5 Things you didn't know about Keith Lee

Basking in the glory of Limitless Keith Lee
Basking in the glory of Limitless Keith Lee

Ever since Keith Lee arrived in NXT, we have been basking in his glory. He won every title possible on the black and gold brand. The exception being the NXT tag team titles. Lee was a huge fan favorite in NXT, before moving up to the main roster.

Upon arrival he would eventually change his name to Bearcat.

Unfortunately? Lee would be released on November 4th, 2021, along with his fiance Mia Yim. With his stint in WWE cut short for fans who didn't get the chance to know Lee.

Here are 5 things you didn't know about Keith Lee.

#5 WWE rejected Keith Lee 3 times


Limitless Keith Lee as he was known in NXT. Limitless is what best sums up Keith Lee. At 6'2 and 340lbs he could do it all. His rivalry with Dominik Dijakovic proved how versatile he is.

However, where there is great success, there are some bumps in the road. In 2008 Lee would try out for WWE, but get rejected. This was at the beginning of his career. WWE would be asked to do a tryout in 2011, where he would be rejected again.

In 2013, after captivating audiences on the independent circuit, WWE would come calling again. Keith Lee was given a tryout at the newly opened Performance Center. Unfortunately the third time was the charm for Lee, who would be rejected again.

In an interview with TalkSport in 2019, Keith Lee was asked about the birth of his catchphrase. Lee credited his failed 2013 tryout.

That began because my first tryout with WWE was in 2008, three years after I started. I had an entire week of just a single tryout, just me. I got turned down that time and Dusty Rhodes told me that I was trash on the mic, basically. 2011, I had another tryout. This time only three days. Bit better on the mic, but not quite there. 2013 when the Performance Center first opened and they had their first big try out – I was there with like 31 other guys – and that tryout was the one I had where I felt like I came into my own with talking and presenting myself as an entity.

Keith Lee's journey to the WWE is proof that you can achieve your dreams. A truly inspiring story, from the Limitless Keith Lee.

#4 Keith Lee considered retirement during his time off


Keith Lee's tenure in WWE has been a tale of two chapters. In one chapter, Lee was heading to the top. His rise to stardom in NXT seemed as though it was destiny. Keith Lee would win the NXT North American title. Soon after he defeated Adam Cole for the NXT title at the Great American Bash. NXT and Keith Lee were a match made in heaven from the beginning.

A call up to the main roster was inevitable. After a few appearances on the main roster, including at Royal Rumble and another at Survivor Series. Keith Lee debuted on Raw, defeating Randy Orton. However, struggles with his character soon began a turbulent time for Lee.

In February, leading up to the Elimination Chamber, he contracted Covid-19. Returning a few weeks later, he found out that he had issues with his blood. He was subsequently pulled from the triple threat US title match at the Elimination Chamber. After which he would make his return in July.

Speaking to Ryan Satin on the Out of Character podcast, Lee revealed he was resigned to the fact he may have to retire.

"At the end of the day, I’m just grateful that I was able to comeback and be back in the ring because that fourth or fifth MRI, where I had to go to Pittsburgh, I was resigned to the fact that my career was done. I was just ready to be like, ‘Okay, I guess it’s time to pursue some other projects that I have an interest in.’ Then I got some good news."

Keith Lee is one of the most talented wrestlers in the world. If retirement was the outcome, the wrestling world would've lost a special athlete. Thankfully Lee is healthy and back to doing what he loves.

#3 Triple H tried to keep Keith Lee in NXT

Triple H has done an incredible job with the NXT brand. The likes of Keith Lee, Seth Rollins and Big E have thrived under the black and gold brand. NXT was meant to be a stepping stone to get to the main roster. Either Smackdown or Raw, but that hasn't been the case in recent years.

Superstars have opted to remain on the NXT brand for a multitude of reasons. Also, given how some superstars have been used on the roster. You can understand why, but at the end of the day,NXT is still a developmental brand. Keith Lee was always going to make the move up. Although he would've preferred to stay a bit longer. Even Triple H had tried his best to keep him at NXT longer.

Unfortunately that was not possible and when Lee made his debut, it was an impressive one. Defeating Randy Orton in the middle of the ring isn't a bad start. Behind the scenes, rumors of Vince McMahon's creative struggles with Lee began surfacing. This led to multiple changes to Keith Lee's character. WWE released Lee in November 2021 a few weeks after being drafted to Smackdown. It's clear Lee's move up didn't exactly work out for the best.

#2 Keith Lee wants to create an animation show

Former NXT champion Keith Lee is a man of many talents. From show stealing performances in the ring, to acting in a movie on Netflix, Lee can do it all. However he does prefer to keep his life private. That can make it hard for fans to get a proper glimpse into Keith Lee the person.

In an interview with SuperSport in March 2020, Lee talked about creating his own show for the WWE Network. He would state that an animated show would be his goal.

Keith Lee is not just creative in the squared circle, but outside of it as well.

#1 Keith Lee once had his drink spiked by a woman

Keith Lee and his fiancé Mia Yim
Keith Lee and his fiancé Mia Yim

In June 2020 Keith Lee tweeted about an incident that happened to him. This was during the #SpeakingOut movement on social media. It gave victims of sexual abuse, misconduct and discrimination in professional wrestling a chance to speak up.

Keith Lee was one of the wrestlers who spoke up via Twitter. Detailing an incident that happened at a bar in Dallas, Texas. Lee would speak about how he rejected the woman's advances in a polite way.

She was disappointed, but still pleasant," Lee wrote. "She would continue to make passes throughout the night, citing all that she wanted to do to me. I politely declined and explained I enjoyed the company, but that chat could not continue. I then offered to buy her a drink as an apology before I headed to the restroom. She declined and said that she'd buy me one because she enjoyed my song so much, that I could go ahead for the bathroom. I expressed gratitude and went to put in a song before heading for the restroom.
"I would return to fresh drinks. We'd continue discussing the types training I do. I'd try to get her to sing, but she would act shy and decline, saying she enjoyed listening to others, but didn't want attention on her. I even offered help with 'Bohemian Rhapsody.' It's kind of my go to when people are nervous about karaoke. I try to be inviting. And that sing is pure fun! Unfortunately... it's right around here things become extremely fuzzy for me. No matter how much I rack my brain, all I find myself able to recall is struggling to make it to the stage..... I recall waking up naked in a hotel room (I don't even recall if it was my own room), confused and in a panic. I was fortunate enough to have my essentials such as wallet and phone. But... who knows what all I lost.

Keith Lee dodged a major bullet that night. Hopefully it doesn't happen to him again or anyone else.

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