Best and Worst of SmackDown Live - 13 Feb, 2018

A very eventful episode of SmackDown Live transpired, this week
A very eventful episode of SmackDown Live transpired, this week

RAW was, overall, a solid show. How did SmackDown Live fare, twenty-four hours later? Well, it had its shares of ups and downs. One thing that cannot be denied is that it was an eventful WWE show.

This is a summary of the action that went down at the Rabobank Arena in Bakersfield, CA. We've grouped the events either into the 'Best' or 'Worst' category in this list. Let us know your thoughts, in the comments below.

Bear in mind that there's only one SmackDown Live exclusive pay-per-view on the road to WrestleMania 34 now. This one is the Fastlane pay-per-view, scheduled for 11th March from the Nationwide Arena in Columbus.

Let's dive straight into the heart of the action, by commenting on the opening segment.

#1 Best: A power-packed opening segment

We knew, right from the start, that this wasn't going to be your typical SmackDown Live episode
We knew, right from the start, that this wasn't going to be your typical SmackDown Live episode

For weeks on end, we've seen either Shane McMahon or Daniel Bryan kickstart the proceedings on SmackDown Live. It was a nice departure to see the chaotic opening segment, this week. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn attacked Baron Corbin, in the back, ahead of his big match with the returning Dolph Ziggler. And then, they attacked Ziggler.

This was a great way to capture our attention straight away. It was also a nice departure from the Shane-Bryan saga that seems to be going nowhere at all. The attack would set the tone for the rest of the episode.

In some ways, we were glad that Ziggler-Corbin did not happen yet again. We've seen that match far too many times already.

It also established Owens and Zayn as really nasty heels.

#1 Worst: The motivation for Ziggler's return

The payoff for Ziggler's return was quite underwhelming
The payoff for Ziggler's return was quite underwhelming

Dolph Ziggler walked out on the WWE Universe, seven weeks ago. He returned during the Royal Rumble in an underwhelming manner, and again, came back without fanfare this week. Of course, WWE tried to tell the story of how main-eventing WrestleMania meant a lot to him. Somehow, it was difficult to buy into his comeback story!

It was also strange to see him playing to the crowd, following his big win. Didn't he say that they were all about the fancy entrances and not his in-ring work per se? This was a weak payoff to what could have been a better storyline. Not good writing!

#2 Best: Fresh faces at Fastlane

Thankfully, there's some fresh blood in the main event scene
Thankfully, there are a few new faces in the main event scene

The main event scene on SmackDown Live has been dominated by AJ Styles, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn over the last few months. It was great to see Dolph Ziggler and Baron Corbin enter the fray at Fastlane. This element of freshness does make the contest intriguing. In many ways, the new guys change the dynamics of the whole match!

It is extremely unlikely that AJ Styles and Shinsuke Nakamura will not face off at WrestleMania, at least in our estimation. At the same time, these four men cast a shadow of doubt with regard to the dream match.The next few weeks should be interesting.

Moreover, Baron Corbin, in particular, deserves the spot, considering how much he's improved as a performer. He's grown by leaps and bounds, and can hang with anyone!

#2 Worst: The Women's division

The Charlotte Flair vs. Riott Squad feud has grown stale
The Charlotte Flair vs. Riott Squad feud has grown stale

At present, RAW is doing a wonderful job with the women. There are multiple storylines in motion, one of them involving Ronda Rousey. On the other hand, Charlotte Flair squashes a member of the Riott Squad every single week. Three women who just seem way out of her league.

There are no contenders for her Championship because the only two women who seem capable of defeating her are babyfaces. Somebody needs to turn heel real fast, for this division to go anywhere at all.

#3 Best: Terrific tag team match

If you put Gable and Benjamin in the same ring as The New Day, you know that the action will be intense. This was a short match, but it did not disappoint. For once, even a match with no stakes in it was quite entertaining. Special marks to Chad Gable, who's something else!

This match was a reminder of just how good The New Day are. It was also a peek into just how much potential Chad Gable has, not merely as a tag team wrestler but as a singles performer as well. Of course, Benjamin's still got it too!

#3 Worst: Feuding over pancakes and waffles

What a silly little storyline!
What a silly little storyline!

As good as the eventual match was, what cast a shadow on the encounter outlined on the previous slide is that it was a fight between pancake and waffle lovers. We know New Day are all about the cheese, but this was far too much even by their standards.

Is it any wonder that grown-ups cannot connect with the product anymore? Silly is not necessarily bad, but this segment was cringeworthy. Somehow, it just spoiled the ensuing match for us despite the fact that it was rather excellent.

#4 Best/worst: Feuding over the Top 10 List

Is the Top 10 List even necessary?
Is the Top 10 List even remotely necessary?

The US Championship should be fought for pride and glory. It should not be centered around the Top 10 List. Somehow, we felt that it undermined the seriousness of the Orton-Roode feud. Orton vs. Roode had all the potential to be a show-stealer, on paper.

At the same time, we cannot deny that it is heartening that WWE is at least trying to include the Top 10 List in their storylines. It gives us hope to see that this wasn't just a poor attempt at 'power rankings'. There is some thought, some purpose to the list.

On this note, we conclude this week's edition of 'Best and Worst'. Thank you for your time and we'll see you again next week.

Until the next time, Liv well, guys!

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