Monday Night RAW results - 18th March 2014

The Game tells the WWE Universe, "All of this is your fault!”

The Game tells the WWE Universe, “All of this is your fault!”

Monday Night RAW kicks off with a look back at last week’s YES Movement! and Triple H giving in to Daniel Bryan‘s demands for a fight at WrestleMania XXX.

Triple H is standing with a mic in the ring, and he blames the fans for everything.

He says he’s going to crush their dreams, end the Yes Movement and destroy Daniel Bryan. He says it’s all their faults because they forced his hand.

HHH says he’s going to do what he does in the ring at WrestleMania – destroy Bryan cold, calculated and with no remorse, as he always has. HHH says he will face off with Bryan in the ring tonight. HHH goes to hype tonight’s show but is interrupted by Batista.

Batista says HHH has problems with Bryan but bigger problems with him. Batista is pissed off about Bryan possibly getting into the WrestleMania XXX main event. Batista says he didn’t sign up for that. He came back to be the champion and won that right by winning the Royal Rumble.

Batista asks HHH what the hell was he thinking. HHH says Bryan has no chance of beating him.

Randy Orton‘s music hits and out comes the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Orton agrees with Batista. HHH tells them both, and the fans, that Bryan will not beat him.

Both Orton and Batista complain about the potential Triple Threat Match at The Show of Shows.

Both Orton and Batista complain about the potential Triple Threat Match at The Show of Shows.

HHH makes Bryan vs. Orton in a No DQ match tonight. Batista and Orton trade words now. Batista says Orton sucks as champion. HHH gets in between them, but they keep arguing.

HHH goes to leave the ring, and Batista tells him to fix this situation. HHH says he’s sick of everything – troll faced gremlins, fans cheering for him, all this crap. HHH says he’s sick of Hollywood movie stars coming back to tell him what’s best for this business. He’s also sick of technically gifted guys who are so screwed up in the head they can’t win a match without Triple H holding their hand.

HHH says maybe Vince McMahon was right, the only person you can trust is yourself. HHH says there will be a triple threat at WrestleMania but Bryan won’t be in it. HHH says when he beats Bryan, he’s getting the third spot in the main event. HHH storms off. Batista turns around to a big RKO from Orton.

Backstage, Renee Young tries to get a word with Batista, but he’s on his way out of the arena. Batista says coming back to WWE was a big mistake.

Match One: The Usos vs. The Real Americans

The Usos vs. The Real Americans

The Usos vs. The Real Americans

Jack Swagger starts off with Jimmy Uso. Uso knocks Swagger out of mid-air and leg drops him for a 2 count. Jey tags in and hits a big right hand in the corner for another 2 count. Cesaro tags in and goes at it with Uso. Uso slams Cesaro and drops a headbutt for a 1 count.

Jimmy tags back in and goes for a dropkick and a shot from the top rope for a 2 count. Uso decks Cesaro on the apron but gets kicked over the top rope.

Swagger stops Uso from making a tag and goes for a big slam for a 2-count. Swagger takes a big superkick to the face and goes down.

Swagger gets kicked out of the ring. Uso leaps out onto him. The other Uso goes to leap out on Cesaro but he nails a big uppercut. Cesaro with the Neutralizer for a non-title win.

Winners: Cesaro and Jack Swagger

Match Two: Sheamus vs. Titus O’Neil

Sheamus vs. Titus O'Neil

Sheamus vs. Titus O’Neil

Christian’s commentating this match, and says he’s going to a part of the Andre The Giant Battle Royal at WrestleMania XXX.

Sheamus takes control of the match and throws Titus out of the ring, only to be slammed into the steel post by Titus.

Titus grabs Hornswoggle at ringside and tosses him into the ring. Titus slaps him around for a little bit, but when he tosses him over his head, Sheamus catches him and attacks Titus.

Sheamus hits Titus in the chest a bunch of times before slamming him in the middle of the ring. He lines up and hits the Brogue Kick for the easy pin and win.

Winner: Sheamus

Backstage, Renee Young interviews Sheamus and he wishes us all a happy St. Paddy’s Day. He also declares his intentions to enter the Andre Battle Royal.

Christian attacks Sheamus and throws him into the steel steps before hitting the Killswitch on the floor.

"I will fight for my legacy at WrestleMania"

“I will fight for my legacy at WrestleMania”

John Cena comes out and talks about his relationship with the fans, as they continue to boo him.

Cena admits that he is afraid of Bray Wyatt, but he is even more afraid that the crowd is listening to him.

Cena gets pumped up during his promo talking about how he is fighting for his legacy. That is when The Wyatts come on the big screen to taunt him.

Bray is wearing a Cena shirt while he talks about superheroes. A Cena chant starts up as Wyatt is talking, but it dies down pretty quickly.

Follow the buzzards

Follow the buzzards

Bray says children haven’t lived long enough to know everything is a lie so they believe superheroes. Bray talks about how dark his own childhood was. Bray is also wearing the Cena armbands.

He says he could be like Cena… he could go home to his castle and his plastic girlfriend.

