IMPACT Wrestling Results (August 4th, 2020): Winners, Grades, and Video Highlights

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IMPACT Wrestling focused a lot on Wrestle House tonight, but if you're here for the in-ring action, don't worry. Two championship bouts and an incredible tag team match will keep you entertained. Not to mention another showdown between The North and the Motor City Machine Guns!

Eddie Edwards defended the IMPACT World Championship against one of the most violent wrestlers on the roster. (Sorry, it's a surprise, keep reading. I don't make the rules.) Rich Swann also had a big announcement to make regarding his future in IMPACT Wrestling. After Eric Young re-injured his ankle at IMPACT Wrestling Slammiversary, we've got a bad feeling about this.

We opened the night with an all-important match for top free agent Heath, who was facing Moose for the TNA World Championship and an IMPACT Wrestling contract.

TNA World Heavyweight Championship: Heath vs Moose (c) to open IMPACT Wrestling

Moose kicks off IMPACT with Heath!
Moose kicks off IMPACT with Heath!

Heath opened up by sending the champion to the floor with a massive clothesline. The former WWE Tag Team Champion took the fight to Moose, chasing him outside and bouncing him off the barricade.

Moose tried to put the challenger inside, but Heath launched him off the apron with a running dropkick. He was like a One Man... Army, lighting up Moose with big strikes around the ringside area.

Back inside, though, Moose was able to drop Heath throat first over the ropes with a stun gun, knocking the oxygen out of his opponent. The premier athlete of IMPACT followed up on the focus to the throat with a decavitator on the bottom ropes.

Heath attempted to build up steam with a few rights, but a picture-perfect standing dropkick saw Moose leave another footprint on Heath, much like Tommy Dreamer at Slammiversary.

Moose went for a big boot, but it was blocked. Heath finally woke up, and rocked the big man with a series of running forearms. A running knee and jumping side kick laid out Moose for a near fall! Heath nearly earned his IMPACT deal right there!

Heath rolled up Moose with a schoolboy, but couldn't get the win. Avoiding a corner spear, Heath sent Moose into the corner...sadly, that was where the referee unfortunately found himself. Moose crushed the ref accidentally before getting hit with Heath's Wake-Up Call. 1-2-3! Heath WOULD HAVE won, if the referee wasn't out.

Heath woke up the ref before trying to go for another move. Unfortunately, after having Moose beat in the middle of the ring, a low blow took out the challenger.

Results: Moose defeated Heath via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling

Grade: B+

Heath put on a pretty great fight, even giving Moose his toughest fight yet. One has to think that, any other night, Heath would be walking away with the TNA World Championship.

Willie Mack was interviewed by Gia Miller backstage. Rich Swann had a big announcement for IMPACT Wrestling tonight, and Mack wasn't sure of what his best friend had in store. After what Eric Young did to him, many are wondering if he'll be out of action again.

The Motor City Machine Guns have accomplished a lot in their careers
The Motor City Machine Guns have accomplished a lot in their careers

IMPACT Wrestling continued with another EC3 vignette. Ethan Carter defeated the greatest performers to ever walk through the company's doors. Still, he was punished for his dreams, his accomplishments, and the name he inherited. It's time to control the narrative. It's time to reclaim the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. What's his goal? To burn its legacy to the ground.

Jimmy Jacobs interviews the IMPACT Tag Team Champions

Jimmy Jacobs brought out the IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champions, the Motor City Machine Guns, for a sit-down interview. Jacobs asked why they returned to IMPACT Wrestling after so long.

Alex Shelley stated that after 2012, they went their separate ways and both accomplished some incredible things. Shelley found great success in NJPW while Chris Sabin went on to become the TNA World Champion.

Sabin and Shelley wanted to come back, after achieving everything they could away from IMPACT Wrestling, to once again prove that they were still the greatest tag team of all time. They were interrupted by The North, however. Again, Ethan Page struggled to say any words, forcing Josh Alexander to speak for them both.

Alexander was furious that, a few weeks after winning the belts, MCMG get an interview in the middle of the ring. IMPACT Wrestling celebrated them while barely recognizing the accomplishments of The North. Ethan Page finally spoke up when Josh Alexander congratulated MCMG for beating The North.

"They beat The North? They beat The North? No! You didn't beat The North! You beat The North at 40%! Maybe 30%! Hell, probably 20%! You did not beat 100% ready North! We had the longest reign in this company of IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champions!"

