NXT TakeOver: Toronto results and video highlights

NXT TakeOver:Toronto was headlined by Shinsuke Nakamura and Samoa Joe

NXT TakeOver comes to us from the Great White North for the first time ever as we head to Toronto, Canada to kick off Survivor Series weekend. The show had a stacked card headlined by Shinsuke Nakamura vs Samoa Joe and Asuka vs Mickey James. We also saw the NXT Tag-Team Championships defended, the finals of the Dusty Rhodes Tag-Team Classic and the grudge match between Bobby Roode and Tye Dillinger. Read on for full results and recap.

Bobby Roode vs Tye Dillinger

Bobby Roode and Tye Dillinger started the night off

The match started off with a back and forth between Dillinger and Roode but the fired up ‘Perfect 10’ soon got the better of the Glorious one. Dillinger clotheslined him out of the ring twice, back to back, before taking the fight to the outside.

Unable to keep up with Dillinger’s early story of offence, Roode tried to beg for a few seconds of mercy only to receive a swift kick before Roode finally got a break after sending Dillinger crashing to the outside. Roode followed him out and attacked him from behind before smashing his face onto the apron.

Roode followed it up by Irish Whipping Dillinger into the corner which he followed by a takedown. Dillinger briefly attempted a comeback with a roll-up pin attempt but Roode kicked out before getting back on top of Dillinger.

Roode followed it up with the corner punches which Dillinger countered into an Atomic Drop before hitting Dillinger with a rapid series of strikes and clotheslines. Tye the hit Roode with stomps in the corner before gesturing for his finisher as Roode rolled out of the ring and tried to walk to the back.

Dillinger chased him and brought him back, only for Roode to hit him with a spine buster as soon as he re-entered the ring. Roode then hit a superplex from the top-rope which only got him a 2-count from the referee. Roode then gestured for Dillinger’s finisher and mocked him before reversing a Superkick attempt from Dillinger into a roll-up. However, the referee saw Roode using the ropes to leverage his count and stopped it as an indignant Bobby Roode protested.

Dillinger followed it up with a roll up of his own followed by a Superkick. Both men were down after this as they got up slowly before continuing their barrage of strikes, Dillinger followed it up with a Sharpshooter but Roode eventually reached the ropes.

Roode then sent a distracted Dillinger shoulder-first into the ring post which he followed by his patented DDT to get the pinfall.

Bobby Roode def. Tye Dillinger

A great way to kick off TakeOver: Toronto by the Canadian natives.


The Authors of Pain vs TM61

Shane Thorne hit an incredible Swanton Bomb in the opening stages of the match

Neither team was completely over with the crowd when this match began but both teams had the crowd eating out of their hands b the end. Paul Ellering gets suspended in the Shark Cage before the match begins and gets raised above the ring.

Nick Miller and Rayzar start the match with Rayzar immediately driving Miller into the turnbuckle before Miller countered and sent Rayzar crashing outside. Miller and Thorne followed it up with stereo dropkicks on Achum before clotheslining him out of the ring.

Rayzar tried to climb the steel structure supporting the shark cage, taking miller with him. Miller kicked Rayzar off, however, before hitting a Swanton Bomb from the structure on both Authors.

Miller and Achum continue the match as the legal men before Throne came in with a quick pin. Achum soon had Thorne in a headlock before getting launched across the ring by his head by Achum. Tremendous power from Achum. Achum then missed a corner splash before tagging in Rayzar. Thorne followed it up with a tag of his own as Nick Miller took the fight to both members of the Authors of Pain. Tossing them around the ring and standing tall.

Miller then hit a picture-perfect moonsault on Rayzar for the 2-count before both members of TM61 countered a double Powerbomb attempt before hitting their Thunder Valley finisher for the 2-count as TM61 took the fight to the Authors.

Ellering dropped the chain holding the cage together down from his point of suspension to Rayzar. However, he couldn’t really take the advantage as Thorne countered the shot with the chain and got a roll up for a 2-count.

The Authors then took out Nick Miller, who was on the apron, before delivering The Last Chapter to Shane Thorne for the pinfall.