Bray says he is different than anyone Cena has ever faced.

Bray doesn’t care if he dies at WrestleMania, as long as the world sees Cena the way Bray does.

Bray says to follow the buzzards, and that’s it.

Match Three: Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton

Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton

Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton

Orton tries to get the better of Bryan, but Daniel pushes him into a corner and hits him with a knee to the gut. Bryan wraps Orton’s leg around the ring post and slams it. Once back in the ring, Bryan goes for a dropkick, but Orton turns it around and hits Bryan with an uppercut for a two-count.

Bryan gets a “YES!” chant going as Orton pulls a kendo stick from under the ring and smacks Bryan with it. Orton with a big backdrop onto the announcers table.

Orton drops Bryan over the barricade, and rolls him back in for a near fall.

Orton continues to beat Bryan while mocking the crowd and their YES! chants. Bryan ends up back flipping out of the corner and hits a running elbow before he begins to Hulk up.

Bryan hits a top rope hurricanrana for a two count. Bryan starts to get on a roll as he hits some of his signatures, but when he goes to the top he gets crotched when Orton knocks into the ropes.

Orton hits the rope-hung DDT before he lines up for the RKO. Bryan ends up hitting him with a kendo stick a bunch of times before he dropkicks Orton into the timekepeer’s area.

Orton grabs a chair and hits Bryan in the gut and the back. Batista comes out of nowhere and Spears Orton. Bryan kicks him out of the ring and then pins Orton.

Winner: Daniel Bryan

Brock Lesnar will eradicate the greatest Streak in the history of sports-entertainment.

Brock Lesnar will eradicate the greatest Streak in the history of sports-entertainment.

Paul Heyman makes his way to the stage. He’s out to talk about Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker at WrestleMania XXX.

He wants to illustrate the point that The Undertaker’s last few WrestleMania victories have been in matches he’s barely survived.

Heyman shows us a video package on The Undertaker at WrestleMania. The narrator says death is almost dying.

The video shows Taker being wheeled out of WrestleMania.

The video then shows off Brock Lesnar’s dominance over the same people that have challenged Taker at WrestleMania.

The narrator says Lesnar shall conquer death himself at WrestleMania. We go back to Heyman and he says The Streak will be conquered.

Backstage, Stephanie McMahon is happy about Triple H calling Bryan out later tonight.

Stephanie reminds Triple H that Bryan disrespected them and her family last week. Stephanie wonders what happens to business and their family when he wins the title at WrestleMania. Stephanie asks if he’s even thinking tonight.

Triple H says maybe for the first time in a long time he’s got this. He tells her to leave it alone and let him take care of it.

She gets in his face and says, “you better.” Stephanie walks out.

Match Four: Goldust vs. Fandango

Goldust vs. Fandango

Goldust vs. Fandango

Just as the match is about to start, Goldust grabs Cody and does a dance move to imitate Fandango.

Fandango does a little spin after the bell, but Goldust crawls across the ring and catches Fandango’s leg and does a disco move.

Summer gets on to the apron, but Goldust scares her and she lands in Cody’s arms. Fandango gets angry, and hits a few shots, trying to take control of the match.

Goldust is bleeding from near his eye a bit as he fights out of a headlock. Goldie barely hits his hurricanarana, but it ends up OK in the end.

Fandango and Goldust botch a suplex before Goldust avoids the top rope leg drop. Goldust hits the Final Cut for the pin and the win.

Winner: Goldust

The Shield triple bombs Kane

The Shield triple bombs Kane

Corporate Kane walks out to the ring and accuses Jerry Lawler for the Occupy RAW segment last week. He calls Lawler to the ring, but Jerry doesn’t budge.

Kane calls out The Shield and they force Lawler into the ring. Kane says he’s not going to enjoy this, maybe he will, but asks Lawler if he has any last words.

Seth Rollins says he has a feeling Daniel Bryan won’t be coming to save Lawler… because The Shield always does what’s best for business.

Rollins drops the mic. The Shield suddenly turns and faces Kane as the crowd cheers and Lawler escapes the ring.

Kane yells at them about how they need to listen to him. Kane swings and they beat him down.

Kane fights them off and goes to chokeslam Rollins but they get him down again. Rollins with a kick to the head and Reigns with a big spear. They hit the triple powerbomb on Kane as the crowd cheers.

The Shield stands united over Kane.

Match Five: The Funkadactyls vs. AJ and Tamina

The Funkadactyls vs. AJ and Tamina

The Funkadactyls vs. AJ and Tamina

The Bella Twins are commentating this one.

Cameron gets beat down by Tamina in the early going. AJ tags in and gets a lazy two count on Cameron.

Naomi gets the hot tag and starts going to work on AJ and Tamina. She knocks Tamina out of the ring with a kick, but then she ends up in a Guillotine Choke from AJ.

Naomi powers out of it and slams AJ near the corner before she hits the split-leg moonsault for the pin and the win.