Josh Alexander calmed down his friend momentarily, but after Alex Shelly challenged them tonight, Page went off again. The North want their rematch, but it will be on their time, when they're ready. That will be, of course, at IMPACT Wrestling Emergence.

Kimber Lee ran into the IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion, and gave her an opportunity. Lee would take out Jordynne Grace for Deonna Purrazzo, but only if The Virtuosa gave the Crown Jewel a shot at the title.

Purrazzo agreed.

IMPACT Wrestling Presents: Wrestle House

What are Kylie Rae and John E. Bravo talking about?
What are Kylie Rae and John E. Bravo talking about?

Taya Valkyrie brought the IMPACT Wrestle House gang together to make an announcement. Since she's trapped with this group, she might as well make the best of it. We also saw Susie and Cousin Jake share a special moment together.

The former IMPACT Knockouts Champion wanted to address the serious "B.O." problem. Johnny Swinger thought she meant Bob Orton. Poor guy.

Alisha Edwards attempted to teach Susie how to seduce Jake while Kylie Rae tried to figure out when she could leave. After all, she is the #1 contender to the Knockouts Title. Rosemary said they could only leave when John E. Bravo gets the hint which uh... means that IMPACT Wrestle House is gonna end when Rosemary and Bravo..."wrestle."

Johnny Swinger claimed he could handle both Alisha and Susie, leading to Tommy Dreamer teleporting into frame for "Match Time!"

Johnny Swinger took on Susie and Edwards in a handicap match, with Cody Deaner as the referee. Swinger tried to hit on them both throughout the fight, which left both women grossed out. However, after a wishbone and a pair of splashes, Swinger lost the match.

Kylie Rae snuck away to help John E. Bravo "get the hint." It uh... went about as well as you'd expect.

Sami Callihan has an unwanted guest...
Sami Callihan has an unwanted guest...

The Good Brothers were leaving IMPACT when they saw their vehicle had been tampered with. Some police officers showed up just in time, wondering why there were opened containers in their vehicle.

Ace Austin came out to make things worse and antagonize the Big LG, forcing Doc Gallows to chase after him. An accidental elbow to the Sheriff was enough to put him behind bars for the night, leaving Anderson alone at the IMPACT tapings.

We got another vignette for Bryan Myers, who will be making his return to IMPACT very soon.

Next up was the IMPACT World Championship Open Challenge. Eddie Edwards awaited his opponent, who turned out to be Sami Callihan. However, just as his entrance started, he was laid out by Rob Van Dam with a steel chair. Van Dam and Katie Forbes celebrated before being escorted out by security.

Callihan, of course, refused to back down and looked to challenge for the IMPACT Wrestling World Championship, regardless of the attack. Edwards and Callihan have serious history. For those unfamiliar, Callihan nearly ended Edwards' career after bashing in his skull with a baseball bat, leading to Edwards changing up his style to a more aggressive brawler in the process.

It could be argued that Sami Callihan made Eddie Edwards who he is today in a horrible and cruel sort of way.

IMPACT World Championship: Sami Callihan vs Eddie Edwards (c)

Eddie Edwards tried to calm down Sami Callihan, but was slapped across the face by The Draw. Edwards planted him with a Tiger Driver, but couldn't get the win. Callihan avoided a move in the ropes, sending Edwards to the floor. He followed up with a suicide dive that launched Edwards into the barricade.

Callihan tossed the IMPACT World Champion in the ring, but Edwards used that force to his advantage, running through to the ropes and bouncing off with a dive of his own.

On the apron, Callihan dug at Edwards' eye before planting him with the Cactus Special. However, Edwards fell to the outside of the ring, forcing Callihan to bring him inside and buying the champ some time.

Callihan took Edwards inside and looked to wear down his long-time rival further. However, Edwards broke away from Callihan's grasp, leading to a double clothesline.

Edwards began picking up momentum, lighting up the challenger before planting him with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two-count. A sunset flip was countered with a superkick, leading to a brainbuster for Callihan and another near fall! A GTS/running forearm combination nearly knocked Edwards out, but again, he kicked out.

Callihan lost control of the bout when an enziguri connected, allowing Edwards to plant him with another Tiger Driver. He still couldn't get the win. Callihan responded with the Cactus Special, and that would've been it if Edwards' foot wasn't on the rope.

