House of Hardcore 22 results: Broken Matt Hardy vs. Tommy Dreamer in a steel cage match

It was a broken main event

The Tommy Dreamer led House of Hardcore put forth another solid show with a steel cage main event between Broken Matt Hardy and Dreamer himself. The event got delayed due to issues with the internet, but it was all worth the wait at the end of it all.

Tommy Dreamer was said to be livid with the fact that the fans had to wait for the action to unfold. Nevertheless, the show got underway with Alex Reynolds and the Brooklyn Brawler kicking off the in-ring proceedings for the night.

The Brooklyn Brawler vs. Alex Reynolds

The fans were hot for Brawler, who cut a promo before the match. He praised Philly and namedropped hometown darlings such as Dusty Rhodes and Roddy Piper. He was grateful towards the fact that he was finally wrestling in the arena that was the home to ECW, and just for tonight, wished to be called the Broad Street Brawler.

Reynolds cut the promo short by blindsiding Brawler. He enjoyed a momentary spell of dominance before Brawler moved away from a moonsault and locked Reynolds in a Boston Crab. Reynolds tapped out, and Brawler was declared the winner via submission.

Result: The Broad Street Brawler def. Alex Reynolds via submission

Taya vs. Jessica Havok

This was a short yet decent match between the two women. The back and forth match had lots of activity on the outside in the initial stages. The final sequence saw Havok attempting a Samoan Drop on Taya, who reversed it into a back cracker.

Havoc answered with a big boot, but she couldn’t capitalise as Taya caught her in a single leg Boston Crab, forcing Havok to tap out.

Result: Taya def. Jessica Havok via submission

The post-match segment was the classic monster heel vs. the bully shtick. In-ring announcer Katred was confronted by Havoc after the bout. Katred didn’t go down without a fight as she stunned Havoc with a Hurricanrana. Havoc, though, decimated Katred and left her in a desolate condition.

A replacement for Katred was needed and out came Stephen DeAngelis to continue the announcing duties. The Philly crowd booed the life out of DeAngelis when he welcomed the fans who were tuned onto the show on Floslam.

Tony Nese vs. Lio Rush

The next match of the night was quite a monumental one indeed, as it was Tony Nese’s final appearance on the independent circuit before he dedicates himself to WWE's cruiserweight division. The Philly fans were voracious for this one as they chanted ‘you deserve it’ and Big Nese in appreciation of the wrestler’s contributions.

Rush began the match by getting the upper hand with a combination of strikes and kicks. Nese popped the crowd when he fought back with some strikes of his own. He worked on Rush and earned a few two falls in a solid first quarter of the bout.

One of the highlights of the match was Nese’s epic cutter on Rush, who kicked out despite the insane impact. The fans thought it was three and made sure the referee knew it with a ‘that was three’ chant. Rush had Nese on the ropes with a frog splash, but Nese tipped the scales in his favor with a Tombstone Piledriver transitioned from a pumphandle. That was enough for Nese to get a three count.

Result: Tony Nese def. Lio Rush via pinfall

An emotional send-off segment followed the bout as many wrestlers from backstage, that included Alex Reynolds, Bull James, Dan Barry and Matt Striker came out to wish the outgoing HOH wrestler the best of luck. Nese cut a promo thanking the fans and Tommy Dreamer in particular, who believed he was the best wrestler in the world when he signed him back when HOH was incepted.

He was grateful for Barry’s guidance and training and Striker’s constant advice, He spoke highly of former WWE NXT star Bull Dempsey, now known as Bull James, by saying he was one of the hardest working wrestlers in the game. Nese finally credited Alex Reynolds for being the man responsible for making him a standout performer in HOH. He highlighted their rivalry that started at HOH 1, and said that working with Reynolds made him the man he is today.

Reynolds wasn’t impressed as he superkicked Nese when he tried to raise his arm. Reynolds took to the mic and claimed he was the better man since day one. He dropped a comical reference when he said that WWE would realize soon that they signed Marty when they had Shawn at their disposal. A great segment and match to end Nese’s HOH career.

