Top 5 WWE Events outside the USA

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One of the greatest events held outside USA- Survivor Series 1997

WWE is synonymous with being the flagship pro-wrestling promotion of the USA. For once, ECW and WCW competed with it but right now it is head and shoulders above others.

However, WWE has held some notable events outside the USA. The latest being the Greatest Royal Rumble held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Here we present to you top 5 WWE events outside the USA.

Honorable Mentions: Unforgiven 2006, Wrestlemania 18, Backlash 2004, One Night Only 2007, Rebellion 2001

#5 Greatest Royal Rumble 2017 (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)

The Greatest Royal Rumble in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
The Greatest Royal Rumble ended up being one of the best shows this year

Let's get this one out early. The first and the latest entry into the list comes from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Controversies surrounded the show as women were banned and Sami Zayn didn't show up at the event. Moreover, the numerous botches made it a comical event.

Nonetheless, the show had lots of positive to go home with. John Cena and Triple H kicked-off the show in what was their first meeting in eight years.

The Undertaker made another appearance in a Casket match against Rusev. Chris Jericho, Hornswoggle, Mark Henry, Great Khali and Rey Mysterio returned to the WWE for one night again. And finally, Braun Strowman won the first ever 50-man Royal Rumble.

It also gave us a lot of insights into the future plans of WWE. To sum it up, the Greatest Royal Rumble was a mixed event for the audience.

But, its significance can't be undermined. The first of the ten series of events is surely going to play an important role in the long-term Saudi Vision 2030.

#4 Beast in the East 2015 (Tokyo, Japan)

Beast in the East 2015
Lesnar manhandled Kingston at the event

The Ryougoku Hall in Tokyo laid witness to the first and only Beast in the East event. The stage was set up to give the traditional live event feel to the 8000-odd spectators.

The show started with a hurried video discussing the return of Brock Lesnar to Japan along with the highly awaited NXT Championship match.

Jericho and Neville kicked-off the show and displayed terrific in-ring skills. Brock Lesnar decimated Kofi Kingston.

Finn Balor and Kevin Owens tore down the show in what was one of the best matches of the year.

The Divas match and the main event featuring a tag team match between John Cena and Dolph Ziggler versus King Barrett and Kane were the only two typical matches you would get in any live event.

Jericho, Lesnar, and Balor were undoubtedly over at Japan. It was smart for WWE to feature them in the event.

The Demon King's victory over Owens made him the first wrestler to win the NXT championship outside Florida.

He would hold on to the title for another 292 days before losing to Samoa Joe. His reign helped NXT a lot in elevating its status as a show that could compete with Raw and Smackdown.

#3 Raw April 23, 2007 (London, England)

John Cena versus Shawn Michaels
Cena and Michaels delivered a classic at London

With a new Intercontinental Champion and less than a week until Backlash, Raw’s London show was sure to be a terrific one.

Alas, it didn't start with a great tone. The first four matches left the audiences bored as none of them were captivating.

But, the main event took the cake. Moreover, it's the only reason why it is above the other entries and honourable mentions.

Cena and Michaels delivered a classic in their Wrestlemania rematch. In the end, 'The Heartbreak Kid' countered the Attitude Adjustment to deliver a Sweet Chin Music and gain the upper hand.

Up until this point, Cena accumulated a lot of haters for his prolonged title run. However, people forgot that after this particular match.

Moreover, it's highly uncommon that we see a match on Raw go about an hour. This high voltage clash between Cena and Michaels will be cherished by the fans for a long time.

#2 Summerslam 1992 (London, England)

Bret Hart vs British Bulldog Summerslam 1992
Hart vs Bulldog was the main event

SummerSlam is one of the most anticipated pay-per-views of WWE and 1992 version was a historic one for various reasons.

Firstly, it took place at the Wembley Stadium with 80,000 spectators witnessing it live. Secondly, a lot of people consider it to be the greatest Summerslam of all time. Thirdly, it was the first WWF pay-per-view to not feature Hulk Hogan.

A band of six trumpeters started the show by performing a song in front of a packed crowd. Bret "The Hitman" Heart would defend his Intercontinental title against the hometown hero British Bulldog in the main event.

The match followed the technical path as they both exchanged submission manoeuvres. The fans were firmly behind British Bulldog and Bret Hart slowly became the heel.

In the end, Hart put Bulldog in the Sharpshooter but Bulldog managed to crawl towards the ropes. Hart would flip over his opponent but Bulldog managed to hook Bret’s legs and win the Intercontinental Championship.

After the match, the 80,000 crowd gave a standing ovation to them. It is something every wrestler dreams of and the London crowd fulfilled it.

#1 1997 Survivor Series (Montreal, Canada)

This event will always be remembered for the Montreal

It was a tough call to choose the best event outside the USA. Finally, I chose this over Summerslam 1992 because what transpired here will be remembered 100 years later as well. Yes, you guessed it right. The infamous Montreal Screwjob took place.

Eight days before Survivor Series, Hart signed with WWE's rival company WCW for $3 million per year.

Many believed McMahon advised him so because he feared for his own promotion. Moreover, he also feared that Hart might take the WWE Title with him to WCW.

The other story going into this show was Steve Austin’s health. Austin was one of the rising superstars of WWE and Owen Hart halted his run.

Three months earlier at Summerslam, Owen Hart botched a Tombstone Piledriver resulting in a broken neck and temporary paralysis.

So, you had two legit storylines running in the world of kayfabe. A quite interesting background for the Montreal crowd.

Austin was very much restricted in his match as he didn't take any bumps on his back. Many believe that it was even dangerous for him to wrestle four minutes. Nonetheless, Austin won it by giving a thunderous "Stunner."

In the other match, Michaels locked in the Sharpshooter on Hart. Hart definitely didn't like the taste of his own medicine and tried to break it. He didn't tap out but the referee Earl Hebner went for the bell nonetheless.

We would later learn that Mr. McMahon made the call to the dismay of Hart and the crowd. No one in attendance will tell you about the classic match they had. All everyone will remember is Vince screwing and the Hitman spitting straight on his face.

Vince Russo answers who killed WCW HERE