Callihan brought in a chair but, unlike the Callihan of old, decided against it. This allowed Edwards to connect with, not one, but two Boston Knee Parties, continuing his reign after a brutal back and forth.

Results: Eddie Edwards retained his IMPACT Wrestling World Championship against Sami Callihan via pinfall.

Grade: A-

Kylie Rae saw John E. Bravo leave, which infuriated Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie. Rosemary asked why he abandoned them, and Rae said she was just trying to help him take Rosemary's hint. Rosemary laughed before screeching for Tommy Dreamer, who popped in to say "Match Time!"

Valkyrie was the ref which seemed a little unfair. The IMPACT Knockouts Champions teased Rae, but Smiley Kylie seemed to easily outwrestle the Demon Assassin.

After trying to "take Rosemary's nose" Rae took Rosemary down with a running uppercut and cannonball senton. Valkyrie gave an unreasonably slow count, giving Rosemary time to recover.

A spear cut Rae in half, but even a fast count couldn't give Rosemary the win. Rosemary was distracted by John E. Bravo, who had returned to chant for her. Her heart all a flutter, she turned into a superkick. Valkyrie, reluctantly, counted the pin.

Bravo comforted Rosemary, and was torn between starting a relationship with her and angering Valkyrie. Rosemary said Taya didn't have to know.

Backstage, Karl Anderson called Gallows, telling him that IMPACT was going to get him out of jail. Ace Austin turned the corner and was immediately met with a right hand. However, Austin had back up via Madman Fulton waiting in the wings.

The former IMPACT X-Division Champion laid out Anderson with a cane shot, finally getting some revenge on The Good Brothers for what they did at IMPACT Wrestling Slammiversary.

Chris Bey & Rohit Raju vs TJP & Fallah Bahh on IMPACT Wrestling

TJP has his eyes on the X-Division Championship
TJP has his eyes on the X-Division Championship

TJP and Chris Bey started off the match, with the former IMPACT X-Division Champion out maneuvering Bey at every turn.

Fallah Bahh tagged in, leading to both men dumping Bey and Rohit Raju to the floor as we cut to a break. When we returned, Raju split up a tag team maneuver, allowing Bey to take over the match. Raju tagged in and got a near fall after a leg trip/superkick combination.

Raju and Bey kept up the pressure, keeping TJP on their half of the ring as Bahh continued to reach for the tag. TJP escaped a double wrist lock and planted Bey with an incredible tornado DDT. Bahh and Raju tagged in, leading to the big man easily overpowering Raju.

A body splash in the corner seemingly set-up for a running hip attack, but Raju responded with a flying knee strike. Bey and TJP were back in, with TJP taking out the IMPACT X-Divison Champion with a springboard forearm smash. The suplex/back suplex combination planted Bey for the Swanton Bomb, but he was halted by Rohit Raju.

Bey avoided the dive and rocked TJP with a nasty kick. Raju followed that up with a leaping flatliner. As Raju held TJP for the Ace of Finesse, Bahh yanked him to the floor, which allowed TJP to counter mid-air into a cross armbreaker.

Results: TJP & Fallah Bahh defeated Chris Bey & Rohit Raju via submission on IMPACT Wrestling.

Grade: A

Rich Swann makes a shocking announcement on IMPACT Wrestling

It's not time to party for Rich Swann
It's not time to party for Rich Swann

Rich Swann was out to make an announcement on IMPACT Wrestling. The former X-Division Champion was, once again, in a boot and on crutches. Thanks to Eric Young's disgusting assault at IMPACT Wrestling Slammiversary, Swann's ankle was once again injured.

Swann went on to talk about all the ups and downs of his career, specifically the past eight months. From suffering a career-threatening injury to returning to Slammiversary for a shot at the IMPACT Wrestling World Championship, it's been a heck of a ride.

Sadly, Rich Swann revealed that, after fifteen years in the business, he needed to retire from in-ring competition. Should he wrestle anymore, he could have a life-altering injury, and he couldn't put his family through that.

Many members of the IMPACT Wrestling locker room surrounded the mat, showing their support for Swann, who was a huge part of IMPACT Wrestling returning to prominence in the world of professional wrestling.

His two best friends, Eddie Edwards and Willie Mack, led the group in a round of applause for Swann. As he made it to the top of the ramp, he looked back to the ring for one final time. Just as he did, Eric Young ran in and laid him out, using one of his crutches to crack his ankle again!

Young was run off by the crowd, but it's clear that he's got a target on his back now.

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