Smarky Awards: WWE WrestleMania 29

Well, WrestleMania has come and gone this year and it was underwhelming to say the least. Although the event featured some great matches, the lack of surprises and failure to introduce any new developments made ‘Mania feel like any other PPV. A terrible main event didn’t help either. Well, it’s time to highlight the best of the PPV with our Smarky Awards!

Best Feud: Undertaker vs CM Punk

In what was probably the most controversial feud in the past few years, CM Punk stole the recently deceased Paul Bearer’s urn from the Undertaker and proceeded to do some of the most heel-y things many fans have ever seen. This includes dropping the urn, doing Paul Bearer impressions, and worst of all, dumping Paul Bearer’s “ashes” all over the Undertaker and proceeding the lick them off his hand. Yes, it was pretty bad. But when I say bad, I mean heel bad. Yes, that’s a good thing. Even though the winner of their WrestleMania match was quite predictable, the build-up was extremely captivating and gave us one hell of a memorable feud.

Best Match: Undertaker vs CM Punk

To the surprise of no one, Undertaker and CM Punk put on the best match of the night and an early match of the year contender. It featured some great spots, some amazing near-falls, and extremely professional in-ring psychology. What more would you want in a match?

Best Diva: Layla

Yes, I know, it makes no sense. But seeing as the Divas Champion lost a few times to AJ before ‘Mania and Layla went undefeated (2-0), I decided to give the honour to Layla. Trust me, if it was based solely on opinion, Paige would be the monthly winner of this.

Biggest Loser: Heath Slater

In the past few weeks, Heath Slater has appeared in Smackdown main events and faced some of the biggest stars in wrestling. Pretty impressive, huh? Well, it would be, had he not been getting Brogue Kicked, RKO’s, or WMD’d constantly.

Best Superstar: John Cena

As an avid John Cena hater, I hate to do this. But, after a year and a half of not being champion, he finally did it. So, I felt like I was obligated to give him this. I still think his match with the Rock was terrible. It was pretty much just a game of trading finishers. Whatever, have fun with your award Cena. Ziggler will probably be getting it next month.

As usual, you can follow me on Twitter @SmarkInProgress where I am still marking out over Ziggler’s World Championship win.


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