Superstars' reactions from WWE MITB

Arjun R

1. Returning superstar Rob Van Dam was interviewed after his MITB match at Philadelphia. Van Dam expressed his happiness at the crowd reaction terming it ‘awesome’ and also said that there is a lot more to come from Mr. Monday Night.

2. John Cena defended his WWE title successfully against Mark Henry at MITB. Cena was taken to test, and the champion responded well by making his opponent submit for the win. When Cena was interviewed after the match, he called it as one of the most difficult challenges he’s ever had.

3. What was perhaps the most shocking instance of the night was when Paul Heyman betrayed CM Punk and cost him the MITB ladder match. Heyman pushed the ladder on Punk multiple times injuring the latter on the head. Reporters chased Heyman as he was vacating the building for his comments on the issue. A visibly irate Heyman turned around and yelled, “Stay out of my personal life!”

4. The inevitable split of team ‘Rhode Scholars’ occurred in MITB as Sandow shoved Rhodes away from the ladder to pick up the briefcase. When Rhodes was asked to comment on the issue, he remained mum. Sandow on the other hand said that they had been saying “may the best man win” and in the match, the best man won.

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