The Authors of Pain def. TM61


The Revival vs #DIY (2-out-of-3 falls for the NXT Tag-Team Championships)

Gargano and Ciampa finally won the NXT Tag-Team Championships

This rematch has been in the making from NXT TakeOver:Brooklyn II. The Revival also cost #DIY in the Dusty Rhodes Tag-Team Classic earlier this month and this rivalry finally hit boiling point leading to a 2-out-of-3 falls match tonight.

Gargano and Dawson started us off at a blistering pace as Gargano bamboozled Dawson with his lightning quick grapple work. Chants of “Johhny Wrestling” broke out as Dawson had to take a breather. Dawson followed up stronger with a few hard shots to Gargano before Gargano made the tag and both members of The Revival hit with stereo dropkicks.

The Revival recovered quickly though as Wilder caused a distraction so the Dawson could take the advantage. Wilder and Dawson rotated the tag as they stayed on top of Ciampa before he finally managed a tag. Gargano took on both Revival members before getting double-teamed and hit with the Shatter Machine as the ‘top guys’ picked up the first fall.

Dash Wilder pinned Johnny Gargano (1-0)

Wilder attacked Gargano before the bell for the second fall rang but he immediately countered with a roll-up for a 2 count. Dawson then got tagged in and the vindictive brawler went right to work on Johnny Gargano. He hit a beautiful rope-assisted vertical suplex before tagging in Dawson.

The ‘top guys’ continued rotating the tag as they went to work on Johnny Gargano. Dawson locked Gargano in a beautiful Gory Special before Gargano made one last attempt at a Gargano. He fought off both members of the Revival went for the tag. Wilder tried to pull Ciampa off the apron as Gargano went for the tag but Ciampa kicked him away. The referee didn’t see the tag however and The Revival hit Gargano with the Heart Attack.

Gargano somehow kicked out before finally making the tag, Gargano hit Dawson with a devastating running knee followed by a Famouser for the nearfall. He followed it up with a beautiful triple German Suplex followed by a running knee. He went for another but Dawson somehow kicked out.

Gargano and Ciampa then Dawson hit their Superkick/Running Knee combo to finally pick up their first pinfall.

Tomasso Ciampa pinned Scott Dawson (1-1)

Both teams collected themselves for a second before Ciampa and Wilder went at it again. They hit each other with brutal body blows before Wilder tagged in Dawson. Ciampa tagged in Gargano before hitting Dawson with a rope-assisted STO. He then went for a plancha on Wilder but got hit by a forearm.

Gargano then hit a sweet tornado DDT for a nearfall as the crowd rose out of their seats. The Revival countered by hitting a uppercut/german suplex combo on Gargano which got broken up by Ciampa at the last second.

Gargano and Dawson then hit repeated forearms to each other before Gargano got a nearfall. Dawson the countered a kick to the face with a shot from the title as Gargano’s foot got taken out. Dawson then went to work on Gargano’s injured knee with a submission move and the crowd exploded as Gargano somehow reached the ropes. The Revival then went for DIY’s Superkick/running knee combo but Wilder ended up hitting Dawson with the Superkick. DIY then hit the Shatter Machine on Wilder, only for the pin to be roken up by Dawson at the last second. Dawson tried to roll up Gargano with the tights but the referee noticed it right before the three count.

Wilder then took Gargano’s other knee out as he went for the kill. Gargano countered, however, and locked in a cross-arm facelock. As Dawson came to break it up Ciampa came in and locked him in a modified arm-lock. Both members of The Revival ended up tapping out simultaneously.

The Revival and #DIY put in a match of the year candidate

#DIY submit The Revival (1-2)

Johnny Gargano and Tomasso Ciampa are the new NXT Tag-Team Champions


Asuka (C) vs Mickie James (for the NXT Women’s Championship)

Asuka retained her NXT Women’s Championship

Micke James finally made her sensational comeback to WWE as she faced Asuka for the NXT Women’s Championship.

Asuka started off on top as she controlled the opening stages of the match. Mickie fought back strongly however as she hit back as hard as she got hit, throwing Asuka off her game as she got taken out of the ring. Chants of “You still got it” were aimed at Mickie James as stayed on top.

