Top 5 Reasons WrestleMania 32 Absolutely Sucked

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WWE is full of great moments over the years, and this year was no different. WWE gave us some interesting and fun moments for WrestleMania. It was great to see, but the main problem with it is that the rest of the show was absolute crap. Now understand, I am not saying this out of some sort of hate for WWE. I’m a huge pro-wrestling fan who has watched WWE since I was a little boy who could barely read.

I was always interested and invested in what would happen next. I am always invested in the story, not always the people involved. It could be The Rock and Steve Austin or Heath Slater and Sin Cara(the original). If the story is good, I want to see more. Now I’m the type of guy who is such a fan that I watch every wrestling product I can get my hands on. You have to compare and contrast. WWE for the most part typically delivers story wise more than most, even if you don’t like a certain guy.

That is why it seems that many are disappointed with WrestleMania 32, as we expected far better from WWE, especially in such a huge venue. This was supposed to be the biggest WrestleMania of all time and it felt like I was watching a booking nightmare. Often times it felt like a 5-year-old who hates the world had the book and decided to have fun messing with people like internet trolls with too much time on their hands.

All of the being said, I decided to compile 5 reasons why WrestleMania sucked. There were more, but I had to condenses for time.

1.) The Women’s Championship Match

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Don’t get me wrong with this first selection. The Women’s Title match was fantastic on its own. There was a need for a new Women’s Title to enter WWE and there was a major need for the three girls involved to steal the show last night. Charlotte, Becky Lynch, and Sasha Banks all did fantastic. We were given a fantastic match that may go down in history as the best female wrestling match in WrestleMania history.

What was wrong with it? The winner.

Don’t get me wrong. Charlotte is great. She’s talented, has every gift you could ask for in size, skill, and beauty. However, she should not have won/retained last night. She became the first Women’s Champion and last Diva’s Champion in the same night. Sadly, it was a moronic finish. Fans had been cheering hard for Sasha Banks all year long. Leading up to WrestleMania, fans had been begging for more Banks.

When she came out last night, the place erupted. It was amazing to see. Yet instead of having her win, you had her held by Ric Flair so that Charlotte could win? Sure, it sets up for a singles match with Charlotte down the line. However, we saw enough of Charlotte on top. We needed to see Banks win, not Charlotte. Therefore this is something to hate about the show.

2.) New Day vs League of Nations

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First and foremost, the match was terrible. The entrance for New Day was awesome and it got the world talking however. Going in, it felt cool as we thought we would see our favorite booty shakers take out the League, who fans have hated since they formed. New Day has been over for about a year now. Each week, they are the best part of the show normally. Fans loved them so much that WWE was forced to turn them babyface to make sense of the cheers a heel team was getting.

Give them a mic and you could have a three-hour show with just them. Ratings might even improve.

So instead of having the over team that everyone loves to go over, you had the League win? The match quality wasn’t even as good as it needed to be here, which was already a disappointment. Yet you make the great team that has been over all year lay down for a team no one cares about?

It seems WWE did this just to bring the legends out. Sure, seeing “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, Mick Foley, and Shawn Michaels all come out and beat people up was great. But couldn’t you have done this by having the League take out New Day after they won over the League? THEN you could call people out after? New Day did enough to win and WWE has no reason for having them lose when they shouldn’t have.

3.) AJ Styles Vs Chris Jericho

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Let’s just go ahead and get it out there, this was by far the dumbest booking decision I’ve seen in a long time. Sure, AJ Styles is the new guy and Chris Jericho is a WWE Legend. We all know how good Jericho is, even the casual fan knows it. Yet most of us know how good AJ Styles is too. Plus, Styles beat Jericho a few times already. So we did all of that and it resulted in yet another match? Why?!?

Then on top of the stupidity of booking them together, we have the fan favorite lose? What’s the point?!?

I’m not saying that a WrestleMania loss is a burial of AJ Styles, as it isn’t. It is just moronic booking that makes absolutely no sense, especially since WWE is trying to make the most of their investment in him. They paid him a good bit of money to sign with them and made his arrival a big deal. He needed a better chance to shine and WrestleMania was a good place to do it.

So you had him lose, WWE? Makes sense.

4.) Dean Ambrose vs Brock Lesnar

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Dean Ambrose and Brock Lesnar facing off on paper makes total sense. It is a great idea as it allows us to see a star being made in Ambrose and another star perform against an opponent that can make him look good in Lesnar. On paper, the match made sense for Ambrose as Lesnar could get him over and to a place that no one had seen him in before. Meanwhile, Lesnar needed Ambrose to push him to the limit.

On paper, it all made sense. In reality, this match was highly disappointing. The barbwire bat and chainsaw he was given both made appearances and were never used. This was mainly a suplex fest for Lesnar and one F5 on chairs beat Ambrose. We saw him work like a champ against Seth Rollins who put him through far more. Yet he couldn’t do the same sort of thing with Lesnar?

What was the point in this match? No one won out of it. Ambrose looked weaker than he has been. Lesnar even put on one of his worst matches. Quality wise, it disappointed greatly but then having Ambrose lose was absolutely stupid. Ambrose needed to win in order for people to take him seriously as a possible main eventer. A loss to Lesnar just killed off all that momentum he was building up.

5.) Roman Reigns, just, that is all

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We all understood one thing going into this event, Roman Reigns was going to become WWE World Heavyweight Champion. We had already conditioned ourselves to realize the stupidity in it. We all knew that it was where WWE was going and that they would continue to push Roman down our throat like mom did with cough medicine as a kid. WWE continues to think Roman is the next top guy when fans have continued to disagree.

Last year, they listened. This year, not so much.

Despite all of this, WWE still gave us Reigns at the end of the day. Boos rained down massively the moment he came out and the moment he lost. The best spot of the match was seeing Stephanie McMahon take a spear like a real champ. It was a slow match that put some to sleep. The crowd hated it, you could tell. It was one of the worst matches we’ve seen from Triple H, which is sad at the end of the day.

There was nothing exciting except for the one spot. The match quality was weak and WWE gave us someone we begged them not to give us. So, yet again we’re seeing crap. While complaining about Reigns is old these days, WWE keeps forcing us to do it. It is like they think we’ll just give up and accept it. Let us see how the WWE RAW ratings go in a few weeks to see.

The one thing that could save Reigns is a heel turn, which could go down on WWE RAW tonight or in a few weeks. However, it is doubtful as of now.

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