Fantasy Booking: 5 chapters in Kofi Kingston's gauntlet match

Kofi has to prove that he is worthy for the WWE title
Kofi has to prove that he is worthy for the WWE title

Kofi Kingston became an overnight sensation after he was chosen as a last minute replacement for an injured Mustafa Ali in the Elimination Chamber. Two months ago, Kofi was nowhere near even a singles run, more so a title run with the top title in the company's history. Now there's a hope that he can win the title at the Grandest Stage of Them All, WrestleMania.

After being screwed out of the Fastlane's WWE Championship match, the New Day questioned Mr. McMahon for his actions but the Chairman continued to screw them over. Finally, during last week's Smackdown, Vince McMahon announced that Kofi Kingston is scheduled to take part in a gauntlet match against both members of the Bar, Rowan, Randy Orton, and Samoa Joe in order to qualify to become the #1 contender for the WWE Championship.

Moreover, there's a solid chance that the rest of the New Day would be banned from the ringside to avoid any chance of help for Kofi Kingston.

Chapter 1 - Rowan (with WWE Champion Daniel Bryan)

Rowan is a monster who can brutalize Kofi and wear him down
Rowan is a monster who can brutalize Kofi and wear him down

The WWE champion Daniel Bryan accompanies Rowan to the ring and joins the commentary table as a guest commentator.

Rowan being a massive monster, dominates the whole match, and Kofi, being the underdog, always somehow finds a way to survive.

During the last leg of this match, as soon as Kofi starts building momentum, Daniel Bryan gets up from the commentary table and attacks Kofi. Both Bryan and Rowan then leave the ringside leaving an incapacitated Kofi in the ring.


Due to Daniel Bryan's interference, Rowan gets disqualified, but is saved from eating a pin and Kofi moves on to his second opponent, Cesaro.

Chapter 2 - Cesaro


Cesaro tries to capitalize on the damage done by Rowan but after a few backs and forth, Kofi manages to steal a pinfall by rolling him up.

As soon as the pinfall happens, Sheamus gets in the ring and attacks Kofi Kingston.


This segment serves as a quick match to knock one more opponent down and gives a few minutes to Kofi to catch his breath during the match before Sheamus attacks him.

Chapter 3 - Sheamus


The match is now underway. Kofi is showing signs of exhaustion.

Sheamus hits the White Noise and is waiting for Kofi to get up to hit him with the Brogue Kick.

Kofi ducks the Brogue kick and hits the Trouble in Paradise for the win.

Kofi stands tall after clearing three out of his five opponents but then...



Minor roadblocks are out of the way now, and two of the most vicious heels on the Smackdown roster are now waiting to get their hands on Kofi.

Kofi is blindsided with an RKO outta nowhere and his championship shot hangs in the balance at the moment.

Chapter 4 - Randy Orton

Orton can hit an RKO outta nowhere
Orton can hit an RKO outta nowhere

Orton poses his trademark pose and then goes for the pin. Kofi somehow manages to kick out of the pinning attempt. Orton's smugness and delay in pinning Kofi gave him enough time to recover to be able to kick out.

Although, Orton still dominates the match and is about to RKO Kofi again when AJ's theme hits and in comes AJ Styles.

Kofi manages to take advantage of the distraction and hits his finisher for the pin.


The rivalry between Orton and Styles continues and a last opponent is standing between Kofi and #1 contendership.

Chapter 5 - Samoa Joe


Kofi is struggling even to stand up on his legs while a fresh Samoa Joe attacks him as the bout starts. Kofi tries to hit a few moves but is incapacitated to the core and therefore Joe manages to reverse most of the moves and continues to dominate.

Joe hits the Uranage and goes for the pin immediately but Kofi manages to kick out at the very last moment.

Kofi is still motionless and he used up even the last drop of energy that he had to kick out.

Joe then drags the motionless body of Kofi and puts him under the Coquina Clutch. Referee checks on Kofi and declares Samoa Joe as the winner as Kofi passes out.


Kofi didn't win the match and hence he won't get the title opportunity just yet. The whole match puts him over as a great underdog and his loss makes his eventual title shot and title victory an even bigger deal.

This would also help Smackdown as a whole too as the audience would be glued to the TV sets to find out how Kofi would earn his title opportunity in the coming weeks.

An unexpected name just challenged Randy Orton RIGHT HERE.

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