The Empress then hit back with a jumping hip attack, sending her rolling out of the ring. She then gestured for Mickie to get back in the ring but Asuka hit her with another hip attack. Asuka went for another hip attack from the apron but Mickie avoided it and hit Mickie with a boot to the face.

Asuka then destroyed Mickie with a German Suplex on the floor next to the ring. Mickie managed to avoid the count out but Asuka continued her relentless attack. Asuka went for another running hip attack but Mickie avoided it. The Empress recovered quickly and continued her offence, hitting Mickie with repeated kicks to the chest.

Asuka then went for a running kick but Mickie countered and locked in a Half-Boston Crab which she modified into a Muta Lock. Asuka finally reached the ropes as she and Mickie began trading hard blows. Mickie then slapped Asuka across the face and followed it with a neckbreaker as Asuka looked a little vulnerable for the first time in her NXT career.

Mickie sent Asuka crashing face-first into the mat before hitting a seated senton from the top rope for a 2-count. Out of nowhere, Asuka locked in a cross-armbreaker but luckily Mickie was near the ropes.

Mickie recovered and hit the Mick Kick and Asuka reached the ropes. Out of nowhere, Asuka once again locked hit back and locked in the Asuka Lock and making Mickie James tap out.

Asuka def. Mickie James


Shinsuke Nakamura (C) vs Samoa Joe (for the NXT Championship)

Samoa Joe shocked the world by beating Shinsuke Nakamura

We got an incredible entrance for Shinsuke Nakamura as the champion made his way to defend his championship surrounded by violinists. The crowd was hot even before the match began, singing Nakamura’s theme relentlessly much to Joe’s annoyance.

Joe and Nakamura started off trading blows from the moment the bell rang beginning with stiff kicks and followed up by fists to the head. Nakamura was on top early, dishing out hard knees to Joe followed up with Nakamura’s trademark grounded corner foot-choke.

Joe rolled out as the two men continued their match outside with the fight even spilling into the crowd for a few seconds. Joe hit back with a corner enzeguiri when both men were back in the ring as Joe looked to regain control. Namakura hit back with another knee but Joe wrested control of the match with a modified Rock Bottom.

Joe followed it up with an elbow drop followed up by some sort of packaged knee drop. Joe continued to work on Nakamura’s knees with repeated kicks to his legs followed by a knee-bar. Nakamura fought his way out of the hold by Joe continued to viciously attack Nakamura’s legs.

Joe followed it up with an inverted Half-Boston Crab. Nakamura managed to kick his way out of it and roll out but Joe met him there with a Suicide Dive. Joe then rolled Nakamura back in the ring and covered him for a 2 count. Nakamura attempted to make a comeback as he hit Joe with a heel kick followed by a series of devastating kicks and knees.

Nakamura then locked Joe in a front face lock but Joe fought out of it and hit a body slam. He followed it up with a running senton and a powerbomb which he modified into a Boston Crab. Joe then transitioned smoothly into a crossface as Nakamura looked like he was in trouble. Nakamura reversed it into a pin attempt somehow for a 2-count.

Nakamura then went to the top rope but Joe hit him with an Enzeguiri as Nakamura fell outside. Nakamura desperately drove Joe off his feet and hit a knee as he lay face first on the apron. The King of Strong Style then hit a knee from the top rope as he took control. He followed It with a German Suplex.

Nakamura went for a running knee to the corner but Joe moved out of the way as Nakamura crashed knee-first into the turnbuckle. Joe then looked to hit a Muscle Buster but Nakamura reversed and hit the Kinshasa. Nakamura only managed a nearfall as the crowd looked at Joe kick out with disbelief. Nakamura went for another Kinshasa but Joe dodged it and went for a Coquina Clutch.

Joe couldn’t lock it in but hit his triple german suplex-dragon suplex-german suplex combination. Nakamura somehow hit Joe with a Kinshasa to the back of the head as Joe rolled out of the ring. Nakamura followed him out and went for another Kinshasa but Joe hit a low blow and followed it up with a modified Rock Bottom on the steel steps.

Joe followed it up with a devastating Muscle Buster as he covered Nakamura for the shock victory. The crowd looked on in shock and awe as a bloody Samoa Joe became the first 2-time NXT Champion.

Samoa Joe def. Shinsuke Nakamura

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