Road to WrestleMania XXX: Ideal path for Brock Lesnar

The Beast

The Beast

Every year when WrestleMania approaches, the WWE try to smoke out all the hibernating superstars in order to make a big impact in the match card.

One of the most illustrious names in that long list is that of Brock Lesnar. Aided by the unmatched microphone skills of Paul Heyman, the beast is up there when it comes to the best semi-active wrestlers.

He was booked in a droopy way last time around with feuds against CM Punk and Triple H, and this time the only thing he seems to be doing is running around and destroying people rather than getting in the ring.

Shuttled between the Authority scene and Title Scene Lesnar currently could walk through various paths to reach WrestleMania. With rumors making the rounds suggesting it might be the worst WrestleMania ever, the company needs to book him properly to start proving the rumors wrong. So here is a look at the best way that WWE could book Brock Lesnar to make WrestleMania a stellar event.

What Lesnar wants, Lesnar gets

He takes what he wants

He takes what he wants

A Paul Heyman promo is going to make things clear that Lesnar doesn’t need any favors and will take whatever he wants.

Being denied the title shot, Lesnar has been destroying everyone that crosses his path. Instead of doing that Paul Heyman will introduce a new deal in which he will tell that Lesnar will go directly into his target rather than picking on random people.

The promo is going to cast doubts over his next action with many possibilities looming around. The most talked about ones will be a potential attack of Triple H or Randy Orton. But knowing Heyman he is much more intelligent than that. After all he was the brain behind ECW.

The Master plan

And your new champion is

And your new champion is

At the Elimination Chamber, all the fans will be looking forward to seeing the gimmick match which will pit six men against eachother for the WWE World Heavyweight title.

However, what if one of the contestants is knocked out on the night?

Well Lesnar being himself if going to knock out Antonio Cesaro on the Elimination Chamber night turning Cesaro face and leaving the authority without any quick replacements.

Triple H will be forced to put Lesnar into the match since there isn’t any better superstar that Lesnar to fill the spot thus making him a surprise entrant into the Satan’s playground.

After a well worked match, Lesnar could get in last into the match and eliminate the lights of Christian and Sheamus.

The last two men should be Daniel Bryan and Lesnar leaving high hopes for the fans of a Bryan win. However, Bryan wouldn’t be able to stand up to the sheer power of Lesnar and would eventually lose out after Paul Heyman interference. Lesnar would walk out of the Chamber thus setting up a match with Batista in WrestleMania.

The Batista-Lesnar showdown

WrestleMania calling

WrestleMania calling

From the boos that Batista has been getting, putting him in a situation against Lesnar would be a good short term plan to make the Animal look good.

The fact that the Animal vs. The Beast never happened will add more freshness to the battle. Heyman and Batista will lock horns through the microphone while the fans will be confused to who the biggest man is between Lesnar and Batista.

Holding the title will make Lesnar more credible and will set up an unpredictable match.

However, if you thought the fans will be silent seeing Daniel Bryan dropped from the title scene once again, well think again.

They are going to make their sounds heard as they won’t be happy seeing two part timers fighting it out for the top price.

The McMahon Twist

The McMahon way

The McMahon way

Though Triple H and Stephanie McMahon run the company, the final word still belongs to Vince McMahon. The boss has been out of television for some time now, but it won’t be late before he makes a return.

Seeing the fans crucify every show with Bryan chants, the Chairman will come out of the shadow and make his sound heard. Doing what’s best for business, McMahon would come out and ensure the fans that they will get their money worth by booking Daniel Bryan into the WrestleMania match thus making it a triple threat match.

Thus Bryan will be booked in the ultimate Underdog match where he will go up against The Animal and the Beast with the whole WWE universe behind him.

Having Bryan in the main event is going to benefit the company at various dimensions and will make sure that the fans will be happy to spent their well-earned money for the pay-per-view.

The Animal vs. The Beast vs. The Flying Goat (WrestleMania XXX for the WWE title)

The Underdog story

The Moment

The name says it all; it’s the best underdog situation in which the WWE could put Bryan in. Batista, an animal who has done it all. Lesnar, a Beast who destroys everything in his path and Bryan, who has the whole WWE universe behind him.

The aura of Triple threat match is going to be at its epitome in the situation and the company would be concerned about hiding the flaws of the part timers since Bryan is too good that he could compensate for that too.

A match dominated by Lesnar and Batista would leave no holes for Bryan to exploit, however, the flying goat would emerge victorious ending the cursed booking that he has been having for so long now.

Fans are going to go home happy seeing Bryan live the WrestleMania moment while Batista could go to work on the Guardians of Galaxy flick while Lesnar can go back to hibernation state leaving everyone a winner.

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