Winners: The Funkadactyls

Match Six: Big Show, Mark Henry, Dolph Ziggler and Big E vs. Ryback, Curtis Axel, Alberto Del Rio and Damien Sandow

Big E and Mark Henry start off, and Big E hits a big belly-to-belly for a 2 count. Henry tags in and goes at it with Ryback. Axel tags in and gets run over by Henry. Ziggler comes in and hits a neckbreaker on Axel for a 2 count.

Axel tags in Del Rio who gets beaten down by Ziggler.

Sandow tags in Ryback, who hits a nice standing suplex that he holds for a long time before Ziggler turns it into a small package for a near fall.

Ziggler hits Axel with a big DDT to finally get some breathing room, but he can’t make the tag before Sandow cuts him off.

Ziggler finally tags in Big Show, who goes on a tear against Sandow. As expected, everyone comes in and starts hitting signature moves on each other.

Big Show picks up the win for his team with a Chokeslam to Damien Sandow.

Winners: Big Show, Mark Henry, Big E and Dolph Ziggler

Match Seven: Kofi Kingston vs. Bray Wyatt

Kofi Kingston vs. Bray Wyatt

Kofi Kingston vs. Bray Wyatt

Kofi waits in the ring as The Wyatt Family makes their way out. We get a promo video for Cena vs. Wyatt with “Legacy” by Eminem.

Wyatt goes right after Kofi when the bell rings, but Kofi manages to hit a couple quick kicks to Wyatt before Wyatt rips a dreadlock out of his head during a hard right hand.

Wyatt knocks Kofi for a loop with a back elbow to the face. Wyatt maintains control until he hits his finisher for the quick pin and the win.

Winner: Bray Wyatt

"I respect the Beard"

“I respect the Beard”

Triple H is in the ring, and he calls out to Daniel Bryan. He says what Bryan did last week on RAW wasn’t right, he crossed the line, but

he’s willing to put it in the past. Triple H says it feels like things were supposed to happen this way. He says Bryan crossed a line and he has to put an end to this. Triple H says he has no choice but to end the Yes Movement. Triple H says he will do what’s best for business every time. He says no hard feelings and may the best man win. Triple H extends his hand for a shake and fans chant “no!” Bryan shakes his head no.

Triple H says he doesn’t blame Bryan for not shaking his hand. Triple H says he has dumped a lot on Bryan since SummerSlam and yet he’s still standing here. Fans chant Bryan’s name now.

Triple H says the fans respect Bryan because they’ve seen him go through it all. Triple H says anybody else would have folded a long time ago and took their ball and went home, but not Bryan. A CM Punk chant starts now.

Triple H says Bryan has earned his respect and goes to leave the ring.

Stephanie comes out and she’s pissed.

She says what Bryan did last week was disrespectful and illegal. Stephanie says she’s formally pressing charges on Bryan for his actions last week. She calls out a group of police officers and sends them to the ring to arrest Bryan.

Fake cops

Fake cops!

Stephanie and Triple H argue on the ramp. Stephanie can’t believe Triple H said he respects Bryan.

Officers, who appear to be local indie wrestlers, surround Bryan in the ring. One cop grabs his hand with a cuff, the others bring him down by his legs and one cop even clubs him in the back with a forearm. They hold Bryan down and he yells for them to let go.

Stephanie smiles. Triple H comes to the ring and tells them to let Bryan go. Triple H says they’re not even real cops and tells them to get out of his ring. Triple H says besides, he’s looking forward to doing this himself…

Triple H kicks Bryan in the head while his hands are cuffed behind his back. Triple H unloads on Bryan as the fans boo.

Triple H yanks Bryan out of the ring, hands still cuffed behind his back, and sends him flying into the steps. Triple H with a shot into the announcers table. Bryan fights back as much as he can but Triple H slams him into the apron and then the announcers table.

A “you suck” chant starts up as Bryan screams in pain. Triple H sends Bryan flying into the barrier again as Stephanie talks trash to him. Triple H continues to beat Bryan around the ring as Stephanie cheers him on.

Bryan kicks Triple H and headbutts him but Triple H keeps up the assault. Triple H shoves Bryan’s face in a cooler of ice water and rips his shirt.

Triple H slams Bryan on the announcers table again as Stephanie mocks the “yes” chant. Triple H holds Bryan while Stephanie slaps him twice. Bryan yells that she hits like a girl. Stephanie slaps him again and again and again.

Triple H puts Bryan on the apron and props his head against the ring post. Triple H grabs a steel chair and cracks it against Bryan and the ring post. Triple H enters the ring and takes his shirt off to more boos. Stephanie talks more trash to Bryan.

Triple H drags Bryan to the center of the ring as Stephanie tells him to finish Bryan.

Triple H gives Daniel Bryan a vicious Pedigree in the middle of the ring

Triple H gives Daniel Bryan a vicious Pedigree in the middle of the ring

Triple H lays Bryan out with a Pedigree. Stephanie enters the ring to celebrate. Triple H takes the mic and knocks Bryan before giving Stephanie a big kiss.

RAW goes off the air with The Authority standing tall.

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