TJ Marconi, Vik Dalishus, and Eddie Kingston vs. Dan Barry, Kikutaro and Conor Braxton (Barry’s Team are banned from HOH if they lose)

Barry’s mystery partners, Braxton and Kikutaro make their entrance on a hoverboard. Interesting! If you thought that was innovative, Marconi and Kikutaro’s slow-motion spots would blow your mind.

Team Barry’s Kikutaro was the one who took all the punishment in the match. A good bout with high stakes that even had a knocked out referee and many chaotic moments. Team Tremendous – the name of Barry’s team – picked up the win after they hit their tag team finisher. The comedic shenanigans were the biggest takeaway from the match.

Result: Team Barry def. Marconi, Dalishus, and Kingston via pinfall

Moose vs. Colt Cabana

The two indie veterans were up in action next and the match was quite decent for the time it lasted. This bout was another back and forth contest with both men canceling each other out at different occasions. Moose’s strength advantage was evident all throughout the match. There were some good spots in the match; one of which was Moose’s springboard bodypress followed by a powerbomb on Cabana.

The final moments saw Cabana on top, only to see Moose fight back and connect with the discuss clothesline for the win.

Result: Moose def. Colt Cabana via pinfall

Sami Callahan vs. Brian Cage

The fans were hot for this match as both men gave it their all in another topsy-turvy battle. Some excellent spots; both in and out of the ring in this one. Callihan got powerbombed on the apron apart from being planted face first as a result of an electric chair drop. The former WWE star got the better of the lumbering giant when he reversed Cage’s pinfall into a stiff muffler, forcing a tap-out from the Lucha Underground star.

A solid match with ample reversals and spots to keep the fans invested.

Result: Sami Callahan def. Brian Cage via submission

Johnny Mundo vs. Fenix

The high-flying contest between the two Lucha Underground standouts was a perfect way to warm the fans up for the steel cage main event. Mundo and Fenix complemented each other by their ariel move-set.

This match had everything – Fenix’s big flip on Mundo to the outside, 450 splashes, and many high impact moves. There was one botchy moment when Morrison slipped while going for the springboard. Unsurprisingly, the Philly crowd ripped him apart with their chants.

Fenix almost pulled off a victory with a double springboard to a Hurricanerana roll-up, but Mundo kicked out and perfectly executed a Spanish Fly. Mundo hit the popular Starship Pain and picked the win after an explosive match.

Result: Johnny Mundo def. Fenix via pinfall

Broken Matt Hardy vs. Tommy Dreamer (Steel Cage Match)

The fans were waiting for the main event with baited breath, and it was certainly worth the wait. Hardy kicked off the match by saying he knew Dreamer would come. An epic brawl ensued between the two, that spilled over to ringside. Dreamer smacked Hardy in his nuts with the ring bell to officially kickstart the bout. They finally got inside the cage and the hard-hitting action began.

Dreamer used the cage to inflict pain on the Broken one and delivered a sweet Russian leg sweep from the top rope. Hardy got some offense in when he executed the Side Effect that yielded a near fall. The match took a chaotic turn when referee Kevin Keenan, the official licenced from the Hardy Compound, barred Dreamer from leaving the cage. Sandman came out and slammed the trash can across the ref’s head. An insane cutter from Dreamer on Hardy almost got the job done. Matt’s broken brethren Jeff ran out to level the playing field, by taking out Sandman.

The Philly crowd were enjoying every bit of the mayhem as they chanted ‘holy sh**’ in unison. In the end, Brother Nero aka Jeff Hardy proved to be the difference as he clobbered Dreamer with the Singapore cane. He scattered thumbtacks all around the ring, and Matt took advantage by executing a side slam on Dreamer. He successfully got the pinfall and stood tall over Dreamer’s lifeless body to end the main event.

Result: Broken Matt Hardy def. Tommy Dreamer via pinfall

After the match, the fans urged Jeff to go up top and give them an epic Swanton Bomb, but Matt convinced him not to by telling him to fight his addiction and not become a spot monkey. Classic Broken moment!

According to reports, the match was cut short owing to the delay caused due to the technical glitches at the beginning of the show.

All in all, HOH 23 lived up to the hype by putting together a show filled with talented wrestlers, epic matches and an emotionally drenched farewell of Tony Nese.

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