5 Most painful slams on Ladder at Money in the Bank

Ladders are meant to be broken

While Money in the Bank matches are generally no-disqualification matches where someone could make use of any weapon they want, ladders, are hands down the most popular item that gets used. Why?

I believe that I don't need to answer that question as all the wrestling fans out there are intelligent enough to answer it on their own.

In fact, to an extent, the ladder spots are one of the reasons why we tune into this kind of matches. Our expectations will be somewhat similar heading into the next edition of Money in the Bank and before that; here is a look back at some of the most painful slams on the ladder.

#5 World’s strongest slam on ladder


While one would expect WWE to include highly athletic performers to Money in the Bank matches, WWE not necessarily lives up to this expectation. Over the years, these matches have seen heavyweights like Big Show, Mark Henry and many others make an impact and Mark Henry features in this slide.

Henry at one point of the match was trying to set up a ladder to get the briefcase. However, just as he was going to do this, Kofi tried to climb the ladder. This made Henry take away his support and he ended up catching Kofi in the process. Henry then went on to perform the World’s strongest slam onto the ladder.Skip to 8.45 for the spot.

#4 Sin Cara gets power bombed onto the ladder


Sin Cara and Sheamus are two wrestlers with extremely opposite styles. While Sheamus relies on his strength, Sin Cara performs aerial moves that make everyone drop their jaw. This combination worked wonders during the 2011 Money in the Bank match and one of the spots saw Sin Cara getting slammed onto the ladder outside the ring.

The slam and the force broke the ladder in half. WWE later said that Sin Cara was taken out of action due to the effects but in reality, he was suspended for violating the wellness policy. Sin Cara did return, but things never took off for him again in the WWE.

#3 Rollins has to earn his win


Many of us remember how Seth Rollins performed the epic cash in on Roman Reigns at WrestleMania. But not many of us remember the suffering that he had to go through before he won the briefcase.

This spot certainly belongs to that list. The sequence involves Rollins and Kofi Kingston. Both superstars were close to getting their hands on the briefcase, but Kofi got the upper hand of Rollins.

Kofi then went on to perform a back body drop to Rollins and the Architect landed right on the ladder that was placed earlier. Rollins crashed and bounced backed up on the ladder to give a memorable yet painful spot.

#2 Daredevil Jeff Hardy


This is not technically a slam on the ladder, but instead is a jump onto the ladder and the protagonists here are Jeff Hardy and Edge, two men that did some outrageous spots during the Attitude Era TLC Matches.

This time around, Jeff and Edge combined in the 2007 Money in the Bank match to produce a spot that they would probably like to forget.

Edge was placed on a ladder supported by the ring apron and the barricade. Hardy then went on to perform a leg drop from another ladder which was placed inside the ring. It was an insane spot and it was probably one of those spots that contributed to the early retirement of Edge.

#1 Shelton Benjamin breaks the ladder


A list about Money in the Bank would be anything but complete without the inclusion of Shelton Benjamin. He has given us some memorable spots under this gimmick and one of them was this insane ladder break. The spot happened back at WrestleMania 24 when Money in the bank was still in its early days.

Benjamin scaled a huge ladder which was placed inside the ring and when he reached the top, Mr.Kennedy and Carlito went on to lift the ladder, forcing Benjamin to crash and burn into the ladder which was placed outside the ring. It was an epic spot and at the same time, made us wonder how he was still alive.

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