CM Punk reveals details on how WWE treated John Cena compared to others

CM Punk and John Cena
CM Punk and John Cena

CM Punk is one former WWE Superstar that fans are eager to see return to the Squared Circle. During his time in the WWE, CM Punk has faced the best the company had to offer. Along with many other top superstars and legends, some of his greatest matches were against John Cena for the WWE Championship.

CM Punk on how WWE treated John Cena

CM Punk was the most recent guest on Renee Paquette's Oral Sessions with Renée Paquette podcast. On the show, the former WWE Champion spoke about the kind of favorable treatment WWE gave John Cena and how it affected other WWE Superstars' growth:

"I remember one particular person got a role playing a wrestler because they knew somebody who was producing this television show for this certain channel. Then when it got shuffled to the office, all of a sudden, he couldn’t do it and the next thing you know, John Cena is doing it. They would literally take every single request that came through and funnel it to the one person that they wanted to be the face of the company. I went to a bachelor party for my buddy. We went to a pinball factory in Chicago where they make a lot of pinball games. We were there and the guy who was giving us the tour, the guy who owned the factory and the company, said he wanted me on the WrestleMania WWE pinball machine and they said no. I said, what do you mean no? They (WWE) said, don’t put this guy on it, we want this guy on it. Still to this day, I will hear stuff like that where they reached out and they had an offer for me and it never got back to me. THQ wanted me on the cover of their video game. I was forwarded the emails where WWE said, no, we want Sheamus, Miz, or John Cena." (h/t

CM Punk has not wrestled since his departure from WWE, but has appeared as an analyst on Fox's WWE Backstage. While fans may be eager for him to return to the ring, at this time, it seems very unlikely.

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