Monday Night RAW: Superstar of the night – Daniel Bryan


The McMahon family opened last night’s RAW episode, trying their best to gain some support from the fans, but failed miserably. What started as the opening credits of a boring soap opera, transformed into one of the most brilliant nights in the history of Monday Night RAW.

Two words – Daniel Bryan. He stole the show. Two fights in one night, and Bryan was a clear winner.

Everyone’s agreed to the fact that The Shield are THE most promising thing in the WWE right now. They’re like an unstoppable force, but Daniel Bryan proved that he isn’t a weak link and is not to be underestimated. He proved it by fighting two matches in one night.

Match no.1: Team Hell No/Randy Orton vs. The Shield

Daniel Bryan started against Dean Ambrose and landed some kicks in the corner. He tagged in Kane who hit some corner clotheslines and a sidewalk slam. Rollins dropkicked Kane into the corner and tagged in Ambrose. Rollins and Ambrose went for a double suplex, but Kane countered and suplexed them. Kane tagged in Orton who went into ORTON MODE on The Shield.

Orton didn’t last too long though; The Shield was all over him. Orton made the hot tag to Bryan who went to work on The Shield. He cleared out Rollins and Reigns and hit multiple kicks on Ambrose. Bryan applied the No Lock but The Shield broke it up. Kane went to chokeslam Rollins and Reigns but Rollins took out Kane with a kick to the head, and then Reigns speared him. Orton came in and took out Rollins with an RKO. Orton ducked a Reigns clothesline and went for an RKO, but Reigns shoved Orton into Bryan. Ambrose then hit Bryan with his front face DDT for the win.

Yes, Team Hell No lost and yes, Randy Orton told Daniel Bryan that ‘he’s losing it!’ backstage, but Bryan proved he can get the crowd behind him if given a single push.

Match no.2: Ryback vs. Daniel Bryan

Two matches in one night? This guy must be crazy!

Yes, he is. But that’s good too!

Bryan landed some kicks early, but eventually ran into a Ryback knee. Bryan went for more kicks but Ryback grabbed him and threw him into the corner. Ryback toyed with Bryan shoving him around and landing some kicks, but Bryan grabbed Ryback’s leg and applied a modified one leg Boston Crab.

Ryback then went on to throw Bryan into the corner and clotheslined him over the top. Ryback was all over Bryan after hitting him a powerbomb. He went for another one but Bryan countered it into the LaBell Lock. Ryback crawled around the ring and finally got to the ropes. Sensing an opportunity to take a breather, Ryback rolled outside the ring. Bryan, on the other hand, had other ideas and went for a dive to the outside, but Ryback side stepped it and Bryan went sailing into the announce table.

Ryback rammed Bryan into ringpost, set up a table in the center of the ring and powerbomed Bryan through it. However, Bryan won via DQ.

Daniel Bryan definitely topped himself on Monday Night RAW. And I’m sure, most of us will be looking forward to more similar performances by this diminutive, absurdly bearded mat technician.

An unexpected name just challenged Randy Orton RIGHT HERE.