars than they are at present time. Xavier Woods was hand picked by AJ Styles to join the TNA roster at the tender age of nineteen. Big E Langston has world champions praising his in-ring work and character, and Kofi Kingston has more highlight reel moments than the entire roster of 205 Live combined.

The WWE could make a mint off of marketing these men as singles stars, but their profitability has probably peaked as the New Day.

5. The WWE needs more main event stars who are POC

Naomi is the first African American to win a title at Wrestlemania.
Naomi is the first African American to win a title at Wrestlemania.

While the WWE has been in many ways quite progressive, there are still some areas it lags behind in. One of those areas is society's changing attitudes toward race.

These days, entertainment fans demand diversity. If a television show were to come out with an all-white cast, it would be lambasted on social media. However, the WWE main event scene has been predominantly white for nearly its entire existence.

For every Rock there are a half dozen Stone Colds, Bret Harts, Brock Lesnars, and Triple Hs. Keeping three of its brightest black stars in one stable holds them back from their true potential when the public is finally ready to accept them.

6. Most Great tag teams split up eventually

The Rock and Roll Express are the exception that proves the rule;  Most tag teams fall apart eventually.
The Rock and Roll Express are the exceptions that prove the rule; Most tag teams fall apart eventually

Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson, the Rock and Roll Express are still a tag team, but this is quite rare in pro wrestling.

Sooner or later, most tag teams break up. It happened with DX, it happened with the APA, it happened with Miz and Morrison, and it should happen to the New Day.

Tag teams usually split because it's time to push one or both of them as major singles stars. It's that time for the New Day.

7. The New Day are ready for the main event


Kenny Omega is unquestionably the best wrestler in New Japan, and possibly the world, and he has the IWGP gold to prove it. But does he want to hang out with Brock Lesnar? No. Does he want to send tweets to John Cena? Again, the answer is no.

Who DOES earn his respect and admiration on the WWE roster? How about the New Day! Omega and the Young Bucks even agreed to face the New Day in a video game challenge, resulting in the above unlikely yet awesome photo.

If the best wrestler in the world thinks you're ready for the big time, you're ready for the big time.

There you have it: Seven reasons the New Day must split up. Do you agree with this list? Let us know in the comments.

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